Spatial Farm Life: Raising My Kid, Abusing Scum, and Keeping Busy With Life

Chapter 269 - Chapter 269: No Matter How Expensive It Is

Chapter 269: No Matter How Expensive It Is

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Sure. Up to now, our kingdom still doesn’t have shampoo, but we do have remedies for bruises and injuries. Let’s see how it goes. If it doesn’t work, I’ll provide another formula to replace the safflower oil.”

“Safflower oil is selling well in our area’s medicine shops. Many people say it’s effective. The clear lacquer in the carpenter’s shop is also pretty popular. People prefer the scent of pine oil over tung oil.”

“Okay, let’s see how it goes.”

“I’ll make sure to have the monthly income brought to Shopkeeper Niu.”

“No need. Keep your records over there. The court doesn’t allow officials to do business, so the accounts are under my name. I don’t want you to have to ask me for money all the time. This way, you’ll have more freedom.”

“My lady, you’re too kind.”

“That’s how it is. You have no chance of having another wife. I don’t marry easily, but once I do, I’m committed. We’re husband and wife, and we’ll grow old together.”

“I’m sure of it.’

In the blink of an eye, the twins had been gone for several months. Miss Mu’s thoughts were with them, and she often wrote letters to the Duke of Zhenguo, asking him to send someone to check on the brothers.

Upon hearing that his son-in-law had enlisted as a soldier and gone to the front lines, the Duke was filled with pride. They were scholars. How many scholars in this world would voluntarily join the army?

He immediately sent someone to inquire about the situation. When he heard that the two brothers were safe, he wrote to reassure his daughter and asked her to stay in Tianshui Town.

Miss Mu heard that Feng’er was safe, which relieved her. She passed the news on to Qiao Mai.

She didn’t know that Qiao Mai had planted spiritual awareness on the brothers and bought protective charms for them on the platform. With these two things, they would be safe no matter what they faced.

In mid-October, the people of Tianshui Town were busy with the autumn harvest. After this harvest, they would start planting the new wheat.

Everyone was excited, including the three tenant households working on Qiao Mai’s land.

Last year, they followed Qiao Mai to make money by planting greenhouse vegetables. They even bought other fields, but they couldn’t bear to leave Qiao Mai’s land because she was so good to them. They didn’t want to part ways with her.

This year, they continued as last year, with each family planting only five acres of land. No matter how much money they make, they still feel it’s important to have a food reserve.

Qiao Mai didn’t force them. She welcomed anyone who wanted to plant, whether from the town or the village. Those who wanted to learn could learn from the maids.

This year, several more families wanted to join in and grow the greenhouse vegetables.

Qiao Mai agreed to teach them. She had a back entrance opened for those who were willing to learn.

The vegetables planted were diverse, with each family choosing different varieties of popular crops.

In the town, the families coordinated their choices, planting more of the vegetables high in demand and fewer of the less popular ones.

The Jingtai Restaurant and Qiao’s Small Eatery bulk-ordered vegetables this year. Many of the recipes for these dishes came from Qiao Mai.

Of course, the dishes at Jingtai Restaurant are different from those at the Wang family restaurant. Some people even come from afar to taste the dishes at Jingtai Restaurant.

The temptation of delicious food is irresistible. It’s no surprise that Qiao Mai can sell her products at such high prices.

Food lovers are willing to pay any price to satisfy their taste buds.

Qiao Mai had publicly shared the method for making rice cakes. She wanted the townspeople to have a craft. Even if they didn’t want to make money, they could still make it for their consumption.

Apart from that, she also shared the recipe for hawthorn cakes and hawthorn rolls.

With the current level of expertise in the area, seasonal dishes are made and sold during this time, and it’s challenging to find them once the season has passed.

Because these dishes are seasonal, Qiao’s Small Eatery also frequently offers items like rice cakes and hawthorn rolls.

Some people quickly grasp the techniques, while others are slower, taking the recipes to heart and learning to make them at home. When they succeed, they bring their creations to the market.

