I'm Hoarding for the Apocalypse

Chapter 123 - 123 Cutie

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123 Cutie

He Xing came back before midnight. Du Yue opened the door, but before she could ask, He Xing was already talking, “Captain Zuo said that the soil has changed after the apocalypse and is no longer suitable for farming, so they plant the sweet potatoes and potatoes using hydroponics. They need the base’s special nutrient solution. I bought some nutrient solution on the way back and also memorized the planting method. Captain Zuo said that the most important thing for planting potatoes and sweet potatoes is temperature. If we can control the temperature well, there’s a great possibility of growing them. If we really manage to grow them, we can sell them to the base. The base will give us a reasonable price. There are many people in the base who have already started to try planting them.”

He Xing finished his sentence in one go and then handed the bag to Du Yue. “The nutrient solution and the planting method are all in this bag.” Since it was a two-person cooperation, everything needed to be discussed by the two of them.

Du Yue turned to the side to make way for He Xing. “Come in. It’s too cold outside.”


“Why don’t we study at my place?” He Xing asked hesitantly.

Du Yue was confused. “What’s the difference between your house and mine?”

“There isn’t much of a difference… Alright then!” He Xing stopped being pretentious and strode into Du Yue’s house.

Du Yue gave He Xing a strange look, closed the door, and followed him to the bedroom. Seeing He Xing stop in front of the bedroom door, Du Yue took two quick steps forward to open the door. “Come in quickly. The room won’t be warm if we keep the door open for too long,” Du Yue urged.

He Xing then followed her into the bedroom. The last time he came to Du Yue’s bedroom was when he was helping her carry the furnace. He had not been here for a while, and the bedroom had changed quite a lot. The last time he was here, the room was very cool with sleeping mats and silk mattresses everywhere. Now, everywhere he looked, it was all warm colors that could make one’s heart warm. The quilts on the bed and floor were all fluffy. Just looking at this scene made one feel that the chill in one’s body had subsided a lot.

Du Yue took off her snow boots, put on her slippers, and stepped on the carpet. Du Yue turned around when she did not hear He Xing’s footsteps. It was only then that she realized He Xing was standing still with a conflicted look on his face. Looking at the leather boots on He Xing’s feet, she instantly reacted. “Wait a moment. I’ll get you a pair of slippers.” After Du Yue finished speaking, she walked to the other side of the bed and rummaged under the clothes rack. Fortunately, the weather was cold, so all the clothes were thick and long. If one did not stand beside her, one would not be able to see what was in the woven basket under the clothes rack.

Du Yue rummaged around and took out a pair of sky-blue cotton slippers. “Try these on and see if the size fits.” Du Yue had bought this pair of slippers from a men’s clothing store on sale when it was extremely hot. At that time, she had only bought them in case of an emergency, thinking that she might be able to use them one day. She did not expect to actually use them now. She just did not know if the size was right.

As Du Yue was thinking about this, she saw that He Xing had already taken off his boots and put on the cotton slippers. After he put them on, he took two steps. “The size is just right. Thank you.”

“It’s good that you can wear them. Come and sit down.”

He Xing walked over to Du Yue and sat down. Fortunately, the cushion was big enough to fit two more people, let alone the two of them.

He Xing sat down and took out everything from the cloth bag. There was a notebook and four large thermal flasks. “I was afraid that the nutrient solution would freeze and lose its effectiveness, so I put them all into thermos flasks. It’s more secure.” He Xing explained, and Du Yue expressed that she understood. She then began to read the contents of the notebook seriously.

He Xing looked at her from the corner of his eye and saw her reading the notebook seriously. Du Yue usually wore a dark-colored down jacket when she went out. It was either gray or black. However, it was different at home. She was wearing fluffy pajamas with a cute lace collar. Her facial features were already very delicate, like a piece of exquisitely carved jade. In addition, she had short hair. At this moment, she was wearing such cute pajamas too, which made her look like a harmless child.

He Xing looked at her for a long time and suddenly thought of a term that the people on this planet often said to describe girls like Du Yue—cutie.

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