Chapter 479 - My Son

Inside the massive and extravagant throne hall of the King's palace, Gavriel and his men were standing before the impressive throne made of pitch black precious stones. 

Earlier on when the vampires entered and passed through that portal, all of them were shocked beyond belief at what seemed to be a completely new world they had arrived in. They did not know if their prince was as shocked as them as he hid whatever expression he had the entire time. All that could be seen was his stern and inscrutable face that he usually puts on when dealing with serious matters – matters of utmost importance.

In fact, the whole group of the king's elite men had been as silent as their lord and master ever since they entered the portal as well. They felt as though they were with the dark version of Gavriel again but yet, not quite the same. However, none of them dared to speak up and ask if everything was alright with him. 

Samuel had tried to hint to Zolan to say or ask something, but Zolan just sighed helplessly and gestured back that it might not be a good idea for them to ask anything right now. Zolan had felt that the king seemed to be in great concentration. It was as if he was in the middle of an intense war even though they were just walking. Zolan also thought that since the colour of their king's eyes was still a stormy grey, he was just like this due to his extreme worry for his wife and unborn child. Thus, he had told everyone not to bother him. 

When they encountered some monsters near the portal, he did not even bother to pull his sword out and just let them deal with every single one of the bothersome monsters. And when they met with the dark faes, just one sharp and meaningful look from him was enough to get the dark faes to bow their heads in reverence to their king. 

The tense and fearful air that the dark faes exuded as soon as they saw Gavriel had bothered them. But since their king himself did not comment on it nor did he look bothered by it at all, they could only just shrug and follow in silence. 

But when they finally reached the Under Land's capital called the Great City, Zolan finally broke the silence. 

"My King…" he started as they waited for the king of the Under Lands to arrive and meet them. "… forgive my insolence, but these men are wondering if you still do remember us?" 

Gavriel lifted his gaze and stared at Zolan, then one of his brows raised arrogantly but gracefully in a silent response to his question. 'Opps, it seems he's still the usual him.' Zolan muttered within, that expression would never have appeared on his face if he was still in his dark version. 

Zolan rubbed the back of his head as he forced a laugh. "Well, since you just started being so quiet and serious, the men had thought that your dark side might have taken over you again at some point which we had not realised." He continued speaking as he looked at the other men who were beyond speechless that Zolan just threw them under the bus and was shameful enough that he did not even include himself. 'This f**king sly fox!' were written all over their faces as they looked at Zolan. He was truly the fox being sent to guard the hen house! Their expressions were complicated as they exchanged glances, wishing that they could strangle Zolan.

Gavriel's gaze fell to the others, and they straightened their postures. 

Thankfully, Gavriel let out a sigh and slipped his hands into his pockets. "I was wondering why my nosy and annoying men were suddenly silent. I thought you guys finally got tired of being the nosy ones… but it seems that I was wrong." 

"Oh! That means you still remember us!" Levy exclaimed and then sighed. "Good grief, I nearly died from keeping my mouth shut!" he then hung his tongue out like a dog panting for water and they all chuckled at his silliness.

Gavriel could only shake his head, smiling at how his men were being silly. "It seems that my dark version as you guys call it, is best fitted to lead you all. It's amazing how he can shut the lot of you guys up without even trying." Gavriel laughed at their constipated and horrified looks after they heard him made that statement. 

"No, no, Your Majesty!" Levy frantically shook his head and his hands. "We love the usual you the most. Your dark version is just too scary and overbearing. Not to mention that he can't even remember us. Right? Men?" 

Everyone nodded quickly and Gavriel just smirked, shaking his head. 

"Will your dark version come out again at some point in time, my lord?" Zolan then asked after a while of bickering with the rest of the men, "I honestly assumed that happened again since it seems you somehow knew exactly where we were to move around in this land." 

Everyone went silent and focused their attention on it. They all wanted to know so at least they could prepare themselves. It would not be good if they bickered with him in his dark version or they might end up being beaten to pulp! 

However, before Gavriel could answer them, they heard an announcement, saying that the king has arrived.

Their heads immediately turned towards their back as the massive throne hall doors opened. 

They all stood still as a man in flowing dark robes and long dark hair entered. He reeked of strong and dark power. Just the sight of him turned the vampire's fighting instincts on without them even realizing it. Thankfully, their experience with their king's dark version made them a little more tolerant now. This man curiously gave off almost the same vibes as their lord's dark version.

His presence alone was so strong that one look at him was enough for them to tell that he is the one and only king of the Under Lands. Moving closer towards them so gracefully, he had set his intense blue eyes on their king. And then, unexpectedly, the majestic and threatening king suddenly broke out in a welcoming smile and opened his arms wide while looking at Gavriel the whole time.

"My son, you're back!" His voice boomed out through the throne hall. 

Everyone just stood still, including Gavriel. None of them had expected that this was the first reaction of the king of dark faes to their arrival in his kingdom. 

Belial let out a short and amused chuckle at the sight of the vampire's stunned expressions and he moved to stand in front of Gavriel and hugged his son in a bear hug, thumping him on his back happily. 

"It's been really too long since you have been gone from home, Gavrael." King Belial said, gladness was filling his eyes. "Or do you prefer being called Gavriel? I'm fine with either of the two, son." He patted Gavriel's shoulder again and then pulled away. 

Gavriel remained very still, but the look in his eyes looked like they have turned a bit emotional the moment he saw Belial appear and called out to him as his son. 

"You… you're my father..." Gavriel said in a somewhat dazed manner and Belial smiled and nodded at Gavriel, not looking surprised at all that Gavriel was questioning him. 

"Yes.. I am your one and only father, my son." 

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