I'm the King Of Technology

Chapter 968 - Plan In Motion

Chapter 968 - Plan In Motion

With the 2-day holiday period over, everyone went back to their everyday routines.

Landon was, of course, about to follow his own routines... That is, until he was dragged away for a complete check-up by Lucy.

Landon was really in a rush to start his main missions, so much so that he didn't want to stay in the palace for a single minute.

If possible, he wished he could fly to the lower region now.

But since he was so determined to leave the palace, rather than sending for the royal doctors, Lucy decided to drag him to the hospital instead.

She just didn't understand it.

How could a doctor be so lax when it came to his health?

So after advising patients, why doesn't he follow his own advice?

Lucy was truly helpless on this matter, but what she didn't know was that Landon had a permanent doctor with him at all times.

He had a regulator that showed his health and everything else that plagued him.

When he first came to this world, the system gave him a health status of 'Stupidly weak.'

It also showed him that he was poisoned, as well as pointed out even minor things like migrants and so on.

And since then, every time he got I'll, he just needed to pay the system to clean up his body.

In other words, he didn't need a doctor.

But apparently, his fiance seems to think otherwise.


Landon raised his hands in defeat while getting dragged across the hospital.

He silently said farewell to beginning his main missions now.

Well, at least he could never get too bored here.

While passing through the hallways wearing a face mask, he could hear the many health complaints made by passerbys.


"Oh my God!

Looking at my medical results, I'm so glad that I'm not facing any major illness.

Now, I just need to watch my diet and take my medications to get better."

"For me, I wasn't sure if I was ill or not.

But after seeing someone with mumps, I started fearing that I have mumps too.

After all, her puffy cheeks and swollen jaw made me feel like I might have mumps too."

"How so?

You don't look like you have mumps to me.

And your cheeks aren't even puffy."

"What do you know?


These are my before and after pictures."

"Ahhh! Is that you?

Why do you look like a bag of bones?

Your jaws are so hollow and sunken that they might snap if one pressed them firmly.

Now, you look like a normal person.

But your 'before' pictures are terrible!"


I don't know if you're insulting me or not, but throughout the last two years, while staying in Yodan, I started noticing changes in my body which frightened me beyond belief.

But what shocked me the most was my facial change.

At that time, I noticed no matter how healthier I looked... one side of my face was having significant trouble fighting gravity.

In short, it didn't fill up when compared to the other.

So I thought that maybe it was because I favoured sleeping on the other side of my face.

But after seeing that girl with mumps, I started feeling like I had mumps too.

So I rushed over here to get treatment.

But lo and behold, it turns out that I was wrong all along.

The doctor said that I was healthy and that no 2-sides of anything can be equal.

So I'm good.

It's just that I wish gravity wouldn't keep dragging the other side of my cheeks more.

Even though you say you can't see the difference, every time I look into the mirror, I can see it.

It's too puffy!"

"Your case is better.

What about me?

Today, I want to check something once and for all.

I'm so scared that I might have something wrong inside of me.

I swear, the other day, I could feel my toes vibrating.

Do you think I have something deadly?"

"Yesterday, my eyes twitched too much."

"My heartbeat feels faster than normal."

"The ache in my back that has been plaguing me for a few months is gone. Why did it go so suddenly? There must be something wrong with me."


Landon listened to the ridiculous people around him and shook his head wryly.

At least they're disciplined enough to come for checkups when they feel something wrong with them.

It might be because these people in this era had seen too much death. So they wasted no time in coming here.

It's just that the majority that came regularly were women.

Most of the men only came when things caused them too much discomfort.

Well, at least they have good family members and friends who would drag them here if need be.

Many people from far and wide, and even from Baymard's new territories, were all here expressing their worries.

People of all ages, old, young and strong, were all here to fight for their health.

For today, Landon didn't have any official meetings until 2 P.M

And so he planned to use his morning period to meet Tim, Lyore and the rest.

But now, it looks like he could only push back his plans for tomorrow.


Just like that, Lucy successfully took her soon-to-be husband for checkup.

And while they went about their day busily, a few others were also making preparations as well.


~Pap, Pap, Pap, Pap~~

Within one of the hotels, several men were currently equipping themselves silently.

They placed their face masks in bags, alongside several well-sharpened knives and tools.

They all wore black caps, shoes and complete black attire.

Now, even though they wore all black, they didn't stand out that much because all these were ordinary Baymardians clothes.

From the caps to the casual black but flexible clothes... Everything was way better than their previous attire.

After all, the outfit they usually wore when going to work screamed assassins.

So how could they wear that in broad daylight?

Everyone would know that they were up to no good.

Of course, the only thing that added colour to their outfit was the overly bright and colourful designs of their face masks.

People usually wore face masks here when sick or something like that.

So over the years, there have been so many designs.

And to make themselves look friendlier and less suspicious, they chose to wear face masks with unicorn designs or something bright and bubbly.

With everything packed up and ready to go, the trio wore their backpacks and headed out of the hotel.

Today, they would kill Winnie Elms.

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