Chapter 492 - Brothers

Gideon who had stormed out of his room as if to chase after something urgently was suddenly stopped by the sight of a man standing right before the door. 

"You're finally awake!" Azrael immediately spoke. "Her Majesty wants to see you now, My Lord. Please follow me." 

A heavy silence reigned for a moment as Gideon stared at Azrael, considering what he should say to him. Gideon's hand on the door frame clenched tightly and his fingers created some dents on the frame. "Tell mother… that I'll go see her later. There is something I need to do first."

"Are you perhaps… going to look for the young lady, My Lord? I mean, Vera?" Azrael's question instantly made Gideon who had just walked past him screech to a halt. And that reaction alone was enough to answer the question for the man. "She's currently in attendance with the queen, My Lord."

Gideon's head flew towards Azrael. His eyes slightly widened in surprise. 

"What's with that reaction? You were not planning to hide her from the queen, I hope?" Azrael narrowed his eyes in curiosity. 

But Gideon did not deign to answer, keeping his thoughts to himself as his face became neutral before turning his back to Azrael again and walking off. 

"Where are they?" he asked, ignoring the question posed to him and Azrael quickly caught up to him with his long strides and lead him to the room where everyone was waiting. He could feel that the prince's emotions were fluctuating quite wildly as opposed to normal days. Though his face was blank right now, the aura surrounding him was heavy and exerting pressure on Azrael that even a dense person like him could feel the difference. And he wondered what was it that could affect him to this extent. His hunch told him that the little red head was a huge part of it, and it caused him to smile internally.

Their quick trip was as silent as the graveyard as Gideon started to put up his impenetrable mask again. Gideon was always like this around his mother. He would try his best to hide any negative emotions, his power and everything that he thought would make the queen suspicious or bothered. And Azrael could only sigh, wondering if the queen really could not see through his perfectly crafted mask. Though he had a strong feeling that the queen was not as innocent and in the dark as she seemed to be.

By the time they reached in front of the queen's room, Gideon paused. Azrael had already put his hand on the doorknob and pushed the door slightly open but… Gideon still did not move from his frozen spot in front of the door. Oh shoot, did he already sense his younger brother's presence? Damn, Azrael thought that since Gideon seemed currently caught in his own problems in his mind right now, he won't be able to notice the things that are out of the norm around him! Buthe was wrong.

Without wasting another second, Azrael pushed the door opened wide. His sudden movements in swinging the door open caused everyone inside to turn their attention towards them. 

"Prince Gideon is here, Your Majesty." The man announced Gideon's arrival, not allowing him to change his mind and run off. Queen Beatrice stood at the sight of her son still standing outside the door as though he was unsure of wanting to come in or run off. However, upon seeing her, he unfroze and stepped inside. She walked towards Gideon and without any preamble, Beatrice wrapped her hands tight around his arm.

Then she dragged him inside the room as she smiled from ear to ear. She was truly over the moon in having both her sons in the same room.

"Guess who's here, son." Beatrice hummed happily as Gavriel and Evie stood. Her eyes were twinkling so brightly, so much so Gideon thought that he had never seen his queen mother this happy for such a long time.

Evie held onto Gavriel's arm as well before they both turned and faced the approaching mother and son. Though she had known this day would come sooner or later, somehow there was still a sense of anticipation, and her heart raced a little.

"Your younger brother is back!" Queen Beatrice exclaimed, her face shining with nothing but happiness. She looked like she was the happiest mother in the entire world right now. And Evie could only feel so happy for her. She could tell that this had been her greatest wish, to see both her sons again like this and in the same place as her. Her heart clenched in sympathy at the thought of how the queen must have been missing her sons so much.

However, her two sons just stood there, staring at each other as though they were conducting a staring contest. Evie was not surprised that Gideon remained standing there, still as statue and looking at Gavriel with that same neutral unreadable face. But Evie did not expect her husband to be acting the same as his older brother. Oh no, this might not go down well… why? Why is Gav acting like this? Was he not supposed to have forgotten everything about the Under Lands and his brother too? And since this was the very first time that he was meeting Gideon as Gavriel, what was with this slight tinge of animosity and seemingly automatic cold treatment he was exuding towards his brother? 

Not wanting to make Beatrice's smile fade, Evie tugged at her husband's arm and whispered secretly as Beatrice was still merrily speaking with Gideon. 

"Come on, Gav… your mother is so happy right now. I'd hate to see her smile fade if she sees you brothers acting cold to each other like this." She whispered pleadingly, hoping that Gav would cooperate with her and Gavriel's eyes finally fell to his mother. He noticed how his mother was glowing and happiness literally radiated from her very pores. And that caused him to pull back on the cold aura he was emitting. 

And after seeing her laughing brightly at something his brother said, Gavriel looked at Evie and nodded his assent. It would not do for him to sadden his mother on the very first time they were reuniting after such long years spent apart. 

Evie let go of him and Gavriel approached Gideon. Though his movements were a little stiff, it only caused Beatrice's face to shine even more. 

A forced smile curved on Gavriel's face as he spoke at Gideon. "Good to see you… my older brother…" he said and then he reached out and hugged Gideon. 

Evie smothered a laugh that was threatening to burst out as she saw how wooden her beloved husband's movements were. 

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