Spatial Farm Life: Raising My Kid, Abusing Scum, and Keeping Busy With Life

Chapter 206 - Chapter 206: No Chance to Take Revenge on Her

Chapter 206: No Chance to Take Revenge on Her

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

In the blink of an eye, it was the third day of March, and the sun was scorching as ever. There was still no sign of rain, and the commoners would look up at the sky every day, silently praying for rain from the heavens.

Some even went to burn incense and kowtow, while the less fortunate ones knelt before the heavens.

Qiao Mai would take her children to the edge of the water ponds, where they would see the local folks carrying buckets of water for irrigation.

“Look closely. Every grain of rice and every mouthful of noodles you eat comes from their hard work: fetching water, watering the fields, weeding, and harvesting. It all lands on our dinner tables because of their toil.”

“Mom, why do they have to carry water?”

“Because there’s no rain. They have to carry water, or the crops won’t grow properly. They’ll go hungry, and so will we.” “The farmers work so hard.’

“So, let’s not waste a single grain of food.”

The twins were now twelve years old and had grown strong due to their martial arts practice. They were almost as tall as grown men.

“Both of you, go and help those two women carry a load of water.”

“Yes, Mother!”

Despite their usual diligence in martial arts training, carrying water for the first time left them rubbing their sore shoulders.

“Mother, working in the fields is even more exhausting than our martial arts practice. ”

“Now you understand how hard the farmers work, don’t you?”

“Yes, they not only work hard but also endure the scorching sun in the summer and the harsh cold in the winter. It’s so tough.”

“Cherish what you have now. Many children from well-off families are pampered from a young age. But when they face hardships, they can’t endure it, and they’re worn out by life. People like the farmers, who have less material wealth, know the value of a healthy, long life. They stay active and exercise regularly. ”

“Mother, can we help them carry water every day after we finish our studies?”

“It’s up to you. I won’t stop you. I merely want you to understand the importance of hard work and not become too spoiled. Only by experiencing difficulty can you truly appreciate happiness.”

Qiao Mai smiled. She didn’t expect that after their studies, the twin brothers started helping the local folks carry water.

They began with one load and gradually increased their contributions. Qiao Mai was delighted to see her sons put their words into action.

On the tenth day, Yuan Jiaqi and Qin Yide embarked on their journey to the capital for the imperial examination.

This time, they were accompanied by Old Master Wang, who not only taught Yuan Jiaqi but also provided guidance to Qin Yide.

Qin Yide had been attending school in the county town. But after passing the imperial examination for Elementary Scholars, he had been self-studying at home.

This was mainly because his family had been providing for him, and life was financially tight, especially with his nephew to take care of. He voluntarily returned home to continue his studies.

His natural talent and dedicated efforts enabled him to achieve thirty-sixth place in the examination. Old Master Wang was impressed by him and was willing to mentor him.

He would be accompanying them for several reasons. First, he would guide them in their studies. Second, they were preparing for the imperial examination, and both the preparation process and the post-examination period required guidance and explanation.

Thirdly, he was concerned about their safety and wanted to protect them throughout the journey, ensuring they had the best conditions for success.

Upon hearing of his father’s trip to the capital, Wang Zongsheng secretly dispatched a team to protect them.

Unknown to anyone, Old Master Wang wanted to prevent them from witnessing the marriage tradition of “picking sons-in-law” in the capital, which could lead to unnecessary trouble.

With Old Master Wang accompanying them, Qiao Mai had peace of mind.

Her task was to ensure the safety of her children and minimize any unexpected incidents.

Coincidentally, Tian Sanzhuang returned home ahead of schedule. His family prepared a feast to welcome him.

“Dad, Mom, I’ve been unfilial for not serving you both in my absence.” Madam Tian held his hand, and tears streamed down her face.

“Son, it’s great to have you back. You have no idea how much we’ve missed you.”

Old Tian’s eyes were also filled with tears. “You came back. You’ve been away for five years and didn’t even send a letter, so we’ve been worried.”

“Every day was full of training. We worked like dogs, and there was no time for anything else.”

“Son, now that you’re back, you won’t go away again, will you?”

“I won’t go back. Nobody wants to go back. I’m lucky because there was no war these years. Otherwise, my life would have ended on the battlefield.”

“Sanzhuang, all the other soldiers send their pay home to their families. What about you?”

“I’m keeping mine for now.”

“What are you planning to do?”

“I want to find a government job. I can’t return to farming after being a soldier for five years.”

Tian Sanzhuang wasn’t pleased with his parents’ focus on his finances, so he changed the topic.

“What about my wife?”

The moment he mentioned Qiao Mai, his parents’ expressions darkened.

“What about my wife?”

Tian Sanzhuang asked again. Old Tian’s face turned gloomy.

“As soon as you left, she became wild, demanded a separation, and went to town to live a better life.’

“What? It can’t be true! How could you allow her to request a separation? She’s my wife, so she belongs to this family. Why did you let her go?”

Tian Sanzhuang gritted his teeth and glared at his parents. His five years in the military had honed his presence, and he wasn’t one to be trifled with.

Seeing their son in such an aggressive state, his parents felt a bit afraid and explained the situation in detail.

They explained how Tian Sanzhuang left, and Qiao Mai had a miscarriage and threatened to sue them. She got the separation papers and moved to the town, eventually establishing herself as a wealthy woman with a husband.

At this moment, Tian Sanzhuang had lost his imposing presence. “She married a high-ranking official?”

“That’s right. Even the town’s mayor supports her in everything. She’s now the wife of a scholar about to take the imperial examination. It’s said that her husband has gone to the capital. If he passes, she’ll be an official’s wife.”

Tian Sanzhuang clenched his fist. “That b*tch!”

He realized that with her current status and achievements, he had no chance of taking revenge.

Now that he was home, the Tian family had prepared a table, and the three sat in the main room, drinking and discussing Qiao Mai’s situation.

“She has a little girl by her side, about five years old, who looks exactly like you.”

“But I heard the child didn’t survive?”

“That’s right. She did bury the child in the wilderness, and we watched her leave the village empty-handed. We haven’t seen her with a child in town for six months.”

“What do you want?”

“Perhaps a blood test to determine the parentage. If she is indeed your child, we must take her. We’ve heard that Qiao Mai treats the child very well. With the child in hand, we can order her to do anything.”

Tian Sanzhuang downed the cup of wine. “I’ll handle this matter myself. You don’t need to worry about it.”

The Tian family had expected their son’s return to bring them a sense of pride, but they hadn’t anticipated his subdued manner.

He kept a low profile despite his daily early departures and late returns.

It wasn’t because he didn’t want to stand out but because he wasn’t foolish. Even though he knew Qiao Mai was doing well and wanted to share in her success, he wouldn’t easily provoke her. He understood that the people behind her were not to be trifled with.

He was out every day, visiting contacts to secure a government job.

After serving in the military, his wit sharpened, realizing that a lifetime of farming wouldn’t lead to success.

Fortunately, he was well-regarded in the army and secured a minor official position with a recommendation letter and some money upon his return.

Just at the right time, the local government was recruiting due to the previous official’s disgrace.

The new official, a recent Imperial Scholar, was known for his upright character, meticulous attention to detail, and strong dedication to his duties.

He even supervised the recruitment of court runners, with no tolerance for those lacking qualifications or relying on bribery.

Fortunately, having served as a soldier for five years, Tian Sanzhuang had gained valuable combat experience, which made him confident even when facing strong men. As a result, he was lucky enough to be selected for the position.

With this achievement, the Tian family began to show off their pride across the street from Lucky Garden..

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