Eternal Melody

Chapter 697: Be Proud Part 5

Chapter 697: Be Proud Part 5

He stared at her like he always did. He didn't like her response, even though he knew it was the truth. She cares for him but because she is in a relationship she has to draw a line. He hated it, Ran wanted her to come here because she genuinely worried about him.

'She is a cold woman, but it's not like I didn't know that. Unlike the others, I have always had a better understanding of Sumire. I was the one who ended up becoming closer to her.'

Seeing her close her eyes and her body trembling, Ran frowned and picked her up.

"Ah? Hey Ran?"

Ran didn't reply to her and threw her down on the bed.

"Ouch." Sumire winced in pain.

"Hah… …You're easy to pin down. You can't resist well like this. But still, don't try."

"Ran stop, just recently you made up with Yuhi. Your going to change from now on right?"

"I will shut you up by force!! Like this-" Ran leaned forward and brought his lips to her neck and started to drink her blood,

What is this? Ran felt the throbbing pain in his chest slowly decrease. But this isn't enough, he wanted more.

"What's with that voice… …? Are you feeling it since I'm doing it forcefully? You really are lewd. You're dishevelled."

"I-I'm not lewd." Sumire exclaimed.

"Then explain this?" Ran bites harsher and Sumire's breathing became even more unsteady. The girl was trying to hold back her voice, but her attempts were futile.

"Admit it. That you're so shameful to the point you're helpless… …"


Sumire bit her lips causing him to frown. Why doesn't she just admit it? Why is it so difficult? Why is he the only one she hesitates getting close to?

"If you admit it, I'll be a bit more gentle." Ran said in a kinder tone.

This is the first time he is drinking her blood, he doesn't want to frighten her too much.

"You're right." Sumire murmurs quietly at first.

Ran halts in his advances, " Ah… …?

"You're right. I'm lewd. Happy? I said it. Are you satisfied?"

Ran looked away frustrated. He wasn't expecting this reply from her.

"Now then, let's talk again shall we?"

Ran frowned and shook his head as he pulled away from her and sat up. "You just want to talk about Shin again. I know he is your friend but you know how I feel about all of this. Who is more important to you? Him or me!?"

The main reason why he felt so agitated was because she kept talking about Shin,

"Don't be so silly, right now M5 is my priority. I have had many opportunities to meet with the members of EMMA and compose for them. But I am prioritising you and the guys in M5."

Sensing her serious

tone Ran sighed. "I already know that. I'm just doing this to vent my frustration."

"Mm, maybe you just need some rest, You already drank some of my blood. You should be okay now."

Now that she mentioned it, the parched feeling in his throat has disappeared. That's right, his thirst can only vanish if he drinks from the opposite gender or from the woman he loves. He supposes his feelings for her won't disappear.

"I'm fine now, you can go home." Ran paused and looked at the time. Before he knew it, it was already midnight. It would be bad for her to walk out this time. He would offer to take her, but he doesn't feel confident walking in the streets in his condition.

"Then, I'll just stay here."

Ran looked at her puzzled for a moment and Sumire tilted her head. "The other rooms are so far apart from each other and I'm sleepy, I will stay here."

It took him a moment to process those words and Ran exclaimed. "Hey! Don't say something so careless, I just attacked you."

"I had the situation under control. If you did anything more than drink my blood, I would have gotten angry at you."

Right she is stronger than him.

"I will sleep on the couch."

"But the bed is large enough,"

"Sumire." Ran placed his hands on her shoulders and looked at her seriously. "I think I told you this back in high school, but your too careless around guys. I know we are friends and that you trust ne. But I am still a guy who likes you."

Sumire paused and slowly nodded. "Then goodnight?"


Ran walked over to the couch and laid down. He briefly glanced over at the bed and saw Sumire lay down. He could hear her breathing in seconds. That was fast, she must have been tired. She did look exhausted earlier. It is her second time getting pregnant, but her body still can't adapt very well.

He felt the temperature on his cheeks rise and his heart beat increase. The more he ignored it, the more it got worse.

This is bad, 'I doubt I will get much sleep tonight.' Ran's thoughts break off hearing the sound of his phone.


I will pick Sumire up tomorrow.

From: Ran

Pick her up now bastard.

From: Yuhi

Is she staying in your room?

Ran rolled his eyes reading that message. Yuhi understands her very well huh?

From: Ran

Right so pick her up now.

From: Yuhi

Unfortunately something urgent came up. I would be more assured if Sumire is within your sight now.

Frowning Ran was tempted to call him but didn't want to wake her up, he sent a quick message before putting his phone away. Now then, will he actu

ally be able to get some sleep tonight?

Ran tossed and turned before he finds himself pulling up a chair and placing it beside the bed. His gaze fell on Sumire who was shifting uncomfortably in the bed, her entire face covered in sweat. Ran rummaged through the draw and pulled out a towel and wiped her sweat.

"Ru." Sumire said quietly.

Ran freezes for a moment before sighing deeply. He recalled his exchange with Yuhi earlier. It seems Yuhi is struggling more than he thinks. On the surface Sumire and Yuhi's relationship with one another looks perfect. But of course there is an issue. After all, the impact Mamoru-san made on Sumire's life is large.

He rested his head on the pillow for a moment and before he knew it he was drifting off.


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