I'm Hoarding for the Apocalypse

Chapter 122 - 122 I Dreamed That I Became an Agricultural Expert

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122 I Dreamed That I Became an Agricultural Expert

“It’s about the potatoes and sweet potatoes.” Du Yue said seriously, ” I tried them this afternoon. They taste pretty good. If we can grow them, we’ll have more income in the future.”

“You want to plant potatoes and sweet potatoes with me?”

“Yes, I was thinking that the success rate would be higher if the two of us discussed it together, so I wanted to ask for your opinion.”


He Xing scratched his head with a conflicted look in his eyes. “Of course, I’d like to, but I don’t know a thing about planting!”

With this brain of his, if he was asked to remember some weapon blueprints, he could shamelessly boast that he could even recite them backward. However, he had never learned about planting.

Although he had arms and legs, he was not sure what he could grow.

“I don’t know much about it either, but I have a lot of books and videos about planting. We can try to follow the methods taught there.”

“Alright then! Then let’s plant them! When do we start?”

Du Yue smiled when she saw He Xing’s eagerness. “I’ll go back and study it a little tonight.” He Xing looked at Du Yue and waited for a while, but Du Yue did not continue.

He had no choice but to ask, “What about me? What do I study?”

Du Yue looked at He Xing and saw the seriousness in his dark eyes. He Xing’s face was undoubtedly very good-looking. At the very least, Du Yue had never seen a man more good-looking than him in her two lives.

After exchanging glances with He Xing for a moment, Du Yue said slowly, “Can you look for Captain Zuo tomorrow and ask him about the method used to grow these potatoes and sweet potatoes? Do they usually use fertilizer or nutrient solution?”

“No problem! You can count on me!” He Xing agreed without hesitation as if he was afraid that Du Yue would change her mind if he spoke any slower.

It was already very late, and they had already discussed what they needed to. Du Yue was about to leave. “If there’s nothing else, I’ll take my leave first.” As she spoke, she put on her gloves, hat, and mask. It took less than two minutes to get back to her house from He Xing’s house. However, even if it was only a two-minute journey, she could not be careless with what she had to wear. Otherwise, she would freeze and it would not be a joke.

When Du Yue was putting on her clothes, He Xing followed suit. “What are you doing?”

“I’ll send you back and close the door.”

Seeing He Xing’s actions, Du Yue could not refuse. The two of them bade each other farewell at the entrance of Du Yue’s house. Du Yue turned around and returned to her bedroom. Although the two rooms were only separated by a wall, the temperatures in the living room and the bedroom were completely different. When she passed by the living room just now, she was shivering from the cold, but the bedroom was very warm.

Du Yue took off her coat and changed into warm and comfortable pajamas. She sat on the carpet by the bed and took out a tablet from her space. Du Yue had bought many tablets, each of which had different things downloaded. This one contained information and videos related to planting. Fortunately, she was not lazy back then. She had sorted them into categories and even made notes, so it was not troublesome to look for them now.

Unknowingly, she had been watching videos until ten o’clock. It was already very late. Du Yue turned off the tablet, washed up, and got into bed. Probably because she had something on her mind, she did not sleep well and kept dreaming. One of the most vivid dreams was that she had successfully grown sweet potatoes and potatoes, and the yield was quite high. She had suddenly become an agricultural expert in the base.

The next morning, Du Yue woke up. She stared at the ceiling for a long time after opening her eyes. Then, she smiled and shook her head. No wonder it was said that dreams and reality were the opposite. Du Yue only wanted to survive in the apocalypse and never wanted to become an agricultural expert. Planting potatoes and sweet potatoes was just for an extra income.

After studying for a few hours, Du Yue managed to grasp some of the knowledge. At least, she now knew that planting potatoes and sweet potatoes required the seedlings to grow first, and then the seedlings had to be transplanted. The growth cycle of potatoes was relatively short, usually about two to three months. Different species would have different growth cycles. The sweet potatoes’ growth cycle was slightly longer. At its fastest, it would take about 100 days, and the slowest was about 180 days. However, this was data from before the apocalypse. Whether it was sweet potatoes or potatoes, they all needed a warm environment to grow.

It was impossible to grow ordinary plants at this temperature. So, how should she plant this new species? Du Yue sighed helplessly. She could not figure it out, so she could only wait for He Xing to bring back some good news.

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