The Devil King of fast wear was a little sweet ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1703 - 1798.17

Chapter 1703: 1798.17

Author: Thirteen pure onesMachine Translation

Xia Ling looked at he yue's smiling face.

From he yue's eyes, Xia Ling could see her jealousy.

The daughter of the prime minister, however, could not marry the most honorable person in the world for various reasons. In the future, even if she were to enter the eastern palace, she would have to subservient to her.

If the crown prince were to ascend the throne, then Xia Ling would be the empress, he yue... ... She would only be a noble consort for the rest of her life ? Jin Jue might not marry her ...

Thinking about it this way, he yue was really a pitiful person. In this life, there was nothing she could do except be jealous of her.

Xia Ling asked with a smile, her eyes filled with pity.

"Miss He, do you have any evidence to back up your words? "

He Yue's eyes flashed, she covered her mouth and smiled. "It's just a few words about a girl's Boudoir. Could it be that the crown prince and Imperial Concubine took it seriously? Why are they still so serious? "

"Oh? " "So it turns out that the daughter of the Prime Minister's estate is making fun of the current Crown Prince and the White King of the Royal Family. The rules taught by the maidservants of the prime minister's estate are really inferior to the High Duke's estate. Or is it that miss he's mind is elsewhere and has not taken these things to heart? " Xia Ling smiled.

Xia Ling spoke slowly. When he yue heard this, her expression changed slightly, but she forced herself to laugh.

"The crown prince's wife is too serious. He Yue definitely has no intention of making fun of the Crown Prince and the white king. "

"Oh? Then what you mean is that you think that I do have a personal relationship with the white king, so you deliberately said this in front of so many young masters to let the Crown Prince listen to me? "

He Yue opened her mouth, but her thoughts were indeed exposed.

However, she was not stupid. She quickly knelt down to Beg for forgiveness. "The crown prince's wife is too serious. I... I would never dare... "

Xia Ling smiled. "I wouldn't dare. I see how bold you are. Qing he, slap my mouth! "

"Yes, " the palace maid beside Xia Ling replied.

"Your Highness, Your Highness, Your Highness, you can't do this! " He Yue panicked.

If she was slapped by a palace maid in front of so many people, her reputation would be ruined.

Which young master would be willing to marry a noble girl who had been slapped in front of so many people and become the mistress of the manor?

"Your Highness, Your Highness, I beg you, for my father's sake, to help me persuade your highness to let me off. It's my fault. I misspoke. I was honest and honest and offended your highness. I Beg Your Highness and Your Highness to forgive me. " She struggled He Yue went to Jin Jue.

She brought out prime minister he. Jin Jue's eyes moved slightly as he looked at the smiling Xia Ling.

Xia Ling said to Jin Jue, "Miss He, you spoke so arrogantly and made up a scandal about the royal family. I am also very helpless. We are all out for fun. It's fine to say such things in private, but how can we put it on the table "Your Highness, if I can't punish miss he today, then won't the scandal about me spread throughout the capital another day "This kind of atmosphere must be stopped once it exists. I am punishing miss he for the sake of the royal family's face. "

He Yue: "No, it's not like that, daughter, daughter is just a moment of blather, is not intended to arrange the crown princess consort, this kind of words daughter also dare not say, just in private joke. ". No one will take it seriously, your highness, for my father's sake, you saved my daughter."

Jin Jue listened to he yue's words, slightly frowned, and looked at Xia Ling.

"chang-rong, after all, she is the daughter of the prime minister. Although she broke the taboo, slapping her in public is too humiliating for her. "

He Yue heaved a sigh of relief.

However, before she could finish, she heard Jin jue continue.

"Let Qing he bring her into the courtyard and slap her mouth before releasing Miss He. "

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