Eternal Melody

Chapter 696: Be Proud Part 4

Chapter 696: Be Proud Part 4

It was difficult huh? This is the first time hearing Yuhi speak of this.

'I thought it would be simple for the two of them to start dating since Sumire already liked Yuhi. But it seems Yuhi has had his own fair share of troubles.'

Then again, there have been signs. It's not like this happened out of nowhere.

"My dear, you're making me sound so needy." A familiar voice said.

He looked over and spotted Sumire. She had returned with Nakura Shin and was pouting.

"I'm just talking about my struggles. You said it yourself, that loving me was painful."

"Ah you're holding a grudge! My dear you know that's not what I meant." Sumire rushed over and clung to his arm. "If you don't believe me, I will cry."

"Pfft." Yuhi cupped her cheeks. "I find your tears pretty, so I wouldn't mind."

Ran sighed seeing the scene before him. These two whenever they are around each other tend to get lost in their own world. His gaze fell on Nakara Shin. This person doesn't seem to mind either. Out of all the other guys who have gotten close to Sumire. Sumire seems to be particularly close to Nakara Shin. The main reason for that, is it because she has no romantic feelings for him and can treat him like a friend? That does seem to be the case here, but he can't be too sure. Sumire is far too popular.

"Sumire, Yuhi. I'm going to head on home." Ran called out.

"Ah Ran." Sumire quickly made her way over and passed her composition notebook at him. She pulled out some scores. "This is your song, have a look. If you want to make changes, you can tell me anytime."

"Uh sure."

Even just a brief glance at the score sheets he knew it was glowing. She is amazing as ever. Ran took one last glance at the two and then briefly at Nakara before heading in the opposite direction. The rest of the festival was still going on around him. But Ran wanted nothing more than to head home. His gaze fell on the dark skies, there is no star in sight tonight. But, the moon is shining so beautifully.

Ran felt a throbbing sensation in his chest. 'I have to hurry home.'

If he doesn't hurry home, this situation will get worse.


At the M5 Mansion, Tokyo - 11:00pm

The clock hit eleven pm by the time he reached the mansion. Ran immediately closed the curtains blocking the sunlight. He curled into a ball shape in the corner of the room. The moment he did that the feeling he was suppressing finally released itself. In seconds large waves of blood emerged from his fingertips, painting the room in red.

'Out of all the evolved human abilities to have, why do I have to be a hanyou?' A hanyou is a special type of evolved human, that resembles a vampire more than an average human with special powers. The abilities he has use his own 'blood.' But what bothered him the most was the blood urges, the urges to drink another

persons blood.

He snatched the mirror from the wall and threw it across the room and watched it shatter to pieces. Some of the shards landed near him so he picked one of the pieces and cut his hands. The blood flowed faster and faster and he brought it to his lips. It's disgusting, even if he drinks his own blood like this. He cannot get rid of his thirst, what will it take for it to go away?

How can he get rid of this craving, this desire? Should he find somebody? 'I need a woman.' Naturally cravings can only disappear drinking the blood of the opposite gender, it doesn't work drinking your own blood or drinking blood from the same gender.

The blood started to flow faster and wrap around him like a shield. His 'power' isn't as strong as Sumire's and Yuhi. Those two probably have a terrible time. No those two are fine, they have each other.

Ran could no longer contain the pain and let out a blood-curdling scream and moved his hands to his head, gripping his hair as if to yank it out. He needs to focus, and get rid of this wall. Ran mustered his remaining strength and released the blood, causing it to splatter across the plain white walls and sheets.

His thoughts break off when he felt a pair of soft hands on his shoulders. He weakly looked up and saw a pair of amethyst coloured eyes. It was Sumire, she had brought a blanket and draped it around his quivering figure.

For a moment he couldn't believe who he was seeing.

"Ran? Are you alright?"

Even during midnight, she looked absolutely beautiful. Her white dress that was filled with diamonds and gems sparkled. She looked at him concerned.

"What happened?"

Ran averted his gaze embarrassed that she saw him in this condition. Now that he was thinking it through, what was he doing?

He watched as she undid the ribbon around her neck and wrapped it around his injured hand. Ran briefly gets a glance at her eyes, they were filled with worry and panic. She was staring at the red liquid on his hands.

"Why did you come?" Ran had to control his urge from running his blood stained hands in her brunette coloured hair, staining that pretty brown with a deep red colour.

Honestly he was half tempted to pin her down. She is the one who came marching in his room in the middle of the night. She can't possibly blame him if he does anything.

"Hmmm, because we are friends."

Ran only frowned at those words. That answer didn't satisfy him. Or rather, she is indirectly drawing a line between them again. He needed more answers and he knew she would be the only one who could answer them.

"You were behaving strangely and Yuhi-san told me the reason why."

"I understand that but does that mean that you can barge into my room? That's simply trespassing," Ran stated.

He wasn't actually bothered, in fact he is flattered that she came after him

like this. It shows that he is still important to her. Ran stood up and slowly pushed her back against the wall, his body over hers as he leaned closer to her, using his arm as a support against the wall. He was being careful not to crush her but also preventing her from escaping.

Sumire stared at him, not bothered by his actions.

"You do realise that it is the middle of the night right?"

Sumire averted her gaze. "You're wrong. I didn't come here for that!"

Ran raised his eyebrows at those words. Well she isn't stupid, he doesn't have to spell it out to her what it means to enter a man's room in the middle of the night. Knowing her, she really did just come here to check on him because of what Yuhi and what Kou most-likely told her.


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