Chapter 461 - Impossibility

Meanwhile in Vera's room…

The duo had already materialized in there for a while now but neither of them have yet to say a word to each other. Gideon was still holding onto her wrist tightly as they stood there, he, facing forward and she just looking on at his back. The sight of that broad and powerful back just gives her the feeling of security. She was just holding herself back from jumping on him and plastering herself to his seductive back, taking in the comfort and protection that it presented. 

Still remaining quiet as he had yet to talk, her gaze then travelled down his shoulder and arm to his hand. Her eyes then just locked onto his hand that was wrapped around her wrist. It was amazing how his presence alone, and his touch could just calm her down like this. The scene she saw brought awful memories back to her but hearing that they were just illusions made her feel a lot better. And as if it were just one of her nightmares, Vera managed to force it out of her mind. However, she knew that she was no longer trembling and puking her guts out in disgust was all because of Gideon. Him being there, letting her hug him, helped her stay fully in control of her own mind. 

She did not know how he could be having this effect on her. It was as though he could make her very soul breath and exist in peace without him even trying. It was as if he was all that she needed to stay sane and in one whole piece. Somehow, she had that feeling that all she need was to only embrace him, and everything in her world would be just fine. Even if it was not, he would somehow be able to solve all the problems for her.

And now here she was, feeling so calm and contented just because he was merely standing here with her. Why? How? How could she have fallen for this man so easily, so quickly and irrevocably deep to this extent despite getting hurt by him over and over again during this short duration that they were together? What would happen to her heart… or worse, to her soul if he ended up giving her a rejection and then turning around and leaving her? Would she… no, could she live through it? 

A small helpless smile curved on her lips even as her whole body trembled just thinking of that possibility. Because she could already feel it, the impossibility of what she is hoping and striving for things to happen between them. She was confident she could handle the pain of him not loving her but him leaving her… her, not being able to touch and embrace him ever again… she knew that she could not handle a possibility like that if it ever occurred. 

It sounded ridiculous but it was like her soul had already been hopelessly entangled with him since that very moment her eyes stared into those fiery blue orbs. And there was absolutely no way out for her now. She had encountered her dead end that had no way to turn back out and get out of. 

"How's your feet doing?" his voice finally echoed around her somewhat sparse room, pulling Vera back to reality. She was surprised to find that he had already turned around and was facing her, looking at her with those unsettling beautiful blue eyes of his. 

"My feet? They're fine. They don't hurt anymore." she replied and he pulled her towards the bed. He pushed her seemingly fragile shoulders down until she was seated on the plush bed. 

Gideon then quietly squatted down and held her feet in his large hands. Vera's eyes widened as he began lifting it and examining them for himself to see if what she had said was true. 

When he began to remove the bandages that were wrapped around her feet, Vera bent over to stop him. But Gideon looked up and their faces nearly collided. Their noses were about an inch to touching each other's and Vera caught her breath at their nearness. She could not help but remember the kiss that happened between them last night. 

"It's bleeding again." Gideon said, his brows furrowing and his expression hardening a little as he said that before he returned his gaze to her feet. When he pulled his face away, it caused Vera to press her lips tight together, feeling slightly disappointed that he did not move to take advantage of their nearness to kiss her. It disappointed her that it seemed that she was the only one who was thinking of that kiss. 

"I'm fine… my lord. You shouldn't be doing that… I…" Vera trailed off from her protest as Gideon's gaze turned back to her and sharpened, clearly telling her to hush and stop with her protests. 

He continued unwrapping the bandages and Vera could only watch, revelling from the touch of his hands on her feet. She could not help but feel her heart swell at the sight of him doing this for her. Never would she have imagined that one day, someone – a lord, a prince even – would be bending over right before her and holding her feet so gently like this. 

"Tell me…" he started. His voice deep and low. "Did you take quite a fancy to Kione as well? Didn't you tell me that you choose Azrael just last night?" Gideon asked her without looking up at her face. His eyes still trained on her feet.

His question caused Vera to become stock-still. She finally remembered about that man. Why did he lie? The reason why she came back and gave him a hug and a kiss were because she knew he had saved her. She was truly thankful to him that he had helped her out of that hall. That sorry which she had said to him was actually her rejection to his confession. It appeared that his confession to her too, was just a lie. But she said sorry anyway since she felt bad for him being beaten up. However, she did wonder why he had spoken such a lie like that. And now that she had thought about it, Vera found herself in a dilemma. Should she tell Gideon the truth? 


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