Spatial Farm Life: Raising My Kid, Abusing Scum, and Keeping Busy With Life

Chapter 270 - Chapter 270: Is There Something Going On At Home?

Chapter 270: Is There Something Going On At Home?

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Qiao Mai closed her eyes to sense her consciousness. One was inside the city, indicating that he was safe. The other was on the battlefield.

Alone, she walked gently, searching for the other divine sense.

In the distance, she spotted a figure under a war banner, holding it up while lying on the ground.

Qiao Mai hurried over, trying to tug the banner, but it wouldn’t budge. She used her abilities to transport the banner and the person into her space.

The injured person was Yun’er, covered in cuts from the battle. He had fainted due to blood loss.

The protective charm Qiao Mai had given him had saved him from a life-threatening injury to his chest.

Inside her space, Qiao Mai used her medical kit to stitch the wounds and gave him healing pills.

The injuries on his body healed quickly. She even fed him spiritual river water before taking him out of her space.

After making sure no one was around, she lifted Yun’er into her arms and flew him discreetly into the city.

They found themselves amidst injured soldiers. Many physicians were attending to the wounded. Qiao Mai knew Yun’er was no longer in immediate danger and would soon wake up.

She left him at a conspicuous place within the city walls and hid herself in the air.

Shortly after, Feng’er rushed around, searching the wounded soldiers’ faces. He looked disappointed until he finally found Yun’er. Feng’er was overjoyed and shouted.

“Yun’er, Yun’er!”

Fengyun opened his eyes, feeling tired. “Brother, I’m fine. No need to worry. I feel tired and want to rest for a bit.

“It’s good that you’re alive. If anything happened to you, I wouldn’t be able to face our parents.”

Feng’er cried with relief, hugging his brother. Yun’er grinned and said, “Mother’s protective charm worked. I saw that blade coming straight at my chest, but it turned out fine.’

He touched his chest, still smiling. Feng’er nodded in agreement. “Mother’s items are indeed powerful. In the future, when we go out to fight, remember not to charge ahead recklessly. Your life is the most important.”

“Well, I had some bad luck. I encountered an enemy general, but he didn’t fare any better. I managed to cut off his leg.”

“Well done.”

Yun’er suddenly held Feng’er’s hand, “Brother, don’t think about our biological parents anymore. Mother saved our lives. We can’t repay her with ingratitude.”

“I’m just thinking, not planning to be ungrateful. Don’t worry. Even if we die, we won’t become unrighteous and forget our debts.”


In the air, Qiao Mai sighed in relief. She reinforced her divine senses and flew back to Tianshui Town.

When she arrived home, it was already dark. She sat down by the bed, pouring herself a cup of hot tea. However, her quiet moment was interrupted when Old Mistress Wang entered.

“My child, where did you go today?”

“I went for a walk. Is there something going on at home?”

“Several people visited the shop today. They wanted to talk business with you. Shopkeeper Niu sent someone to call you, but when they couldn’t find you, those people stayed there and refused to leave. They insisted on meeting you. It seems they have some connection with high-ranking officials or royalty. They aren’t even afraid of me.’

“I’m just selling some snacks. Are they interested?”

“You’ve built a successful business in this small northern town. Imagine if it was on a national scale! There would undoubtedly be people coveting it.”

“Don’t worry, Grandmother. I’ll handle this matter myself. I’ll meet them tomorrow.”

“Right, take it easy.”

Old Mistress Wang sat with her for a while and then left. The snowfall outside intensified, and shortly after, Shopkeeper Niu arrived.


“I’ve heard about today’s events. If those people show up tomorrow, send someone to inform me immediately.”

“Understood, Mistress. They seem to have come prepared. Even Old Mistress Wang couldn’t suppress their arrogance. They won’t relent without acquiring your recipes.”

“Hmm, it’s probably more than just the recipes.”

“Mistress, please be careful.”

“You’ve had a long day. Get some rest.”

“Thank you, Mistress.”

Shopkeeper Niu left. Qiao Mai used her mental powers to scan the town’s only inn, the Yongtai Inn.

In the upper room of the inn were several lit candles. A group of people sat there eating and drinking, their faces filled with disdain.

“Boss told us to come here and get some decent recipes from the Qiao’s Small Eatery. But in this shabby place, believe it or not, they do have some delicious food.’

“They run their business here in this tiny town. If they were in the capital, they would make so much more money.”

“Which food items from their menu are you interested in?”

“I think popcorn, crispy rice, and yogurt. These three items sell the fastest, are most profitable, and the tastiest.”

“True. The sausages and pork are also good, especially in winter. It must be a hit in this season.”

“They also sell excellent snacks. I don’t see a variety like this in the capital.” “I think their pickles, especially the kimchi, are refreshing.”

“Alright, we’ll get their recipes for these dishes and take them back to present to the Prince. He’ll surely be delighted.”

“But what if she refuses?”

“In that case, we’ll visit her at night. I’ve heard she knows martial arts. If she

disagrees, we’ll destroy her.”

Qiao Mai asked through her mental connection, “Gentlemen, who is your Prince?”

The men in the room turned their heads to her, seemingly surprised. “Who-Who are you?”

“Who is your Prince? Answer me first.”

As if enchanted by her voice, a man with little self-control blurted out, “Our Prince is the Emperor’s eldest son, known as the Prince Ding.”

“How did he learn about this place?”

“We don’t know. We heard someone whisper in his ear, so we were sent here.”

Qiao Mai retracted her mental presence and immediately instructed her three little sheep.

“Guard the courtyard at night. If intruders get inside, show them what you’re made of.’

“Mistress, we’re guarding every night, and we only rest during the day. We live off grass and produce milk.”

“You’re milk sheep?”

“Well, that’s just an analogy. We mean we work diligently.”

“Alright, if intruders come, make sure to deal with them firmly. Ideally, push them back to the capital.”

“Understood, Mistress!”

The night went on without any incidents. The next morning, Qiao Mai opened the curtains to see the snow was almost a foot deep and still falling.

She went to see Old Mistress Wang, where she found Ling’er and Chuan’er. It seemed everyone wanted to enjoy the lively atmosphere on this snowy day.

Old Master Wang glanced at Qiao Mai. “If you find the situation too challenging, I’ll write a letter to request assistance from the Duke of Zhenguo.”

“No need. It’s a small matter. I can handle it.”

“Alright, I trust you.”

Ling’er and Chuan’er asked, “Mother, is there anything we can help with?”

“Take care of yourselves; that’s enough help for me.”

“We won’t let you worry about us.”

Qiao Mai smiled and had a few bites of food, then headed to the front of her shop.

The staff had just cleared the snow in front of the shop, restocked items running low, and the workers in the back were preparing snacks.

Upon entering the shop, the workers quickly prepared a cup of caramel milk tea for her. They then resumed their tasks.

Shopkeeper Niu arrived and sat down in front of Qiao Mai. “Boss.”

No sooner had he spoken when five or six men entered the shop, the same individuals who had shared drinks at the inn the previous night.

Upon entering, they shouted, “Is the owner here?”

Qiao Mai took a sip of her milk tea. “I’m the owner.” She didn’t even get up from her seat.

The group of men gazed at her, examined her closely, and then pushed aside Shopkeeper Niu to take his place.

Qiao Mai gestured to Shopkeeper Niu to leave. The group stared at her.

“Are you the owner of this shop?”

“If you have something to say, go ahead..”

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