The Devil King of fast wear was a little sweet ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1702 - 1797 16th in the struggle for the throne

Chapter 1702: 1797,16th in the struggle for the throne

Author: Thirteen pure onesMachine Translation

Jin Jue said gently.

He brought Xia Ling to her seat.

This was the first time Xu Changrong appeared in front of everyone after the wedding.

In the past, when the Xu family's second daughter was in the Boudoir, she rarely attended these gatherings and rarely went out to socialize.

In the few gatherings, Xu Changrong wrote poems and passed on his talent. Everyone's impression of her also remained. Her appearance was not too bad. Although she was not too beautiful, she was elegant and demure. She was someone who could be married and become a mistress.

And now, Jin Jue was wearing a moon-colored robe that was as loose as bamboo. He looked like a graceful and elegant young master.

Standing beside him, Xu Changrong was also wearing a moon-colored dress. On it were embroidered noble-looking immortal cranes and moon crabapples. On his head was a woman's Bun. The thick and heavy hair on his forehead had all been tied up by her.

His fair forehead was revealed, and his entire temperament changed.

The moon-colored luxurious clothes were dignified and elegant. This outstanding appearance was also seen by the noble girls present. With just a glance, none of these people's appearance and temperament could be compared to Xu Changrong's.

One had to admit that the royal family had sharp eyes. Xu Changrong had hidden so deeply, yet they had also discovered him.

Wang Xu thought to himself, and everyone took their seats.

As they sat down, an empty seat immediately appeared at the lower seat of Jin Jue and Xia Ling.

Wang Xu said with a smile, "It was his highness, the White King, who said that he wanted to come with US earlier. I didn't expect that he would have to leave early on the way, so I left the seat for him first. "

Jin Jue also smiled. "Then let's wait for him for a while. This second brother looks like a quiet person, but I didn't expect that he would be willing to come and admire peach blossoms. It's really rare. "

Xia Ling listened and sat there with a smile. She was quiet and dignified.


The group waited for a quarter of an hour at the banquet, but Jin Luo still didn't come.

Wang Xu was called over by his entourage once. When he came back, he said that Jin Luo had some urgent matters and couldn't come.

He said that he couldn't come, but when the entourage appeared, Xia Ling clearly saw a luxurious and cold black robe.

Jin Luo came.

He probably saw that she and Jin Jue were here, so he didn't want to appear.

Favorability RATING-1,-1... ...

Jin Luo left, and his favorability rating for Xia Ling dropped from 60 to 52.

Xia Ling could understand his painful feelings.

But how innocent was his favorability Why did he treat it this way and let it drop in a straight line?


"Crown Prince Consort, when you were in the Boudoir back then, we were known as the twin pearls of the capital. I didn't expect that in the blink of an eye, you would actually become someone that I look up to. How enviable. "

"It's just that back then, the crown prince consort and His Highness the White King seemed to be childhood sweethearts. I didn't expect that after so many years, His Highness the White King would still be thinking of their old friendship. When he saw the crown prince and the crown prince consort, he still had something to hide. "

A low voice leaned against Xia Ling's side, smiling. This voice was neither loud nor soft. Although it was said to be low, everyone nearby could hear it... ...

Hearing this, everyone felt a little awkward. They all looked at the daughter of the prime minister, he yue, and then secretly glanced at the crown prince, Jin Jue, who was sitting at the head of the table.

Jin Luo and Xu Changrong.

The News of their childhood sweethearts had long spread throughout the capital.

It was said that when Jin Luo heard about the marriage between Xu Changrong and the current crown prince, he rushed back from Shandong. Four good horses died on the way just to catch up with the wedding.

However, the mountain was high and the road was long. When he returned, he only had time to participate in the marriage between Jin Jue and Xu Changrong.

The High Duke Xu's public house was trying to curry favor with the crown prince's residence. Xu Changrong had no choice but to marry the crown prince's consort.

These romantic rumors were more or less known in the circle.

However, not many people dared to say it, and it was in front of the Crown Prince.

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