I'm the King Of Technology

Chapter 763 - Gathering The Team

Chapter 763 - Gathering The Team

After discussing and finalizing everything, everyone passed through security again and left the lower region.

Landon and Lucius first dropped Mark back in the police headquarters before heading towards the Baymardian barracks.

Even though it was 4:26 P.M, their day was nowhere near over.

Today, several Baymardian and Caronian soldiers had gathered within one of the halls in the barracks.

A week ago, they had all received mysterious letters requesting them to gather here.

The letter only said that they were selected for an important mission.

And if they choose to accept it, then they have to gather here.

So here they were.

Again, they were to bring the letter with them if they wanted to attend this meeting

Typically, most of the courses that had nothing to do with guns and advanced technology were also taught in the Baymardian barracks.

So most of the Caronian soldiers had to attend some of these courses in the Baymardian barracks.

Courses like ethics, rock climbing, safety, military tactics, sword fighting and whatnot were taught there.

But they also had some courses that were taught in the Caronian barracks, like archery, hand combat and so on.

The most important thing is that they had so many drills and obstacle course routines in the Caronian barracks which were the same as those in the Baymardian barracks.

The fact that they could move from one barracks to another deepened the bond between the Caronian and Baymardian soldiers.

Again, the Caronians also had their own special units, as well as their battles between brigades.

So they weren't left out from all the fun.


That said, just because they could enter the Baymardian barracks didn't mean that they could go anywhere they pleased.

They could only go to the class sights, cafeteria, outdoor fields, clinic, challenge center and the first floor of the library.

Any other place was out of bounds unless they were the superiors sent for them.

The security in the barracks was tight, with I.D checks and so many other procedures.

Anyway, both Caronian and Baymardian soldiers were silently waiting in a massive hall merrily.

Just holding the secret note in their hand made them feel special.

Everyone's chest had risen proudly as they felt like all their training over the years earned them a spot on the mission.

Their minds began wondering what sort of mission they would be sent on.

Penelope's brothers who were amongst the chosen few also felt the same way too.

First Prince Robert, 2nd Prince Asher and 3rd prince Neeson were almost having a heart attack because of the wait.

They sat with 2 other friends who had also been chosen as well.

One of their friends turned to them anxiously: "Guys, do you think that it will be like those missions in the James Bond movie?

My whole body is trembling from anxiety.

Just what sort of mission is a triple S-class one?"


Just the mission level already tells you how life-threatening the mission might be.

This is like nothing we've done before!"


This one will probably have a tone of bad psychos who might kill us in the blink of an eye."


That's true, there might be deadly assassins there that we might have to fight against."

"Oh my God!

Can the meeting start already?

My poor heart can't handle the wait."


Everyone continued speculating about the mission silently.

For the Princes as well as all Caronian soldiers, even though this wasn't their first time accepting a mission... it was still their first time taking on a day one like this, which made them both thrilled and nervous that they didn't get a wink of sleep last night.

Yes, back in Carona, they did go out on some assignments here and there.

But they were never truly invested in them since they pushed everything to their subordinates and sat down on their asses while waiting for results.

As Princes, their subordinates did all the work.

But ever since they got here, get had changed and now looked forward to getting on the field.

Even though they were here to train, Caronians could still take on some small assignments that were posted on their notice board.

And all 3 princes have already participated in those ones.

For example, they were told to handle bandits within Carona and Arcadina's Western regions.

And at times their tasks would be to collect information or aid the town or village folks in whatever way they could.

The public now knew that Arcadina and Carona had signed treaties with Baymard.

So sometimes they took on these assignments which had been approved by these rulers.

Again, they sometimes escorted others and even killed off dangerous beasts in the forests.

The princes had gone out to Carona on multiple occasions to aid the people or capture local bandits here or there.

That said, everything they did was level F to A mission levels.

None of them had been given even S, SS or even triple S-class missions.

So when the mysterious note stated that their mission was at a triple S level, they almost fainted from sheer joy.

The air was tense with anticipation and their bodies were all itching to know what this was all about.

What sort of danger level would they experience?


Soon, the wait was over.

And the moment they say Landon and Lucius alongside both Caronian and Baymardian superiors, everyone sharply stood up and gave a military salute while greeting them loudly.

Landon and the rest nodded back: "At ease men.

You may sit."

With that, everyone did as they were told and focused on the people before them.

Lucius stood before a wooden pulpit (stand) and positioned the microphone close to his mouth.

"Today, every one of you has been selected to partake in this dangerous mission.

As you all know, this is a triple S-class mission.

That said, if anyone feels that they aren't up to the task, we will give you this second chance to leave now and go on with your normal activities.

Because after we divulge the mission to you, there will be no more room for regrets.

So those that want to leave, please exit right."


"Good, since everyone has decided to stay, then let's begin."

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