Chapter 471 - Take Them Off

Vera did not even realise that she was holding her breath as she waited for Gideon's response. Her face had long since flushed red and hot at the boldness of her own words. But she did not even have any time to feel embarrassed because all her attention was fixed on nothing else but on him. 

Those eyes that never failed to draw her breath away every time she looked into them so deeply were now dilated as he looked at her with a severe expression that she could not quite fathom. However, she hoped that his look would mean something positive to her. Since he has yet to push her away or reject any of her smaller advances.

"I want you…" she added, "I want you so bad…" her voice a pleasing echo in his ears. "Make love to me, Gideon," she repeated once again. The ache and sadness in her eyes were then replaced by a stubborn determination now, rendering him even more speechless. The surprised look on his face told her that he had not expected her to say those words to him. At all. 

"Re –" 

A heart jerking kiss shut him off totally. His body stilled like it had suddenly turned into a marble statue and Vera did not waste a moment longer to take the advantage of the situation. She lunged over and pounced on him while he was still in a stupor. She slid her tongue over his lips and when he parted his own in surprise, she quickly slid her tongue inside his mouth and licked and tangled her warm little tongue with his. 

Tangling her fingers through his thick and silky hair, Vera did her best, kissing him as wild and passionately as she could. She just made sure that he would be able to feel just how much she wanted him, just how much she lived for him, and how she craved for him to her very fibre of her being. 

She thought that she was going to have to do much more to shatter his guard to pieces. To make him grant her wish. But to her surprise and delight, it did not even take her that long before he was responding to her kisses, cursing under his breath as his hands roamed all over on their own and pulled her closer to his body. It was as though he wanted to pull her into himself and merge them together as one. And it was as if he could not help the way he was behaving. As if he no longer had the power to control his very own body right now. 

The fact that his defences just came crumbling down so easily like that, made Vera's heart swell with joy that she could not believe that it was the same heart which was just bleeding in so much pain just a little while ago. She could only thank whatever gods that were out there who had granted her wishes and fervent prayers for this one little thing. And she would not take it for granted.

As their heated kiss went on, Vera held his hand and slowly brought it towards her to place it on her breast. She still remembered how good it felt when he had kneaded and played with her there. And when he had massaged her breast, Vera moaned loudly against his mouth. She did not bother to keep her voice down and allowed him to know how much she loved his touch.

"Gideon… kiss me there…" she whispered, as if she could no longer wait to feel that pleasurable sensation of his mouth moving all over her breast again. Gideon's eyes gleamed in the dim light before his head bent over her. This time, he freed her breast and his mouth latched onto it without hesitation. The feeling of his hot mouth on her without the fabric getting in the way just set Vera's body on fire. 

And before they knew it, the quiet room was filled with nothing but the sounds of their heavy breathing and moaning and the sound of his name being called out reverently over and over. Vera was already stripped bare and as naked as the day she was born as she knelt between his legs. 

Gideon feasted on her perky mounds until she was writhing in desire as his hand was touching her sex again. Rubbing and stroking her folds while she clung onto him, her hands crawled down from the scalp of his head down to his back as if she could not get enough of his closeness. 

Vera could not believe she was feeling like this right now, and with Gideon as her partner. Her mind was swimming with so much pleasure she almost thought that she might even be dreaming. She secretly pinched herself on her thighs to check if she was really awake and everything was real. The sharp pain radiating from the area she had just abused herself assured her that she was not dreaming. And her hands then moved on its own, reaching out to his clothes, wanting to take them off. 

She had instinctively did that. Maybe because she was still a little afraid that he might suddenly change his minds and leave her again. Or maybe because she just could not wait to feel his naked body against hers anymore. Or maybe it was just both. Either way, her hands had already landed on the front of his chest and grabbed a fistful of his shirt. Daring to raise her eyes to look into his, she saw no rejection nor censure and her heart jolted with joy, seeing that he was not rejecting her advances.

But she found her fingers stumbling, shaking and could not even manage to undress him as smoothly as she had thought it would happen in her mind. It was then that she realised that the dark fae clothes were not as simply made as the human's clothes. 

"Clothes…" she uttered urgently, panting a little. "Gideon… take them off…" 


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