Chapter 500 - Fever

In the meantime, somewhere in the deepest part of the Monsters Forest. 

Vera was held securely in Gideon's arms. They had materialized moments ago after disappearing from the queen's room and Vera had been wondering for a while now where they were right now. She had somehow felt like they were no longer in the castle anymore. She could tell that Gideon was walking on an uneven patch of ground. 

She had tried to peek out from Gideon's dark cloak that was covering her completely, but he did not allow her to even wriggle the top of her head out. After trying for some time, Vera was tired out and gave up on wanting to peek to look at where they were. So she could only find a comfortable position and leaned her head back on his chest again and did not persist on looking. Wherever he brings her does not really matter to her anymore. As long as he would hold her like this and not leave her, she would be happy and satisfied with whatever that comes along. 

When Gideon finally halted, Vera moved to peek. This time, he did not try to stop her. However, Vera still could not grasp where they were because it was too dark for her to see. She felt like they were inside a small house. She did not know why she perceived it to be a house though. It was just that the feeling it gave her seemed to resemble an enclosed space similar to a house. 

"Where… are we?" she finally asked in a careful voice. Gideon had yet to make a single sound since they had left the castle. Also, she could feel the turmoil going on inside of him. He did not feel as though he was okay at all. 

When he still remained quiet, Vera called out to him. His name rolled out smoothly from her mouth. "Gideon?" 

That seemed to jolt him out of his daze. Then something lit up the place and Vera could now see her surroundings clearly. Vera immediately looked around and her eyes circled round with surprise. She was right, they were inside a house, a small house that seemed to be carved from the inside a tree trunk. And looking at the size of this space, she would hazard a guess that the tree this living space was carved out from must be a really huge one. Though the space itself is small, but when compared relatively to a tree trunk, it was truly quite large. Looking around, she could see that there was a fireplace, a table, two chairs, and… a bed. There were two small windows on the opposite sides of the 'wall' and the small fireplace was already lit, a lively flame dancing within it as the only source of light in this space. For some reason, she felt a strange feeling that made her feel as though she had been here before. As though this was not the first time that she is visiting this place. But then, that was quite impossible as she has never been to the Under Lands before in her life. 

So she thought that maybe, she had seen something like this before when she was still back home. Or maybe she had seen it in one of her dreams before that she had forgotten. 

Turning her face back to him, Vera was about to speak when he suddenly put her down and stumbled backwards. His hand was placed on his forehead as if he was having a headache. 

And when his back slammed against what looked to be the door behind him, he stilled and then he just slid down on the floor as though boneless. One of his feet stretched out in front of him and the other was folded under him. He looked so weak as he sat there, leaning his head on his palm. 

Vera just stood there not knowing what to do, watching him, and listening to the sounds of his heavy breaths. But when she heard his breaths slowly becoming more stable over time, she moved forwards, her steps slow and careful as she approached him. 

Quietly, she knelt before him. Then she reached out and her palm gently landed on the skin below his ear, feeling his temperature. 

A gasp escaped her. She had already felt it when he was holding her, the burning heat of him. But she had initially thought that it might be because of his magic, or perhaps because it was due to him running around while carrying her that had spiked his temperature a little. But… now that she was touching his bare skin like this, she could not help but feel worried. This was like he was having a terrible and deadly fever! But… do dark faes even get sick? She was not sure about this. But he looked like he was just having a headache!? 

"Oh god!" she exclaimed as she started panicking, "I, I think you're having a terrible fever!"

He finally opened his eyes and looked at her. His fiery blue eyes smouldering through his thick dark lashes. The way he looked at her that moment made her feel as though the butterflies were going crazy inside her stomach. But her worry for him helped her manage to ignore that. 

"What should we do? I think… I think you're really unwell. Tell me… I… what should I do to help you? You're… too hot! Way too hot, Gideon!" she kept mumbling worriedly when Gideon caught her wrist. She jolted at the contrasting temperatures of their skin, his palm burning hot against her cool wrist. 

"If the fever you're talking about is that illness you suffered from that night when I was watching over you, then I'm telling you, dark faes don't ever get fevers," he finally spoke. Vera paused before a long breath of relief escaped her lips. But the worry on her face remained there.

"Then why are you burning up like this? You're obviously not well. Your temperature can't be this hot!"




2nd chap will come later. ^^

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