Chapter 497 - Tragic Story

Back inside the room, Beatrice, Evie and Gavriel were once again seated on their chairs. Their faces a little grave as their minds were all busy thinking back about Gideon and everything that had just happened. They were silent for a while until Beatrice let out a deep sigh and broke the silence. 

"Gideon… I've been worrying about what was going on with him." Beatrice started as she stared out the window before her eyes turned back and fell on Gavriel. "He had always been such a… a very good child. I know you cannot remember anything from your past. But Gideon… he had really taken good care of you back when you were younger." 

A sweet, nostalgic smile curved on Beatrice's face. "He even cried the first time he saw you after you were born, his baby brother. And… he promised he was going to protect you. It was so touching and adorable how he had vowed that through all his tears and snot." her eyes moistened as she smiled and remembered the image of Gideon carrying the baby Gavy in his arms, his smile so wide as he held him like he was a treasure so dear to him. She remembered how Gideon adored Gavy and Gavy having the same level of adoration or even more as he grew up. "You might not believe it now, but you were so obsessed with your older brother when you were younger that you practically followed him everywhere. We even teased that you were his shadow." Beatrice chuckled as she said that Gavriel. 

But her smile eventually faded as she remembered how everything started to fall apart one day without knowing why. 

"But Gideon suddenly changed. He began to distance himself from us and most especially you. It had been so long since then and he drifted farther and farther away to the point that I can't even reach out to him anymore. He has been reluctant to listen to me, much less talk to me." Queen Beatrice could not hide the little sniffle that escaped after she mentioned this.

"Does his change…" Gavriel began to speak in a careful manner, "has something to do with his dark magic? I might be wrong… but I can feel how his dark magic is not something normal when compared to the rest of the dark faes in this realm. His gives off a totally different vibe altogether."

Beatrice nodded, sadness shining in her eyes. "Could you cast a sound barrier for us, Evie dear?" she requested tearily and Evie quickly obeyed. 

When the barrier was up and strongly established, it was then that Beatrice dared to continue speaking. "Belial and I are actually not Gideon's birth parents," she revealed to Gavriel, causing Gavriel's eyes to widen in shock, not expecting to hear that piece of information. "He's actually your older cousin by blood as he's the son of Belial's brother, King Sarion and his queen. Gideon was a baby when the great war against King Sarion had happened. After Belial killed his older brother who had descended into madness due to losing control of his own dark magic, we took Gideon in as our own son. Belial and I suspected that Gideon somehow found out the truth somewhere, that he's not a child birthed by the both of us. For years we had thought that this was the reason why he suddenly turned cold to us and alienated you as well.

"But as time went by, your father and I realized that that was not the only reason why he began to isolate himself from us, his family. We believe there is a bigger reasoning behind this. And we suspect that it has a lot to do with the Abyss of Darkness." 

"A greater reason…" Gavriel echoed softly, and Beatrice nodded. 

"Gideon had been hiding his dark magic so deep and so well, but we had long found out about his peculiar ability to make the monsters bow to him. Or more like the monsters just fall to their knees at the sight of him. Belial and I had already found out about that when Gideon was still a baby. Belial deduced that it must be because Gideon was conceived by the late queen Ellia when King Sarion was already consumed by his dark magic. And… the fact that queen Ellia had been someone who was revived by a forbidden magic must have played a large role in it as well."

Evie creased her brows. This was a whole new information to her! 

"Revived? As in resurrected from the dead?" Evie asked this time, quite urgently. 

"Yes. Queen Ellia died once before and King Sarion did everything he could to bring her back to life again, using the ultimate forbidden magic. That was the start of the king's madness. My husband said King Sarion's fall to madness was due to the price of that forbidden spell he had casted to revive his wife. His body and soul were taken from him in exchange for her life. But for some miracle, King Sarion's heart remained uncorrupted by the dark magic. He still loved queen Ellia like he had always done. However, the king had become a mindless monster with a loving heart for his wife until unfortunately, his heart died as well because of Ellia's death when she gave birth to Gideon. The birth was tough, and Gideon had been born with untold powers of darkness which terribly affected his mother's health. Queen Ellia's body was weakened too much that she did not make it after delivering her son.

"Belial said that Gideon might have possessed the kind of abnormal magic he has right now because he was the very first dark fae ever born from such parents. A revived person was not supposed to ever conceive a child. But somehow, Queen Ellia managed to conceive, and the only reason must be because King Sarion was already consumed by the darkness. I'm afraid to say that Gideon's existence was only made possible by King Sarion's darkness." 

A short silence descended within the room following Queen Beatrice's explanation. Evie could not believe that there was still something more to that tragic story. Just when she had thought she already heard the worse of it, she was wrong. She was taken aback at how Gideon was basically moulded by the ultimate dark magic and the most forbidden spell. Therefore, what could one expect from such a combination that was viewed to be abominable to most? 

"And then… just as we had thought everything will be alright when Gideon introduced Leah to us…" Beatrice's face became pained again. "Everything fell apart once more." 

"Leah?" Gavriel asked, "that red-haired girl a while ago?" 

Evie glanced at her husband then abruptly returned her gaze to Queen Beatrice. Her curiosity skyrocketing now. She was dying to know about that mysterious Leah and her friend Vera. She still could not make out how would Queen Beatrice come to know Vera as they are both from different realms in the first place.


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