I'm the King Of Technology

Chapter 914 - Duped?

Chapter 914 - Duped?

"All units attack!

Landon dashed towards Yao in a flash. But Yao's men swarmed over to protect him.

How dare this punk look down on them?

Forget about all the flashy entrances they saw earlier on.

They still calculated that they were more than the soldiers and guards that popped up within the massive dome.

So what was there to fear?

As for the matter outside the some, on the square, over the days, they had gotten their spies to keep tabs of how many guards would be stationed there.

And just before the wedding, they also know how many guards were on the Sanpodia walls.

So they completely outnumbered their opponents.

But what they didn't realize was that the army vehicles that arrived and parked on the square as early as 6 A.M, had additional soldiers and weapons ready for battle.

Again, as for the black sticks that their enemies were holding, they had heard about them before.

Rumour has it that if one stood close enough, the front part of the stick would attack and spring onto its victim, making him/her shake like chickens.

Apparently, the weapon could make one fry and shake as if struck by lighting.

So all they had to do is carefully avoid and predict the projectile of where the springy thingy would land, and the rest was history.

Yao and those shielding him looked at the approaching Landon with smug faces.

"BOY! How dare you attempt to touch our holy Primate Yao? You will pay for your insolence!"

All the enemies were using assassin daggers, similar to Elektra's, in the movie 'Elektra.'

Landon looked at how they wanted with their blades and smirked.

Indeed, it was pretty impressive. But not enough to take him out.


Landon's eyes narrowed like a deadly snake as he ran forward, dropped to his need and slid while shooting those beside him.

Peew Peew Peew.


What the hell?

Didn't they say that the weapons wouldn't work if they weren't close enough?

Son of a b**ch!

Those attached dropped to the ground and yelled in rage, but Landon didn't care for their pain.

Surrounding Yao were over 200 men. So if he wanted the prize, he had to take them all out.


Like bees, 100 of them decided to surround and swarm him.

They didn't believe that he would be able to take all of them at once.

But of course, reality was far different from what they thought.

Landon leaned back as if he were trying to do the limbo and avoided an enemy's blade.

He then grabbed the enemy's hands, and like a slithering snake, he latched onto the person, avoiding another enemy attack that was meant to hit his legs.

What the...?

All 4 people attacking him simultaneously, were shocked.

Did he have eyes at the back of his head or something?

No matter how they attacked, he flexibly avoided them while beating them up.

Landon latched onto an enemy's hand.

And when the enemy tried to shake him off, he used his momentum to run on everyone's chest, hitting and sending them flying.

If it were a regular attack, the pain wouldn't be this much, and they would just be pushed back reasonably.

But Landon had cranked up his power, instantly breaking their rib cages.

Those who were pushed back were flying like missiles towards their comrades.

For their poor comrades who were hit like bowling pins, they felt like a falling pillar had hit them, and some even died from it.



Those that survived coughed and spat out large amounts of blood as they felt that their entire internal organs were damaged.

This kind of power made their hearts sink.

This sort of power exceeded what any regular person's.


How did this bastard practice to get so strong?

What were his bones made of?

At this point, they honestly doubted their entire existence.

Wasn't this a little too exaggerated?

Didn't the information say that his majesty Landon Barn was only moderately strong?

Bloody hell!

They wanted to protest!



Landon loaded his guns calmly while carefully avoiding more attacks.

It looked like the temple sentries had dropped their smug expressions and began taking this seriously because now, they were bringing their A-game over.

"Hyah Hyah Hyah Hyah!"

Blades came from all directions, all in the hopes of hacking Landon to pieces.

And like a pro in a martial arts movie, he ducked, jumped, leaned side by side and even managed to walk behind his opponents in a relaxed manner, as if he wasn't even using his full strength... (which was true).

His actions made his opponents gritted their teeth angrily and felt that they were looked down on.

"You, go die!!!"

"Blade Mirage Style!"

"Phoenix Lantern!"

"Lightning Strike!"

They all rushed towards him, with everyone targeting at least one of his main body parts.

Be it his left arm or right leg, all were targeted.


They would like to see how he would get out of this.

Landon smiled.

And just when the attack was very close, he jumped in the air speedily, causing them to stab each other.

Everyone opened their eyes wide in shock.

How... How could he have escaped without any injury?

What sort of flash jump was that?

He jumped when their attacks were just seconds away from him.

And if they themselves tried that, they would barely be able to escape and would still end up riddled with injuries.

But there he was, with no scratch on his body.

How was that even possible?

No, who was his teacher?

This was the real question at the back of their minds.

Landon somersaulted in the air while sending several shots with his silencers.

Playtime was over.

Peew Peew Peew Peew.


Blood splattered everywhere, and the whole place looked dreadfully gruesome.


Yao looked at his actions in disbelief.

This was not what he envisioned.

Were they going to lose?

Was the temple going to lose for the first time?

If so, even if he escaped, how would he explain all this to his leader?

No! They couldn't lose.

It looks like he would need to use his stones hands once more.

That's right!

He came from a clan that practiced an ancient technique of transforming one's hand to be as hard as a stone.

In truth, it was somewhat similar to the Shaolin's that made their bodies to be as hard as iron.

But, his clan's ancient methods were far cruder and only used on their hands.

He once fractured a person's skull before, leaving them in a vegetative state.

So he was very confident in his fists.

All he needed was one punch, and that was all.

Yao squinted his eyes at Landon.

'Boy, don't blame me for being merciless.'

And while this was going on, Penelope and her gang had finally fought their way through Skye's group.

Now, it was time for her to teach this arrogant buffoon, as promised.

Who asked him to show up before her again?


He only had himself to blame.

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