Chapter 489 - Heart Touching

Beatrice's grin grew even wider at Gavriel's action. She had not expected him to introduce his wife like this. She nearly swooned from her son's sweetness. Oh my, when did this son of hers became this sweet and romantic? She might really need to get used to this new version of her son. 

"What great luck you have, my son. You are blessed to find such an amazing woman like Evie." Beatrice said and Gavriel looked at Evie, a smile curved over his lips and his eyes gleamed with nothing but love and pride. 

"Yes, I'm indeed the luckiest man alive for having her in my life." He replied, as he kissed Evie's hand, causing Evie to blush and Beatrice to swoon again. Her son was being so sweet to his wife! 

Gavriel's men on the other hand could not help but look away. They could not believe their prince will even put up his public display of affection even in a foreign place like this. Could he not have some sympathy for single men like them? Such displays were just sour darts shooting into their hearts.

And at that moment, two dark faes, the duo who were fighting by the gate a while ago were suddenly in their midst, leaning over to them. 

The vampires could feel that these two were not ordinary dark faes. These two clearly gave out auras that tell others that they were incredibly strong. Not as strong at the King they met earlier, but the power they possess were obviously something no others could ever underestimate. It was nothing to scoff at. Seems that the lords in this land were quite a force to reckon with. 

"Has Prince Gavrael always been this cheesy on the surface?" 

Zolan turned to the man who just casually leaned close to him and asked such an unexpected question. It was the man Claudius had referred to as Lord Kione. 

The dark fae lord looked very serious that Zolan almost laughed. It was because the lord looked incredibly confused and there was an obvious disbelief in his eyes.

"Yes. His Majesty had always been that cheesy." Zolan replied nonchalantly, not bothering to elaborate to that statement, 'but only towards his wife.' 

"What?! Seriously?!" the dark fae lord looked even more disbelieving. He then stared at Gavriel as though looking at an alien.

"It's the truth. Why do you think we aren't even bothered with his public display of affection anymore?" Zolan's tone was dry and indicated he was not joking.

What Zolan said shut the dark fae lord up and he quietly rested his chin on his knuckles, now looking like he was trying to solve that puzzle that was Gavriel. Of course, Zolan just smirked at the lord in his mind. 

On Leon's side, Azrael had begun to bother him again. The moment Azrael saw Leon, his eyes twinkled, wanting to fight the vampire again. He had considered them having unfinished business when they did not get to finish up their fight the last time they had met. He had approached Leon immediately and spoke to him.

But Leon, being the quiet man he was, he just nodded or shake his head, giving only one word answers to the dark fae lord. 

Until Levy came to Leon's side and whispered. "The hell, Leon!? Are you attractive to men too? Isn't that dark fae lord way too into you?" Levy gawked at Azrael.

"Idiot. Can't you see he's just so eager to fight me? He's waiting for the perfect opportunity to beat me to a pulp." Leon explained.

"Oh… is that so?" Levy replied while rubbing his chin, wondering if that was really true.

"You talk to him. He's as annoying as you, anyway." Leon responded dryly and shoved Levy in between him and Azrael. 

Levy nearly cursed. This Lord Azrael was so huge and damn… he could already feel he would not be able to withstand long in a fight against him. What if this dark fae go crazy and challenged him in a fight? Wait… he could just say no, right? And there was also their king and queen who would definitely save him, no? 

That thought gave Levy confidence and he smiled at the huge dark fae lord. 

"If you're looking for a sparring partner, you might want to try our leader." Levy boasted proudly, running off his mouth and confidently pointed towards Samuel. 

"Oh… He's your leader?" Lord Azrael turned his inquisitive eyes to the large vampire standing silently to the side. There was a contemplative look that appeared in his eyes.

"Yep. And he'd be a worthy opponent for you I believe. You both are nearly as large as each other." Levy happily matched Samuel to this large dark fae lord.

"Now that you mention it, he indeed looks pretty strong." Azrael showed more interest in Samuel.

"He is, trust me. He's the man chosen by our king after all." Levy egged him on.

The lord nodded, his eyes already set on Samuel. "Alright, since you're the one who suggested, help me convince him to play with me. Even a few minutes is good enough. Don't worry, I will never use magic." Azrael's large hand landed heavily on Levy's shoulder. 

"Sure. I'll try asking him."

"No, no. You should tell me first what can provoke him. That's the only way he'd fight me for real."

"Hmm… alright, but… Lord Azrael, maybe you can introduce me some beauties in exchange?" Levy waggled his eyebrows, hoping to get in a good deal on the side.

Azrael lifted his brow and then he patted Levy's shoulder, understanding his intentions. "I'll introduce you to some fine ladies in my duchy if you like. My duchy has the most beautiful dark faes in our realm." Azrael said proudly.

"Oh, really?! Alright, listen…" Levy got all excited after hearing what Azrael said.

As the vampires and dark faes were murmuring to each other, the family finally entered the castle. The atmosphere around the three were almost blinding. They felt like they were shining with happiness that it was so heart touching just looking at them. 

"You sure Belial didn't say anything mean to you, son?" Beatrice checked with Gav again as if to make sure. She knew how Belial used to scold Gavrael back then whenever he caught her being very worried and anxious because of him.

Gavriel just nodded when Evie piped in. 

"I am wondering if he actually scolded Gav." 

Beatrice smirked at Evie and whispered in Evie's ear. "If he did that, I'll punish him good when I get back."

And the two laughed with each other, looking at each other with meaningful gazes. 

However, all of a sudden, Beatrice froze. Her laughter died and her eyes suddenly widened. 

Frowning hard, Evie followed her line of sight and she saw someone approaching in the distance. Evie had already felt someone's presence nearing them earlier on, but she had ignored it, thinking that it would be one of the residents of this castle. 

But now looking at Queen Beatrice's reaction, she wondered on who this person was. It was a little dim, but she knew being a vampire, Beatrice could see very well in the dark. Who could she have seen to display such expression on her face?

Evie looked at Beatrice again and her heart jumped with worry at the sight of her looking like she had just seen a ghost. 

"Mother?" Gav asked. And when Evie looked before them again, she was shocked to see that it was actually Vera. What? What was going on? Why was her mother-in-law looking at Vera like this? 


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