Spatial Farm Life: Raising My Kid, Abusing Scum, and Keeping Busy With Life

Chapter 207 - Chapter 207: Give Up Early

Chapter 207: Give Up Early

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The Qiao and Yuan old couple reacted with disdain upon hearing this. “He’s just a low-ranking court officer. The woman opposite houses the magistrate’s father. I heard he even held office in the capital.”

“Bah, it’s not about the current office; it’s about having influence. When there’s a problem, my son would have to step in, wouldn’t he?”

The conversation made it sound like the court office had only their son as an official.

“Well, let’s resolve the matter with the girl first.”

“Don’t worry; we’ll have answers soon.”

The news about Tian Sanzhuang’s return quickly reached Qiao Mai’s ears.

Qiao Mai suddenly stood up, her eyes gleaming with a dangerous light. Tian Sanzhuang is back? That’s great!

If he stays out of trouble, that’s fine, but if he dares to cause any problems, don’t blame her for dealing with him with those old folks. They’ve been jumping around for far too long.

Finally, the long-awaited day arrived.

Tian Sanzhuang stood at the entrance of Lucky Garden. He was dressed in official attire with a sword hanging at his waist.

He stared at the courtyard gate with a complex expression, ground his teeth, and finally knocked on the gate.

A maid opened the door and saw him in official uniform. She didn’t appear afraid but asked coldly, “Who are you?”

“I am Tian Sanzhuang from Peach Blossom Village, the former husband of your lady. I need to see her.”

“Wait here.”

The maid closed the door and went inside to inform her.

Tian Sanzhuang felt a surge of anger. He was an official now and should be shown some respect, offered tea, and given a place to sit inside.

He couldn’t believe that he wasn’t even allowed inside the door. If there was an opportunity, he vowed to settle the score with this b*tch.

After a while, the door opened, and Qiao Mai walked out, her hands behind her back. It was only then that Tian Sanzhuang got a clear look at her.

She had grown taller, her complexion was fairer, and she was more beautiful than before. She exuded an air of authority.

Qiao Mai looked at him. The man from her memories had matured somewhat, but little else had changed.

He couldn’t believe it and asked, “Are you Madam Qiao?”

“Yes, I am.”

“Don’t you recognize me? I’m Sanzhuang.” “I forgot. But seeing you again, I can remember.”

“Mai Mai?”

“Stop. I’m married now, and that’s not how you should address me.”

“Right, I’m sorry. I came to verify something.”

“Is it about the child?”


“Okay, we can verify it now.”

Qiao Mai looked at the three old geezers across from them and said, “Go find them. I’ll bring my daughter out in a while.”


Seeing her like this, Tian Sanzhuang’s heart raced.

Qiao Mai turned and walked into the courtyard. Tian Sanzhuang gazed at her retreating figure. If she had been like this in the past, would he have found fault with her?

Back then, he had settled for less, marrying her to leave his seed in case he didn’t return from the army.

He never expected his parents to kick his child to death. If he had been there, they wouldn’t have treated her that way while she was pregnant.

But he didn’t feel any guilt because it was a girl.

He turned to the Tian family couple and asked, “Mom and Dad, what are you doing here?”

“Well, there’s nothing to do at home, so coming here, talking to people, and enjoying the sun is nice.”

He glanced at the couple from the Qiao family and didn’t greet them. Since Qiao Mai didn’t recognize them, they held no value in his eyes.

Likewise, the Qiao and Yuan families didn’t greet him. After all, he was just a minor official, while their son was already a Recommended Scholar and soon to become a Tribute Scholar.

It didn’t take long before Qiao Mai walked out of Lucky Garden with Yue Hong and Yue Xia.

When Tian Sanzhuang saw Ling’er, he felt a sudden brightness in his eyes. He was sure she was his daughter.

She looked just like him, but he noticed something else.

She was dressed in fine clothes, worth more than he earned in a month in the military.

