Chapter 543 - Uncontrollably

Shocked at the endearment she heard, Evie whipped her head around and she could not help but gape at the sight of Gav's eyes. They had turned back to a silvery grey again! The only thing she could think of right now was, 'What had happened?'

Evie surreptitiously glanced over at the King and Queen, and she was surprised to see how the couple were just smiling calmly at them as if nothing unusual had happened. Evie breathed out in relief that the king and queen did not seem to be bothered that much about the switches as she had initially thought. Because she would not know how to even begin to explain the crazy situation that they were in right now. 

"Gav, where did you hide yourself at for the whole time?" Evie asked him as soon as she snapped out of her shock. "I didn't know you're already here."

Gavriel bent down to her, smiling and whispered into her ear. "Miss me so very badly already? My wife? Shall I grant you a kiss and a hug right here and now?" he purred sounding as though he could not wait to do exactly what he just said. But Evie quietly snuck her hand beneath his coat and pinched him in the waist playfully. 

"Behave yourself, my dear husband." She whispered back through her teeth as she smiled at him before facing the king and queen again. 

Queen Beatrice was quick to start on the topic about the bow, causing both the father and son's eyes to be filled with intrigue as they listened in carefully.

The family then entered the hall where the bow was kept as Beatrice began explaining everything. When they saw the bow, King Belial immediately went forward to examine it. The bow did not react at all to the king's touch even when he used his dark magic to probe and test it out.

"As I told mother earlier, I believe that if I hold onto it for a longer period of time, I will be able to see more of those images clearly and perhaps even understand the message in them." Evie told them. She was eager to try out her theory and was just waiting for the signal of the go ahead from both King Belial and Gavriel.

Gavriel remained quiet until Belial looked at him. "What do you think, son?" he asked as he passed the bow over to Gav to take a look. "I don't seem to detect any danger from it. Why don't you have a look and see if you can sense out anything from it." 

Everyone watched as Gavriel held the bow, turning it this way and that, to access the different angles as he observed this golden bow. His gaze swept over the images of the intricate dragons that were carved on it. Then his eyes returned to Evie. "Did you feel anything strange when you touched it before?" 

"My head just throbbed a little." Evie answered truthfully. "But that's all. And I think that was quite normal especially if the bow is trying to send me its memories, is it not?"

Gav nodded but there was a glint of hesitance in his eyes. "I see… but maybe, you don't need to do this right now, Evie –" even as he was still speaking, Evie's reaction changed.

"Gav." Evie cut him off, her expression was sharper now even as her brows wrinkled a little. It was clear to Gavriel and his parents that she was displeased with the way he handled this matter. "I don't think it's right for us to keep delaying matters, especially at this time. This would be ever so helpful when the war comes." Her voice was sharp and her reasoning, to the point as she pointed the facts out.

"But this could also cause you harm or even some disturbance." Gavriel's voice was calm even when refuting her, but Evie's eyes twitched.

"Gav." There was now a tinge of annoyance in her voice that could even be heard by both the king and queen. They did not say anything but shared a look with each other. "I told you to stop –"

"Father, mother," Gav cut her off as he suddenly pulled her close to him and looked over at his parents before saying, "Please give us a moment."

"Oh, yes, son. I think you two should go and discuss in detail about this for now. It's also okay, if you both can't dine with us tonight. Your father and I also have some other important issues to discuss about. So we will be heading off now. We'll talk about this again once everything is settled." Beatrice smiled at him while King Belial looked at Gavriel with an understanding and encouraging gaze. The king and queen then left after giving Gavriel a final look like they were cheering him up. 

Once Gav and Evie were finally alone, she pulled away from him. Her amber eyes gleaming as she faced him, the emotions in them blazing uncontrollably.

"You said you're not going to stop me from doing what I wanted anymore Gav!" Evie declared a little accusingly, as she narrowed her eyes at him. "But here you are, treating me like I'm a little damsel in distress again, who isn't fit to make any of her own decisions. You're doing it again. Opposing my decision just because you're worried. I know you're worried about me, but can't you just trust me that I know what I'm doing Gav? I'm no longer that little girl who can't even protect herself and could only rely on you to save me every single time! I 've changed Gav, I've grown. I have my powers now, and I'm far stronger than I ever was before.. So could you stop treating me like I'm still that helpless little girl?!" Evie was heaving and her eyes were sparking little bolts of lightning at Gavriel after saying all those words at one go. 

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