I'm the King Of Technology

Chapter 786 - Incoming Warning!

Chapter 786 - Incoming Warning!

Landon looked at Yusha helplessly.

Once again, he had recruited another overly excited person, but he would have it no other way.

"You'll start 10 days from now.

So within this period, you need to round everything up and relocate to the Capital."

Yusha was happy for a while, before growing again: "Your majesty, what about the rest of my team?"

"Don't worry, they have a different arrangement than you do.

I'm aware that aside from your 2 disciples, there are 27 more astrologists in your team who record and observe the weather in Riverdale.

And if I'm not wrong, you've divided them into 3 groups, right?

Those who observe in the early parts of the day, those who observe in the later parts of the day and those who do so all through the night.

But now, you need to divide them into 5 groups rather than 3.

1 group will follow you to Baymard for the first 2 weeks.

And after that, the next group will take their place.

In this way, no observation shift will be disrupted.

This way, everyone will have the opportunity to learn and study while working.

That said, I will also hire new graduates or recruits who are interested in this science.

It will be the duty of you and your disciples to also teach them what to do."

Yusha I'm his disciples patted their charts hard: "No problem your majesty, leave it to us! We won't let you down."

"Good! Good! Good!

I knew that I could count on you all.

But that's not all there is.

You see, over the course of time, several other astronomers and astrologists from all cities within all empires will come to the academy."

Yusha and his disciples almost stood up from shock!


What did his majesty just say?

Never in history had all of them come together like this.

Did this mean that he would be working alongside people from Yodan, Terique and the rest?

Will he work alongside some of the people he looked up to?

He felt like a person who would soon meet his idol.



London looked at Yusha's dazed expression and chuckled.

Of course, he was going to create weather charts for the entire Pyno continent.

This way, even they could see and witness how the winds blew in a directional pattern due to the world's rotation and other factors.

Winds have constant steady patterns that typically stay the same from hemisphere to hemisphere and region to region.

Like the trade winds that were powerful or emailing winds that blew across the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

Or the Polar Easterlies, which were dry cold prevailing winds that blew from the east and emanated from areas of high pressure around the north and south poles.

All these always stayed constant and rarely changed.

So the earlier they plotted and figured out the constant flow of things, the better things would be.

And while they were at it, it wouldn't kill them to record time zones, would it?

Landon decided that after this meeting was over, he would head towards the other cities in Baymard and request for some people in their astrologist team to head towards the Capital as well.

As for their books, Landon had decided to take them in batches.

To start off, they will take 100 books with them.

And after they're done, they will return them to their cities and take another batch of books.

Each team would be responsible for properly handling weather predictions for their cities.

Of course, some wealthy towns also had astrologists too.

so they would also be invited as well

And at the end, they would combine all they had into one giant map, showing the range and flow of things.

That was in the case of Baymard.

For the other empires, Landon would ask their rulers to write out letters for those who should be sent to Baymard full time.

It would be like an appointment of duty.

Weather was a global issue that should involve all empires and parties.

Sometimes, knowing and learning more could save an entire empire... Especially when it came to the weather.

Signs of floods and other hurricane issues will help many more than they can imagine.

That's why it was important for each empire to cooperate for this job.

Additionally, they were learning here, so it was also a win-win situation as well.


Once again, Yusha marvelled at his majesty's thoughts but he was a little worried as well.

"Hmmm... Your majesty, I agree.

But how fast can we get others to hop on board with this project?

Some of the empires might not even agree to it.

So what do we do then?"

Landon smiled broadly: "Don't worry, they will."

Yusha looked at Landon and closed his mouth.

In his head, he had already conjured a scene with Landon personally holding the rulers on their necks and forcing them to agree.

Your majesty wouldn't be that fierce right?

Landon only smiled while deep in thought.

Unlike the case with Yusha who was close to Baymard's Capital city, others out of Baymard were too far away.

Which was an issue.

And because Landon wanted all data to be collected and done as soon as possible, he had also decided to send out his soldiers to drop and pick up these people.

It's a given fact that it would take several months and even a year for some to get to Baymard.

So by the time they got their letter from their leaders to the time when they arrived in Baymard... Too much time would've been wasted.

Arcadina alone had over 30,000 cities and towns, and villages alone.

And each place needed to go through tens of hundreds of books to depict what their normal weather patterns were throughout the decades.

So where was the time?

If he wanted all this done in 4 years, then he needed to be responsible for their transport, and even deliver their letter of duty from their rulers to them.

Of course, he would get the various empires to pay for the fees of these astrologists, as well as to pay Baymard for teaching them.

Nothing was free!

He would reach an agreement with their kings before sending his men out.

He even planned to see Micheal in Terique and William in Arcadina tonight.

And the moment everything was finalized, he would personally deliver all letters, as well as send his men to pick them with their books fast!

4 years from now, planes will fly... and nothing, not even the weather would stop him!


Yusha nodded while listening to Landon.

"Your majesty, since the Academy of Atmospheric science is currently being built, then where do we study?"

"Don't worry about that.

In the Capital city, there are 10 estates/manors that are kept for these purposes.

Back when Baymard was still in its transformation phase, these estates were all used as temporary homes for different academies and institutions.

Like the law school.

Before they moved into their new building, they rented one of the estates there while waiting for construction to be finalized.

So those buildings are only used for temporary stays.

That said, the government will rent out the largest one for the academy while you wait for construction to be completed.

So you don't have to worry about it."

Yusha put off his worries and relaxed again.

Well, it seems like his majesty has thought of everything.

"Your majesty, will you really be our teacher for the first 4 months?"

"Of course!

The academy will offer several subjects like climatology, meteorology, astronomy, astrology, and many others that focus on the atmosphere.

Of course, you'll also study thunderstorms, something that I call cyclones.

There are a lot of topics at hand, so everyone can only choose the ones they feel drawn to.

With many more people coming in, from both the graduates and the astrologists, I believe that everyone will find what they love.

So Chancellor Yusha, welcome to the team!"

"Glad to be here, your majesty!"


They shook hands firmly, but happily and everyone began to mem plans quickly.


The meeting went on smoothly with everything settled.

Now, it was time to head towards the next city.

But before could move, he got an alert from the system.


Warning! Warning!

Visitors in danger!

Visitors in danger!

Warning: Host will die if they die!'

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