I'm the King Of Technology

Chapter 970 - Who Is in Control?

Chapter 970 - Who Is in Control?


Seated at the back seat in the middle car, Mother Winnie wore her glasses, crossed her legs and began marking some quiz papers of her students.

The roads were a bit desolate, as almost no car was out at this time, on this particular road.

This was why she loved taking it.

Unlike the other roads that constantly kept one in a Traffic Jam, this one was easy-breezy.

So how could she not like it?

Her car drove steadily, for a bit, before suddenly stopping abruptly.


The sounds of the tires roughly rubbing on the roads could be faintly heard as she jerked forward in alarm.

Luckily, she was wearing her seatbelt and wasn't drinking anything.

Nonetheless, the coffee she placed earlier by her side had all splashed on the car floor.

Once again, she was lucky enough to be wearing a knee-length long-sleeved flowy gown and a blazer.

So even though some spilled on her legs, at least she could wipe it off.

But if she were wearing long pants today, then it would undoubtedly get stained.

And then she would have to go late for work by either buying a new outfit or going back to the palace to get changed.

Winnie pulled herself back and adjusted her glasses on her face.

And before she could ask what was going on, she watched her driver pick up his walkie-talkie fast.


"Reporting in.

3 civilians were almost hit."


Winnie was shocked silly.

This was her first time almost getting involved in any car accident, so how could she not get panicked?

From what she heard, those guys ran into the streets out of nowhere, causing them to stop abruptly.

The only thing that made her feel better was that they weren't hit in the end.

But what happened next left everyone in alarm.

Of course, several guards stepped out to assist the men.

And even though they guarded the vehicles, since Winnie wanted to see them, the guards brought the shivering men closer.

But that was a big mistake.

Now, all 3 were standing just in front of Winnie's door.

And the moment she opened the door, their eyes turned cold.

2 of them revealed the blades from underneath their sleeves and stacked the guards standing beside them.

While the last one just pushed mother Winnie in the vehicle, stepped in and yanked his brothers into the car too.

All this happened in just a few seconds, causing panic to spread out.


The trio successfully closed the door and immediately placed a knife to the driver's neck and another to mother Winnie's.

"Lock the door and drive!"

The driver wasted no time in shifting the gears and driving off.

He wasn't about to put Mother Winnie's life in danger because of his carelessness.


Firstly, he didn't know whether these bastards initially planned to take mother Winnie as a hostage or kill her.

Knowing these points are important.

If they just wanted to keep her as a hostage for some future diabolical plan, then even though they have a knife against her neck now, they still wouldn't kill her.

In this way, he might not have driven off and thought of something else.

But if their plan all along was to kill her, if he dared to stay back, making these bastards feel syndicated, they might but waste time anymore and do the deed.

It's possible that they did this to secure an escape route for themselves.

If he were a killer, he would drive off far away with mother Winnie, kill her when the coast was clear and leave.

Another thing to note was whether these assassins were death ones.

Meaning if they felt trapped and cornered, they wouldn't waste time anymore trying to flee and would kill her in the car before taking their own lives too.

So right now, he had to do his best to stall them and make them feel like they're always in control.

In the meantime, he'll get to work.

After all, this was what he was trained for.

The driver remained calm as he gripped the steering wheel firmly and drove off as if he was in some sort of Fast & Furious movie.


Seeing the Car drive off crazily, the other guards quickly jumped into the other vehicles while talking into their Walkie Talkies.

"This is DW-2 reporting to Palace security.

I need police support on Highway 69.

Contact the chief immediately.

As of now, only 1 guard is mildly injured with a stab wound at his palm.

First aid will be registered to him fast."

"DW-2. I know your squad's capabilities more than anyone else.

So why did you let the assassins get away?"

"Because Duchess Winnie said so.

The assassins think she's weak and helpless.

But little do they know that it isn't she who's trapped with them... But they, who are trapped with her."

"What about the car?

Who's driving it?"

"It's Lipo Magnol.

He's fairly new and doesn't know her capabilities yet.

So he might try to put everything on his shoulders.

In a way, this would be a good practice session for him."


Let's see how he does from here.

Meanwhile, keep railing them until otherwise.


"Copy that."


In a flash, some of the guards stepped into the vehicles and drove off, chasing Winnie's car.

At the same time, some civilians looked at the scene in disbelief and panic.

Aren't those Duchess Winnie's official vehicles?

Who kidnapped her?

What was going on here?

Everyone's heart sank as they saw all vehicles drive away crazily.

Some of the civilians rushed towards the guard, receiving first aid to see if they needed any assistance.

Maybe even water.

Damn! Who would've known that they would see such a blockbuster scene out here today?

But the craziest was that 2 reporters rushed forward amidst from nowhere.

Was it just them, or did these reporters have invisible eyes everywhere?

The reporters swallowed their sandwiches excitedly to get the scoop.

You know, today, they had already interviewed one of the ministers in a government building about some new policies.

And so after that, they decided to grab a bite before heading back to the news station.

But who would've known that while chewing sandwiches, they would have front row seats to today's live-action movie?


They wasted no time, dumped their meal and tried as much as possible to capture what they could before storming the scene.

Who can miss such an opportunity?

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