I'm the King Of Technology

Chapter 931 - The Grumpy Mitchen

Chapter 931 - The Grumpy Mitchen

Mitchen looked at him coldly: "Kill you? Sorry, we Baymardians don't kill people off from impulse."

Understanding that the assassin wouldn't talk for the time being, Mitchen stood up deep in thought.

Actually, he wasn't banking on them talking now.

After all, he had a very long time to deal with them and get information out properly.

Once he isolated each of them and played mind games with them, some would crack.

Some might even think that others had already confessed, leading them to stupidly co fess as well.

He had all the time to play with their minds and crumble the walls they built around them.

As assassins, most had no human empathy and were typically greedy, arrogant and proud people.

In fact, many would betray their organizations if they would never get caught.

It's not love or gratitude that makes these people loyal to their organization.

It's the rules, consequences and punishments that make them terrified to double-cross their organizations.

And if they did choose to do so, they had to make sure that it could never be traced back to them.

Even their so-called guild masters and leaders were constantly getting schemed against by those with power in the guild

Who wouldn't want to lead the guild, control the money, resources and everything else in it?

It was akin to how elders fought to be patriarchs in massive clans.

There were always internal strives.

But for assassins, unlike clans that indeed had loyal members, a majority of assassins just obeyed because they had to.

Mitchen massaged his chin playfully.

If he could get a hold of their greed, selfishness and other traits, making them confess would undoubtedly be easy to him and a few others who knew how to trap them psychologically.

Of course, it could take longer and might even drag for months.

After all, some might stupidly think that their guild would come to rescue them and choose not to confess.

Mitchen smiled coldly at the assassin before turning his attention to his head prison guards.


For guards in the Baymardian Prisons, their ranks went up as follows;

•Correctional Officer (Guard spends 2 years in this rank before levelling up).

•Senior Officer (3 years)

•Senior Officer Specialist (1 year)

•Grade 9 Lieutenant (2 years)

•Grade 10 Lieutenant (2 years)

•Sergeant (Runs the show during shifts for 3 years)

•Deputy Captain (2 years)

•Captain (who are in charge of custody units are the ones in charge of the Deputy Captains, Sergeants and Lieutenants.) (3 years)

•Deputy Superintendent for security (2 years)

•Superintendent (4 years)

•Associate Wardens (5 years)

•Chief Associate Wardens (7 years at most)

•And finally, the WARDEN!

That's how Baymardian did its prison system.

It was a little different from that back on earth, but so what?

This was another world.

And in a few years, once Baymard's new territories were modernized adequately with electricity and so on, there would be other options around... Even though they might not be as big as that here.

Nonetheless, those who reached the rank of Warden could also go out and manage those places.

But, it wasn't easy for one to reach Warden

At the moment, apart from the Wardens of both the male and female prisons and their secretaries/right-hand people... everyone else was either Captain, Sergeants or Lieutenants.

Only about 15 or 20 ranked up to Deputy Superintendent, and about 5 more became Superintendents.

It took time, training, and good passing grades to advance.

Plus, Baymard was still fairly young.

And if not for the fact that some in this era had training from the age of 7, they might not have even ranked up to the level of Captains yet.

The majority were still lieutenants, Officers and Sergeants.

Nonetheless, they had trained hard and practiced dutifully to advance.

And part of their training also involved taking missions too.

As well as helping either the police or the soldiers capture or bring prisoners back to Baymard.

That was how Baymard handled and trained their guards.

It was their own unique way.


Mitchen took a last glance at the assassin before walking back to the vehicle.

And as he walked, his main subordinates followed as well.

"Captain Gunther! Gather them up and keep them in the Transition Sector."

"Yes, Warden!" Gunther said before turning around to rally everyone else.

"Deputy Captain Cassandra, contact the Police Department as well fast. We need them here now."

"On it!"

"Captain Jake, alert the barracks of the situation here.

Even though we've caught these intruders who have been plaguing them for the past few days, we still can't relax our guard.

There might be others still hiding within the city.

So everything should be kept confidential until we have a good handle on the situation."

"Yes, Warden!!"

Mitchen then turned to 2 of his secretaries, who were sometimes in charge of the prison when he wasn't around.

Of course, at times, he went out on missions with one of them and left the other to look after the Prison.

He had 3 secretaries; Winnie, Benny and Nate.

They were his left and right hands in the prison and did everything accordingly.

Benny wasn't around now since he handled specific assignments during the day.

So it was just Winnie and Nate.

"Associate Warden Winnie!

After the police inspectors find their passports, see the hotels where they stayed, and even check their items in the Port, I'll need you both to properly go over the information again.

As the law requires, even if they came to our doorstep, the police need to analyze, collect info and investigate the matter properly before sentencing.

And once the report comes in, you'll work with the soldiers on gathering information outside about their organization.

Don't worry.

They'll crack and eventually soul the beans. So you'll have to be ready by then.

I expect all paperwork on this matter done as soon as possible."

Winnie nodded: "Not a problem, Warden."


Associate Warden Nate!

You'll focus on properly scrutinizing and overlooking the prisoners.

As you know, they're too dangerous to be placed in holding cells within the police stations.

So we'll keep them in the Transition sector until judgement day when they'll be sentenced and assigned to different sectors here.

In the meantime, the police will come to Prison daily to interrogate them.

And I expect you to help out in every possible way.

Even though we don't harm prisoners during interrogations, there's more than one way to skin a cat.

That's why I assigned you to this."

Nate nodded and adjusted his glasses: "Warden, leave it to me. I'll have them singing in no time."


"That's what I like to hear.

Now I can finally get some sleep.

These bastards had kept me up all day and night for the last few days.

I really want to punch them in the face for everything.

That said, don't bother waiting for me tomorrow.

I'm taking an off day.

Now get out of my face."


The warden sure was cranky.

But who could blame him?

Everyone had regular shifts these last few days, but the Warden had double shifts and only slept at most 3 hours a day.

Poor guy.

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