Chapter 515 - Mated

When the memories finally caught up to the present, his eyes opened and saw her standing right before him. Looking up at him too. Her face was scrunched up in worry as she looked at him, checking if he was alright.

Everyone outside the circle including Beatrice finally released the breath they were all holding. It was so chaotic and stormy when Gideon was caught up in the recollection of the memories and his emotions were swept around by it. His darkness and powers were lashing out and causing fluctuations in the area surrounding them, it looked as though that the whole place might be brought down along with his rage. However, all was calm now. The lights had returned to normal again. 

Queen Beatrice had to take a deep breath twice before she was able to snap out from what felt like an impossibly intense moment. She had already even prepared herself to break them apart a moment ago because she could no longer bear the heavy darkness from Gideon. She had sensed an immense danger looming over them until it had reached a point of no return and she had debated the entire time whether to stop the union or adopt a wait-and-see attitude for now. 

But she had decided to believe and hang on to her faith that Vera will not let this moment turn into a disaster. She just had to have a strong faith in them… in these two that they would not break now, not when they have already reached this critical moment in their relationship. Not after all that they have been through. 

And thankfully, she was right. She was so relieved that she did not give in to her worries and allow the fear to force her to intervene. She did not know what they both saw but, she had believed everything would have ended up alright. Because Gideon's darkness was stopped, it meant that whatever it was that had triggered his darkness to almost go out of control was now resolved. That was all that matters for now. 

Beatrice then stepped forward again, closer to them this time. Her eyes fell to their chests and what she saw the tattoo of a fully bloomed peony flower over each of their hearts. Their mating bond had taken, and it was a success! 

With a smile beaming brightly on her face, Beatrice broke the deafening silence. 

"The mating ritual is now over. The mating bond between you, crown prince Gideon and Lady Vera is now complete and is solidified. The two of you are now officially mated." She declared delightedly and the lights danced around the couple as if to celebrate the completion of their bond together with their witnesses. 

All too soon, the colour of the lights changed again. They began to turn reddish, as if they were transforming into potions before scattering all around them both. 

Beatrice smiled. Knowing that it had already started. The consummation. These lights had the same effects as aphrodisiacs. These lights will stay with them until the sexual frenzy subsides. 

Seeing that the couple were still looking at each other as if being caught in each other's spell, Beatrice patted their arms lovingly. 

"Congratulations my son and my daughter in law. We will be leaving you now. But once you both arrive in the palace, you must prepare yourselves because we will hold an official wedding for you. Is that understood?" she informed them and without waiting for the couple's response, the queen left the circle and walked towards Evie and the others. 

"It's time for us to leave them alone." She said and everyone nodded. They could already feel the change in the atmosphere. They were also affected by those reddish glowing lights despite having put on their protection cloak. It was just that strong! And that was why all of them wanted to leave the scene as fast as they could! No one wanted to be a third wheel in the hot and passionate moments of the newly mated pair.

Once everyone was gone, it was then that Gideon and Vera finally moved. 

The sexual tension between them were overwhelming now. But at that moment, they both were still more overwhelmed about the things that they had seen from the recollection of memories. 

Gideon began to shake again. And in the next second, they both disappeared from the middle of that garden. They had materialized back inside the house that was now looking very different. The initially shabby house had been altered and decorated to suit the occasion. The bed and floor were currently filled with petals and candles were lit up and placed all along a small ledge that ran all along the walls, creating the most romantic scene one could imagine. 

The reddish lights followed them and filled the room that it made them want to just go ahead and tear each other's clothes right then and there. But Gideon suddenly stumbled. Vera fell back and sat on the bed while Gideon fell on his knees and broke down.

His head fell onto her lap, and he broke down. Trembling, he was crying silently as he buried his face on her shimmering dress. His arms slowly crept around her hips and hugged her, pulling her tighter towards himself.

Vera's heart felt as though it was about to be ripped apart at the sound of his quiet cry. Seeing him tremble like this was always the hardest thing for her to bear. She reached out and caressed his hair gently. Silently, she continued her soothing strokes and hoped that it would bring him some measure of comfort. She still did not know what he saw but she knew that whatever it was, it had nearly broken him apart into pieces. She could tell just by looking at how he was still grieving right now. What nightmarish scenes was he forced to watch? He was so broken that even this sexual tension between them was not strong enough to overpower what he was going through. 

She continued caressing his head, trying her best to coax him, to make him feel better. At the same time, she also wanted him to continue pouring out his pain. Releasing all his pent up sadness and frustration would be a good way to flush out the toxic feelings he had buried deep within himself. This was one way for him to start healing.

After what seem like a long while, he lifted his face. He looked so wretched, her dark angel. Her beloved mate. 

Vera's heart clenched in pain as she reached out and wiped the tears that were still flowing from his eyes. 

"It's okay," she consoled him in a small whisper, giving him the warmest smile that she could muster, she told him gently, "I'm here with you, Gideon… my mate… I love you…" 

She then bent and kissed his eyes and his tears.

"Vera…" he breathed. "Tell me… did you see it too? Our past?"

Vera fell silent. Then slowly, she shook her head. 


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