During this period, there were many more vendors in the market. Qiao Mai would visit when she had free time.

Nothing was new to her. If she desired something, Xiao Qing would ensure it was prepared. Nevertheless, she had Shopkeeper Niu visit the market regularly, acquiring high-quality goods to support those who worked hard to make a living.

In November, Yuan Jiaqi had people deliver carts of charcoal to the house as

the weather grew colder.

With Feng’er and Yun’er away from home, Chuan’er seemed to have grown up all of a sudden. He was only three years younger than them but had reached thirteen.

Besides studying with his teacher daily, he began to take an interest in family matters. He always wondered around when he had free time, occasionally visiting the embroidery workshop.

Despite being thirteen, he was already quite tall, reaching 1.7 meters. The good food at the Qiao family kept him growing tall, though he remained lean.

Every time Qiao Mai looked at him, she couldn’t help but smile. “Chuan’er, do you have a conscience?”

“Why do you say that, Mother?”

“Because in our family, you have a hearty appetite, yet you remain slim. Even

Ling’er is chubbier than you.”

“Hehe, isn’t that just perfect? No need for a diet then.”

“Chuan’er, have you ever thought about what kind of wife you’d like in the future?”

“I haven’t thought about it. I’m still young, and if I ever do marry, it will be someone who respects my parents.”

Qiao Mai could see he had something on his mind, so she assured him.

“Don’t worry. I won’t be like your grandmother. People are empathetic. If your wife treats me well, I’ll return it.

Chuan’er seemed to breathe a sigh of relief and said, “I know you and Dad are nice people.”

“Of course. Otherwise, how would we raise such a little foodie like you?”

After Chuan’er left, Qiao Mai sighed. It was worrisome that such a young child had his concerns about finding a wife. She feared that his future wife might follow the path of his biological mother.

He was worrying too much. Is she that type of person?

In reality, the children in the family had their concerns. While aware of their dilemmas, she chose not to confront them openly. The twins wanted to stay in the Qiao family, but their birth parents had also treated them kindly. They struggled with the decision of whether to return and avenge their parents or remain with the Qiao family.

She didn’t want to decide for them and believed they should have the choice.

They can’t have everything they want. Given that they hadn’t chosen in the past, it was no longer within their power.

Qiao Mai believed she was not a good person; having to make choices meant there would be sacrifices. The brothers don’t just owe her for her kindness.

If they ever chose to leave her, they must be prepared to bear the consequences.

She held the same standards for Yuan Jiaqi, Chuan’er, and Ling’er, her biological daughter. If any of them chose to betray her in the future, she would not show mercy.

Lost in thought, Qiao Mai noticed snowflakes falling from the sky. It was the first snow of the year.

The north wind carried the snowflakes through the sky. At that moment, the gate rang, and Qiao Mai focused on it.

The maid opened the gate, and a young man dressed like a servant handed over a paper.

“I’m a server from the Yong An Tea House in town. We’re opening today. For the first three days, you can come for free tea and enjoy a play. If you’re interested, please join us.”

Taking the paper from the servant, Qiao Mai raised an eyebrow.

In the past, Tianshui Town had only food stalls, but now they have a teahouse. The maid, holding the paper, proceeded straight to her courtyard.

“Mistress, this is an invitation from the Yong An Tea House.”

“Please take it to Old Mistress Wang; she should enjoy watching the shows.”

The maid left, and Qiao Mai gazed into the sky, lost in thought. There was no sign of trouble with the connection to the brothers. The protective charm remained peaceful, signifying their safety.

Just then, she felt a sharp pain in her chest.

She could still endure this level of pain. In a flash, she disappeared from her spot.

In the sky, she wielded her butterfly wings, flying with all her might towards the south.

Half an hour later, she appeared outside the southern gates, where she found herself on a battlefield.

The battlefield was covered in smoke. The Ming Dynasty soldiers had retreated to the safety of the walls. It appeared that the invaders had also retreated, leaving behind a field of corpses..

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