Chapter 463 - Possessive

Seeing him not moving anymore after he had slowly retracted his hand from her chest, Vera began to feel somewhat worried that her earlier reaction when he kneaded her breasts had discouraged him to continue further. She honestly did not want him to stop. She did not react like that because she did not like what he was doing to her. It was just that he had caused her to be surprised, that was all. 

Afraid that he would climb off her and leave, Vera tried to think hard on what she should do to make him resume their activities and continue touching her again. 

And the first thing that came to her mind was the last question he had asked her. What should she say? What type of answer would make him stay? She was antsy and wanted to just blurt something out, but the thought that it might make him run off was keeping her lips sealed and the words just hanging just behind her teeth.

"What…" she finally found her voice, "what will you do if I say 'yes'?" her voice came out hesitating, clear that she was worried about his reaction to her answer.

Her words then seemed to jolt him awake and his dazed eyes gleamed with a tinge of fury. Then all of a sudden, her hands were grabbed and pinned above her head. Her heart jumped at his closeness again and instead of alarm, excitement rose within her. Could that answer be the right one to get their activities to resume? She hoped that she gave the 'right' answer.

"So, you really let him? Huh, Red? You truly allowed him such liberties to your person?!" his voice came out so gravelly, coated with anger and Vera found herself unable to respond. Could it be that this was not the right thing to say? Her heart sank looking at the fierce look on his face. For some reason, she just felt like her answer would make him stop and leave. So she kept her mouth shut and just looked up at him with an indecisive and fearful expression until a smirk curved across his gorgeous face. 

The tinge of fury in his eyes burned even wilder and his other hand reached out and cupped her face. "You little…" he hissed out heatedly and swooped down to catch her lips for an aggressive kiss, devouring her mouth hungrily and with not just a small amount of anger. There was nothing in his mind but the strong desire to punish her, to teach her a lesson, and to show her with his actions that she belonged only to him! How could she… how could she allow someone else to touch her so freely and without consideration? No one is allowed to touch her but him! 

'No one!' That thought reverberated within his mind with a loud gong as the flames within his eyes flared even more wildly.

"I have already told you, woman! You are my personal bed warmer now. Mine!" he snarled out with a dangerous voice the moment he pulled away from their kiss. Vera felt her whole body jerk in shock listening to the extreme possessive tone within that statement. 

And while Vera was still trying to catch her breath and make sense of his claim over her, he had already lowered his head to hers again and began kissing her neck, his hand began crawling back to her breast again and when he kneaded her this time around, her body did not jump in shock anymore. Maybe because her senses were too focused on his scorching mouth that was roaming all over her skin, hungrily kissing her from the neck down to her slender and perfectly curved collarbones, sucking her there like he was trying to leave marks all over her skin, branding her with his very own personal marks. 

Her mind and heart, body and soul were all immediately suspended in the clouds and then she felt as though time had ticked by so slowly, the higher her fever, the higher he was lifting her. The next thing she knew, his mouth was on her chest, kissing her taut bud through her nightgown. His saliva wetting through the fabric and turning her white nightgown almost sheer, looking so provocative, as though she was trying to seduce him.

A combination of moans and gasps escaped from Vera's lips, and she realized he had already released her hands. With her hands freed, they flew to his head. But she did not know whether to push or pull on him. His other hand played with her other bud as he licked and suck on her other one. Oh god… what is this? Vera could only moan and gasp at what he was doing to her. All these sensations were utterly alien to her. But despite the fact that it was her very first time being flooded with these physical marvels, she was not playing the role of the shy maiden and drawing back in embarrassment. In fact, she was doing the exact opposite. She welcomed his ministrations and revelled in the whirlwind of emotions that he was putting her through.

She could already feel her gown was already so wet in that spot. He had drenched it with his mouth and that was not the only place that felt wet right now. Her sex was tingling like crazy, and something seemed to be building low in her belly that promised to be a flaming inferno once it exploded. The fever within her was so high that she felt like she was about to ignite in flames. 

And when he suddenly changed to use his teeth, she made a keening, high-pitched sound as she made to grabbed onto his hair, subconsciously tugging on them. Gideon released her bud and his mouth then released that current one and latched hungrily onto her other one, causing Vera to make more sounds of pleasure and surprise. 

"Gid… Gideon…" she kept calling his name out as she moaned until Gideon's hand travelled downwards and slipped under her gown. 

Vera could feel his seemingly fiery hand crawling up her inner thigh and she felt her sex responding to his touch, clenching and unclenching as if it was anticipating something more. Something like his hand to touching her there. And the moment those fingers indeed reached her there, Vera could only gasp aloud again. 

His fingers began to play with her curls, sliding his long and strong fingers between her sopping wet folds in slow tantalising strokes as he continued sucking on her breast again. 

"Gideon…" she moaned his name again but the moment his finger probed her entrance, Vera jerked. A small and sharp shriek came out of her mouth from that sudden action and her heartbeat raced like never before.

And once again, her reaction made him halt. He pulled away and looked at her quizzically. 


I know you guys are missing our Gav. You will see him very soon. ^^ 


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