Qiao Mai rolled her eyes. “Stop staring. Even if you look at her, she won’t become your daughter. Let’s hurry up and get this over with so you can accept the truth.”

Ling’er, behind them, couldn’t hear what they were saying. She looked at Tian Sanzhuang, feeling like she had seen him before. But she didn’t say anything.

Yue Xia called for someone from Qiao’s Small Eatery to bring a table and placed three bowls on it.

Without any expression on her face, Qiao Mai pointed to the three bowls and said, “Mr. Official, fetch some water for these yourself. We don’t want you accusing us of cheating. There are already too many complications.”

Tian Sanzhuang nodded. He understood that he couldn’t ask the Liu family or Qiao family’s snack shop, as both were related to Qiao Mai.

He found a cloth shop and asked for a dipper of water, which he poured into the three bowls.

Yue Hong held Ling’er and took her hand.

“Be good. It’s just a small prick.”

“Mom, why do I need to get pricked?” Ling’er asked with confused eyes.

“Because this man here claims that you’re his child. So, we need to do a blood test to find out if he’s telling the truth and let everyone see.”

Ling’er looked at Tian Sanzhuang and then nodded silently. Qiao Mai gently touched her head.

She took an embroidery needle from her purse and washed it with alcohol. Then, she quickly pricked Ling’er’s finger. Ling’er didn’t feel any pain as the blood flowed out.

Three bowls of water were prepared. A drop of Ling’er’s blood was added to one, and Tian Sanzhuang added his blood.

Some bystanders watched with great interest, debating whether the blood would mix.

The Tian family was almost hoarse from shouting. However, when the blood was examined, none of them mixed.

Tian Sanzhuang’s face turned dark. He was hoping they would mix so that he could establish a connection with Qiao’s family. Even if he couldn’t win the child’s custody, he could extract some money from Qiao Mai.

He had learned about the profitability of Qiao’s shop these days. Even though it appeared to be just a stall, it was equivalent to several shops owned by others.

He couldn’t help but be envious. He hoped that all the wealth and success would be his.

However, he was disappointed. Those three bowls of blood, no matter how much he wished for it, wouldn’t mix. He couldn’t believe it. He emptied the bowls, washed them with clean water, and filled them again.

“Let’s do it again. If it doesn’t work this time, I’ll give up. I won’t come back for the child or anything else..” “Do you promise, Mr. Official?” “A gentleman’s word!”

“Very well, then.”

Qiao Mai remained composed, pricked the child’s finger again, and added a drop of blood to each bowl.

The result was still no mixing. After serving in the military for several years, Tian Sanzhuang had become shrewd.

Fearing that Qiao Mai might have a trick up her sleeve, he looked at her and said, “Your blood should also be dripped into it.” “Are you trying to test if the child is related to me?”

“You can think of it that way!”

“Alright, I’ll go along with it!”

Qiao Mai pricked her finger and let a drop of her blood fall into the bowl. Everyone watched as that blood carefully avoided contact with the other two.

Many people shouted, “No, no, the blood of Qiao Mai and these two people won’t mix. Miss Ling’er was indeed adopted by Qiao Mai.”

Qiao Mai wiped her hands and politely bowed to the crowd.

“I appreciate everyone witnessing this. The Tian family of Peach Blossom Village once thought my daughter looked like their own and claimed her as theirs. But this blood test has proven otherwise. I hope the Tian family won’t come looking for trouble again. Otherwise, we will go to court.”

After saying this, she turned and led Ling’er and the others back home.

Meanwhile, the Tian family and the Qiao and Yuan families who were there to watch, were left with sour expressions.

The townsDe0Dle of Tianshui were not afraid of minor officials like Tian Sanzhuang. Their mayor had connections with even higher-ranking officials, and Qiao Mai had even more powerful backers.

They gathered around the members of the Tian family, pointing fingers. “The Tian family is really something. You tormented a pregnant lady, causing her to have a miscarriage, and now they claimed that Miss Ling’er is their child..”

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