I'm the King Of Technology

Chapter 908 - The Wedding Day

Chapter 908 - The Wedding Day

The empire of Carona, the morning of Friday, September 27th, the morning of the most anticipated wedding in the empire, was finally here.

A new day dawned, and slowly the first rays of light crept across the face of the royal city, lighting up the ground beneath it.

As early as 5 A.M, people began buzzing around the streets like bees.

From the farthest corners of the world, many had gathered to see the First Lady of the empire, journey in rich majesty to her blissful married life.

This was her first day, first step and first moment into the next phase of her life.

The throb of excitement grew, for within the city, the people started preparing for the grand event.

And all the preparations they saw the Baymardians do made their blood boil with enthusiasm.

For the last few days, some Caronians also volunteered to help out and were very surprised that they were given compensation yesterday after everything was completed.

So seeing their masterpiece brought to life, many wouldn't moss the wedding for the world.

Even the street cleaners and garbage collectors from the Waste company here in Carona also worked their very best to keep the place extra tidy for the grand occasion.

After all, since the occasion will be televised, they dared not let others view their beloved empire as dirty.

Well, to be honest, after Baymard, Carona was the second cleanest empire in the continent because they had the longest partnership with Baymard, developing their own national parks, waste disposal companies and so on.


The waste companies just focused on cleaning the streets and collecting garbage within all streets and corners.

They also collected bottles, cans and other recyclable materials and sent them back to Baymard, and Baymard in turn paid them for the recyclables too.

The waste company only dealt with bad food and other disposable decaying items that could be turned onto manure or even buried.

Of course, Carona paid the workers for their job, but Baymard also gave a substantial amount for recyclable materials like glass bottles, can drinks, plastics, metals and whatnot.

Those were raw materials that would lower the cost of production, so how could Baymard not collect them?

Because of the compensations, even those who didn't work in the waste disposal company ran to the public offices that collected and compensated people.

Now everyone was looking on the roads, scanning for these items as if they were treasures.

And it wasn't just the Capital city that did this practice, as over the years, almost all towns and cities now had branch offices that dealt with it and sent the items to the Baymardian sh.i.p.s.

All these habits added to making the place very today.

In fact, many found it absurd to live with so much trash in their homes now.

Before, they didn't mind, but now... they couldn't.

Change had taken over Carona within the last few years, and the peasants also looked healthier with fewer pimples, moles, no black spot on their faces, and their clothes were cleaner since they took the time to bathe regularly.


And so just like that, some woke up at 5 A.M to get ready for the event.


This wedding was also a business opportunity to see water in plastic bags, food and so on.

So how could they not have up early?

Of course, there were those who woke up early to find great spots to watch the whole thing.

And by 9 A.M, people were still not put out by an early start; the main highway where the profession would pass through were filled for hours, as people made sure that they maneuvered to the best spots to get the best view of all the arrivals.


Because with everything going on, they had a hunch that this wedding would be one like no other.

Stationed along the highways were several guards and patrol units.

And one could also see several speakers and the camera crew preparing for the event as well.

For this event, each news reporter had two microphones pointed at them at all times.

One would go straight to the microphones, allowing everyone to hear the commentaries, and another was for Tv recordings, so when they go back to Baymard, they would adjust the films, edit and combine all shots over these past few days, as well as the shots now to make several cassette tapes.

Hey, they also interviewed the cake makers, how they produced the cake, recorded a few steps, cornered the chaotic environment within the palace and even recorded a few congratulatory speeches from the totals and guests.

There would be a tape on the actual wedding, tapes on how the place was decorated and so on.

So for today, the reporters had two microphones, one for Tv recording and one for the people around.

To many, this might be the greatest Caronian wedding of the century.


The Sanpodia, which was enormous, had a massive space before it, as wide as St. Peter's Square of the Vatican back on earth.

The procession was to leave the royal palace, travel through Ritol Street, Edinburgh Street, Hauffle Street, Winchester Square, Polan Street, and 6 other streets before reaching a very long open street called the Holy street.

The long, broad Holy Street was the most prominent in the entire city and led straight to the enormous square at the Sanpodia.

It led to the Goddess of Fertility's house of worship; that was why it was called the Holy street.

And all along the way through all these streets, one could see cl.u.s.ters of people that had filled the sideways to the brim.

Particularly, within the Sanpodia square, several people were screaming excitedly when they spotted a few guests.


It's now 9 A.M, and the guests have finally arrived."


I don't know why?

But I'm so happy as if I'm the one who was going to get married."

"Me too. It's like a fairytale wedding come true.

It's so romantic."

"Hell, forget about romance. I'm more interested in the Queen's wedding.

I even think that she might be on the cover of some fashion magazine after today.

Do you know how amazing that is?"


We're talking about a wedding, and your focusing on a photoshoot spread instead?

Sister, this is why you're still single."

"Husband, Hey, luckily, the weather is just right.

Not too hot and not cold either.

Luckily, we brought a basket of food and picnic cloth for us to relax and chill.

This way,"

"Your family did that too?

It looks like everyone is thinking the same.

You know, we even brought sleeping bags as well, and blankets to enjoy ourselves as well."

"Yeah... It's really... Eh?

Shhh! Shhh! Shhh!

Everyone, be quiet.

The commenter is about to talk.

Ahhh... I'm so excited!"


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