Once Human, Now a Parasite

Chapter 315

Chapter 315

"Yeah, it’s an amazing game, right? What about it?"

"That’s not what I’m asking . Being the CEO of its company, I’m sure you know things beyond what’s public, way beyond . . . "

Arthur’s gaze penetrated Josef, trying to discover any clues from his expression but the latter kept a smiling face without flinching whatsoever .

After a few seconds, Josef said

"Arthur . . . you look exactly the same as five years ago but I can feel you’re different, much more different . "

Arthur shrugged and retorted

"Feel huh . . . isn’t that thanks to your title?"

It was only at this time that Josef had a truly shocked expression yet he recovered quite fast and added:

"Hahahaha how can I best you!"

Usually, inhabitants of Earth can use a simplified Appraisal skill but it’s easily negated by acquiring the skill book [Status Lock] . There are a few exceptions where special individuals have a higher version of Appraisal but those are few and far between .

Arthur’s Appraisal is beyond what anyone can imagine . Not only does he get detailed information on the skill’s target, but it also gives their titles, a small summary about them . Upon further inspection, he found out that he can see what the effects of the titles are and the powerful skills of his target .

It was definitely worth investing a skill point on such a skill . When he first saw Josef, he obviously activated [Appraisal] and carefully read what was displayed .

Josef Le Orn [Race: Human] : Lv27

Age : 37

Title : The Watcher

Top skills : [Observation Lv24] - [Foul Mouth Lv11] .

Short Summary: Josef Le Orn, born from a wealthy British family, managed to gain the favor of his father and inherited the several companies owned by his family . Successfully built LobiSoft Company from scratch and became one of the top fifty richest people on Earth four years ago .

The Watcher: The user’s senses are slightly enhanced, he sees more than just the exterior of his target and is able to sense the mood of others .

25% chance to resist mental attacks on this list : [BloodLust] / [Seduce] / [Fear] .

3 . 5% chance to gain [Calm Mind] for one minute .

"I’ll cut through the chase and tell you what I want . Who built those helmets and who invented the world of Hell Gate . "

Still smiling, Josef calmly replied

"Are you asking as a friend or as a . . . . ?"

"As an old friend, obviously . I’m not going to press you, one way or another, I’ll uncover the truth, it’s just a matter of time . "

Josef chuckled and stared back at Arthur for an unknown amount of time then gave his response

"It would be unpolite of me to not answer you after all what you’ve shown and told me . "

The middle-aged man got up from his seat and walked to a specific corner of the room then tapped his foot twelve time while stopping two seconds each three taps .

When the last tap occurred, the luxurious carpet and the ground under it opened and a jet black vault could be seen . There wasn’t a place to write a password or the usual fingerprints mechanism .

Using his senses, Arthur easily bypassed whatever Josef put around the vault to protect it and was able to see what’s inside . A bunch of files clustered on top of each other, there wasn’t money or anything like that .

There was also a special box where even his sense couldn’t see through which made him slightly astonished . Even Lucy was startled as she tried the same thing but no matter how many times she tried, the mysterious blocked everything, from the God Sense to Arthur’s Sixth Sense .

The couple patiently waited for Josef to open the vault . Surprisingly, Le Orn took out a transparent rectangular object from his pocket and took out a thin hair that could barely be seen . As he did so, he explained

"Japan, 1985 . The military was about to execute a notorious serial killer and an international criminal named Wolfram Sakimoto . They were about to execute him in a secret military base situated in a desolate mountain range when, suddenly, an earthquake with an aptitude of 3 . 4 occurred . It wasn’t too devastating but it still caused damages, the problem, however, was the disappearance of this criminal . He literally vanished from the face of the earth, in such a high-guarded base where there was a soldier every two meters, there’s no way he would have escaped, so they presumed he died even though the matter was unusually odd . "

Josef took out some documents and journals that have some details about the earthquake and the old military base which is no longer usable in the present .

"The people in high power and many politicians were stubborn and insisted that the military should keep searching for the body and the matter became problematic even when more than a year passed after his disappearance . Upon further investigation and lots of money spent, I managed to dig out some information about Wolfram, mind-blowing truths and conspiracies that could bring down more than a few dozen politicians all over the world . What I did not found, however, is Wolfram’s life before he was thirteen years old, literally, nothing was found, no record, no nationality, absolutely and utterly nothing, the man popped up from nowhere .

I dug even further but wasn’t able to find his true origins but I discovered that he was by no means normal . He excelled in the field of assassination and stealth, had strength stronger than the average human and was a freak in combat, doesn’t that ring a bell?"

"You mean he had the System thus enhanced his basic stats?"-Arthur

"That’s my theory but it’s unlikely, after all, we never saw him fight so maybe the old records were exaggerating like many old legends . The man was a mystery in every sense of the word, he worked for several underground organizations and assassinated more than ten politicians that had significant influence in their proper government . "

Arthur pondered for a second then said

"What does he have to do with what I asked?"

"Absolutely everything! Wolfram disappeared but he left things behind . To be more specific, he left a pendant, a ring, and a small object that couldn’t be deciphered by the people of the past . The ring and pendant were normal hence they were hidden away, however, the small object which was similar to a chip was thoroughly studied by the scientists for more than a decade . They tried their best to unlock it or try to figure out its purpose but the technology was just not advanced enough, albeit the large amounts of money poured in this research . Time passed and no results were met even after twenty years so they abandoned it due to insufficient funds and sold it for a moderate price . The chip traveled from one hand to another until I acquired in an underground auction seventeen years ago . Little by little, I started hiring scientists, experts from all over the world to try and decipher even a bit of it, I even offered a hundred million dollar as a prize for anyone who manages to uncover something about the chip .

Fortunately, eleven years ago, a group of four scientists deciphered a code from the small chip . In fact, it was only composed of numbers but upon further inspection, they found out that this set of numbers is coordinates, for what? We did not know . Another year passed and we were met with other fruitful results . The chip is some kind of storage, it contains countless information, most things were incomprehensible due to language barrier or insufficient intelligence, anyway, the four scientists successfully translated a minuscule part of the chip which allowed my company to expand and create Hell Gate . . . . "

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