I'm the King Of Technology

Chapter 822 - Foreign Mercenaries?

Chapter 822 - Foreign Mercenaries?

Bang Bang Bang Bang.

The trio ran alongside Mitchen worry-free while the other Marines and soldiers quickly eliminated those in their path.

And when the soldiers and marines had their hands full, all 4 just smoothly avoided the pirates.

They ducked, jumped and ran without even harming them.

Their eyes were on the prize!

Mitchen exploded like a cheetah and ran towards Marlo in a flash.

But just when he was about to take a shot, he ran out of bullets.



He placed his weapons away and decided to fight hand-to-hand combat with the bunch.

Refilling would distract him and might even give the enemy right before him a chance of fleeing or attacking?

As for the trio who followed Mitchen, they focused on the people surrounding Marlo, him to Mitchen.

"My Lord, watch out!"


Ratcliffe blocked Mitchen's Fist, but when pushed back quite a bit.


Was this guy's hand made of metal?

Ratcliffe struggled to stand while watching the giant approach them slowly.

"Mr. Marlo.

Hasn't anyone ever told you that it's rude to walk away from a fight?"

Marlo paused and turned around coldly.

"Well, it depends if who I'm fighting with is worthy or not.

So, are you worth it?"


Marlo seemed calm on the outside, but he was actually shocked on the inside.

For the enemy to call his name and look directly at him meant that the enemy knew how he looked.

Who was it?

Was it truly the temple that stated everything tonight?

Apart from his brothers, Ratcliffe and his shadow Guard Quincy, the test of his men only thought that he was another shadow guard.

Like earlier on before they left the building, he first whispered his plan to Ratcliffe and Quincy, who then told the other 13 of his plans.

And from there, they strived to convicted the pirates as well.

Of course, he had told the other 13 that their master, himself was already safe and would meet them in the hideout.

So all they had to do was get their asses there.

On this split second, Marlo thought long and hard about how the enemy had known of his appearance.

That would mean that they had drawn a portrait of him ages ago and had formulated it amongst themselves.

So the question remains: Who was it?

Did the information come from spots, or did someone his brothers, Ratcliffe or Quincy betray him?

His heart and mind made him lean towards the idea of a spy, but some dark seed within him couldn't help but question if there was any hidden grudge between himself and people close to him.

He looked at Ratcliffe and Quincy's worried expressions and immediately ruled them out.

So that only left his brothers and the temple.

But he had worked with his brothers for over 17 years now.

And they had never tried to kill him before.

Rather, every year, he always got assassination attempts from the temple.

So, all fingers rightfully pointed at the temple.



"Eat my fist bastard!"


You stay away from me!"

The background sure was lively.

And amidst the battle and confusion that was going on, that was going both Mitchen, Ratcliffe and Marlo stared at each other coldly.

The air was so brittle and tender that It seemed like it could snap any minute from now.

Time seemed to freeze up as the trio felt their heartbeat speed up with emotions.

"Tell me stranger, do you like to gamble?"

"Hmm... No, not really."

"Then why choose to gamble with your life?

Do you know what you're doing or who you're up against?"

Mitchen did some stretchy poses nonchalantly: "Don't know and don't care."


Marlo's mouth twitched with rage.

How can this imbecile still act like this with no fear even after calling his name?


That's was it!

"So, they haven't told you about my identity, have they.

If I'm not wrong, your group are mercenaries that take on dangerous missions right?"

"You could say that."

Marlo chuckled and smiled coldly.

As expected, no one would be willing to take on such a task if they knew his real identity.

So the time probably chose to get a mercenary group to do the job.

Maybe they were from a different continent instead.

Because when they had been yelling and communicating amongst themselves, they used a weird language that he couldn't understand (Chinese).

So even though they also knew how to speak in Pyron, he was more inclined to believe that they came from another new continent because no one within the Pyno, Morgany, and Veinitta Continent would dare attack a pirate island, even if the temple sent them.

This only meant that these foreign mercenaries had taken the job cluelessly.

This should be easy then.


Marlo crossed his hands over his chest and smiled more confidently.

"I'm sorry to say this, but I'm afraid that you've been duped by your employer."


How so?"

"Well, let's just say that I belong to a powerful organization that has forces and connections within 3 continents.

And within the organization, I'm the 3rd person calling the shots there.

So if you touch me, then the organization will hunt you down all the days of your life."

Seeing Mitchen stroke his chin deep in thought, Marlo felt even more relaxed about tge situation, and Ratcliffe on the side only scoffed in disdain.

He too came up with this analogy as well.

They were nothing more than mercenaries who had a few sorcerers in their midst.

Then they probably hired them because of the sorcerer and their naivety.

"How about this.

If you call off your attack now, then we can forget everything that happened today.

You have my word."

Mitchen looked at the overly confident Marlo and smiled.


I think what you've said makes sense.

After all, your identity seems to be a mighty one.

Any ordinary people would've chosen to back off.

But you see, I'm different." Mitchen said, while slowly taking a cool martial arts stance.

"And Mr. Marlo, only a fool will believe that a pirate such as yourself can keep his word."

Marlo looked at him and sneered.

That's right!

As a flawless pirate, why should he keep his word if they don't have any business transaction or if they weren't close?

Anyone who dares to attack him is an enemy for life.

So there's no way that he would write it off.


"Stranger, are you sure that you want to fight me?

You may not know it, but I have 2 renowned names.

One is the baker, and the other is the Fast Legs

And do you know why people very close to me call me the fast legs?

That's because right from birth, the strength within my legs has always been greater than the average person's.

Though I cannot crush metal or stone, my kicks are always life-threatening to my opponent.

I've killed people bigger and sturdier than you are with just a single kick.

So it's not that I was running away from the fight earlier on.

It's just that in my eyes, you are unworthy of my time."

But since you want to fight so much, then why not?"

"Now that's what I'm talking about here!

And you! Pointy Ears!

You're free to join in the fight anytime."

As an impeccable butler, Ratcliffe's facial expression remained the same.

But deep down, he was swelling with rage.

Pointy Ears?

Who was that?

He felt that the son of a b**ch was indirectly mocking him.

"How absurd.

Do you think that you will be able to take my lord and me at once?

How dare you look down on us?

My lord, please allow this humble servant to deal with this barbarian."

"Mr. Pointy Ears, Mr. Marlo... Enough chit-chat.

It's time to show me what you've got."

"With pleasure," Marlo answered coldly.

If he didn't beat this bastard to non-existence, then he wasn't Marlo Jones, A.K.A The Baker!

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