I'm the King Of Technology

Chapter 903 - The Annoyed Penelope

Chapter 903 - The Annoyed Penelope

In a massive changing room, Penelope was currently being held captive by her so-called friends.

They hugged her waist and latched into her, refusing to let go just to stop her from leaving the room.

Lucy, Ruby (Gary's wife), Ava (Mark's wife) and Grace (Josh's wife) all hugged her, refusing to let go.

Lucy gritted her teeth: Lucia, quick block the door!"

Lucia also rushed to the door and guarded it like a goalkeeper: "Face it, Penny. You're not going anywhere."

Since coming here a week ago, Lucia had been somewhat acquainted with Penelope.

Of course, she was still super close with Lucy, but Penelope also gave her good vibes, which she liked.

She was that close to Penelope, but she still liked her all the same.

And after sword fighting with her, even though she lost, she still liked her even more.

Penelope was neither proud of her victory, not did she look down on her opponents or tried any sneaky moves.

You could tell a lot from a person in battle.

So they were now friends, and she started calling Penelope a new name- Penny.

Soon, the name caught on, and everyone started calling Penelope that too.

Everyone struggled to hold the fierce woman back.

Meanwhile, Penelope was really getting annoyed by it all.

There were 30 custom-made outfits that she had to choose from, all in her size.

The thing was, earlier on, at the start of the year, when they asked her, she did say they should do as they liked, and she would later on pick it out.

Of course, she did so because she found the whole thing a hassle back then.

So she pushed it until now.

But how could she have known that they would make so many outfits for her to try?

In fact, this couldn't be blamed on them because they created so many wedding gowns to give her several options for her big day.

Unfortunately, Penelope hated long and complicated procedures.

So after entering the room, she picked one and didn't even bother trying it on.

To her, an outfit was an outfit.

But her so-called friends refused to let her go and wanted her to make a choice earnestly.

Even the Baymardian fitters wanted her to select one properly.

What were they here for if not that?

Penelope found the whole thing a pain in the ass.

How frustrating!


"Penny, don't you want to look like a goddess on your big day?"

"Yeah. Don't you want to blow your Benjy's mind?"

"That's right, Penny. Don't you want to look good for him?"

Penelope's lashes fluttered with indifference: "I always look good to him. No, it should be that I've always been a very good-looking person that shone in whatever I wear. So what's your point."


Was it too late for them to change friends?

Everyone's lips twitched.

Penny, don't you think that you're a bit narcissistic?

"Look Penny, let's make a deal.

If you try them out, I'll give you my Oakville collection that you like."


"Fine, in addition to what Lucy's offering, I'll personally schedule a match with one of your idols, Warden Mitchen."

Penelope paused for a bit before moving again: "No!"

"Good, good, good.

You've asked for it now, Penny.

In addition to what Lucy and Ava are offering, I'll personally get a sword from the famous Navomora in Baymard."

Penelope froze.

A Navomora's Sword?

You know, his swords are legendary and are the best in the empire.

Even the famous blacksmiths around the continent flocked to Baymard to witness his skills when he does his workshop once a year.

And the sword he created gets auctioned for millions.

It was said that the swords he produced in Baymard have a life of their own, as one could feel the growing energy from within.

Even she had seen one of his swords, which her grandma Adrain had fought his way to get once it was auctioned.

The sword was indeed legendary.

And to her, Navomora was her 2nd idol.

Indeed, she was tempted for a bit, but then again, she thought that she had a pretty close relationship with Landon.

So if she wanted to soar with one of her idols, Warden Mitchen, wasn't it easier to ask the source?

And when it came to getting a sword from her other idol, she would personally go to the auction with everything she had.

She was determined to get next year's sword.

So why should she leave her fate for others to assist her with?



All of you should let go!"


Everyone in the room was engaged in completing their tasks.

Even the Baymardians tasked with the dress fitting process felt more determined than ever to get her into her clothes if need be.

How could they fail their mission after coming so far?

Everything will be recorded and shown on Tv, so how dare they make a mistake in a ROYAL wedding?

Everyone would remember their design teams and whatnot.

This advertis.e.m.e.nt opportunity was a time to shine brighter and not to turn into a laughing stock.

The lead staff adjusted her glasses, and before they knew it, she went all ninja on the scene.

'I'm sorry, your majesty.'

( *□^□)

What happened next could only be described as

In a flash

"Wait, what are you guys doing?"

"Let go, now!"

"Quick, grab her. Hold her down!"

"I've got her leg!"

"Stop, stop, stop taking off my clothes."

"Don't listen to her; she'll thank us later.

Get that dress on her now!"


Adrian, Carmelo and Santa, who just arrived and were about to knock... Stood outside, listened silently for a minute before slowly backing away helplessly.

If time has taught them anything, it's that it was better to stay out of moments like this.

With that, they tiptoed away as if they were never here.

'Forgive us, dear.'


Penelope was tossed aside time after time, with everyone operating to pick out the outfit that properly fitted her character.

What a joke!

Penelope didn't care which one she wore, so they couldn't leave it for her to choose.

In the end, they realized that she liked anyone that could allow her to carry her sword sheath on it.

Hell, the woman always wanted to be battle-ready, even on her big day.

And after trying all 30 outfits, they Anonymously chose the 21st one.

This was the one.

It was so her.

Now, all they had to do was hurriedly make a few quick adjustments according to her desires before the wedding.

Lucy nodded in satisfaction before frowning again.

Why wasn't Landon here yet?

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