I'm the King Of Technology

Chapter 756 - Undercover Wayne

Chapter 756 - Undercover Wayne




On the Northside of the Poison Lily Brigade, Several less lethal explosives went off, immediately alerting those in the camp.

Apparently, a group of enemies were trying to infiltrate their base over there.

Many sneered and focused their attention on killing this new enemy.

They didn't worry a lot about it because over the past few hours, many had tried to sneak into the camp.

But to the best of their knowledge, none had succeeded.

Right now, many of them were focused on the matter, including those behind the iron door.

From here, they could hear the loud thunderous sounds that echoed across the open air.

'Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!'

"9-Y to Headquarters.

The enemy seems to be retreating in defeat.

I repeat, the enemy seems to be retreating in defeat."

"Good Job 9-Y, leave the rest to the air forces now."

"Roger that ."

"Air force Beta."

"Yes sir?"

"Follow them closely and don't let them escape.

Attack if possible or lead others to take care of them instead.


"Yes sir!



'Boom! Boom! Boom!'

Coupled, with the loud sounds that echoed throughout, many guards who were supposed to be patrolling the building seemed to have gathered in shock just below their window.

The place som turned rowdy in a heartbeat.

Again, even the patrolling guards just outside their doors seemed to be talking loudly about the matter too.

The chattering of people and the ear banging noises from the explosion made the soldiers in the main room somewhat restless, as they waited for the enemy to fully retreat from their base.

They were currently 3 stories up, so several of them kept looking out of the window anxiously.

But while they were doing that, Wayne and his men hastily took advantage of the noise and carefully pried open the air vent holes and waited for their chance in silence.

That's right!

They had planned everything so far.

All of this was just a distraction to enable them smoothly pry open the air vent holes.

One should know that air vent exits/holes typically caused loud noises when forcefully opened from within the air vent.

So they needed something that was way louder to keep distracting the enemy from noticing their actions.

Again, with everyone concentrating on the current attack outside, no one could've imagined that the enemy was already in the base.


Wayne placed several ear muffs in his ear and carefully took out several stun grenades before smiling broadly at the poor soldier below.

He had taken notice of all 12 soldiers in the room and made a mental note of their positions.

Of course, there were 3 vent openings in the massive room.

So some of his soldiers had already portioned themselves there, ready for action.

And just as planned, 3 minutes passed by before the chattering guards on grounds level dispersed, which made those looking outside the window leave and get back to their seats.

They needed everyone's attention before they could pull out their magic trick.

With all enemies seated, all Wayne and his team began the countdown.

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.


The fuses were pulled and the stun grenades were flung into the room.


A dazzling white light shone brightly which made the enemies freeze up for a bit.

The flash momentarily activated all photoreceptor cells in their eyes, which blinded them for 5 seconds.

And after that, they began receiving several after images which left their vision impaired for a bit, and their brains in confusion.


As the sound was right next to their ears, the sheer volume of the detonation caused them to have temporary deafness.

Many fell to the floor and held their ears instinctively while rolling on the ground like babies.

Even if it were a strong big person, if they weren't prepared and were met with this explosive power, they too would react in the same way.

After all, the human ears, eyes and body were delicate.

So no one could stand this sort of blow shock without preparations.


Wayne and his team didn't waste time and quickly attacked the pitiful men rolling on the ground.

Of course, some closed the windows as fast as they could for fear that others outside might hear them.


"My ears!

Dammit! Who?"

Soon, the sanity and vision of these enemies had returned.


That light was so blinding that all they could see was white everywhere.

Their heads were buzzing nonstop as if someone had spun them around over a hundred times.

They squinted their eyes painfully while trying to search for their Walkie Talkies on their bodies.

"No need to search.

You're already dead.

So we did you all a favour and took them away.

Don't worry, we'll be taking over your job from here on out.

Now, you can rest in peace.

Isn't that great?"


The miserable enemies trembled in anger while listening to the bastards before them.

How did an enemy manage to get all the way here?

As they watched Wayne and his team take their seats, their hearts were already ripping into a thousand pieces.

The moment they listened to m the instructions Wayne gave his team, they instantly knew what he was up to.


This bastard was going to lead their men to death!


They truly felt sad and unwilling at this point.


All dead men lowered their heads and silently blamed themselves for the death of their comrades.

If this was a real battle, they would never be able to forgive themselves for letting the enemy lead their comrades to death.

They looked at the air vents and silently took note of it all.

Next time, they would definitely take more precautions against such circ.u.mstances.

Now, they just prayed that someone might notice the situation here and heck these bastards to death

That said, Wayne looked at the doc.u.ments in his hands and smiled.

All team names, tasks and even Walkie Talkie call-in numbers and information were clearly typed out in the doc.u.ments.

This was perfect for them if they wanted to give out orders and destroy the enemy from within.

But before they got started, Wayne called his base instead... the black Scorpio brigade.

"Did I hear you right, 4-T?

You've successfully infiltrated the enemy's base?"

"Yes, Commander.

Now, we can commence with phase 3."


Kill them all!"

"Yes sir!

Over and out."

Wayne smiled broadly as he began contacting the enemy teams.

And just like that, the competition continued to be fierce as ever with each brigade losing and winning battles here and there.

Of course, these soldiers weren't the only ones in a competitive spirit.

Far away, someone else trembled murderously with a new goal in his heart.

No matter what, he must not let this opportunity pass him by.

Who was that brat to compare with him?

Heheheheh... he was ready for action!

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