I'm the King Of Technology

Chapter 724 - The Witch's Pets

Chapter 724 - The Witch's Pets

Jamison looked at Landon's confident smile and firmed his heart.

Since his majesty said that he could do it, then why not have more faith?

Now, he had become a true town lord.

So he should do his best and not disappoint his majesty Landon Barn.

Thinking like this, he puffed up his chest and followed Landon seriously.

As for the matter with the nobles, Landon couldn't be bothered with them anymore.

His men would tackle with it from here on out since he had other important things to worry about.

With that, he and Jamison made their way towards another end of the town and stopped at a newly constructed 2-story wooden house.

"Welcome your majesty.


Everyone greeted enthusiastically.

These soldiers have been staying in Menda town all this time.

So when they got Landon's letter last week, they quickly did their best to collect as much information about the problem at hand.

And their findings alone were truly shocking.

Landon and Jamison were led toward a moderately sized office on the 2nd floor.

There, they met with 2 other Captains for a brief meeting.



The door was shut tightly.

"Your majesty, the locals say that this beast is a deadly one that lives within a cave which they call 'Pangera'... which was named after a certain witch thousands of years ago.

Many of the old folks in town all describe that cave to have some sort of monsters that carry the witch's power.

It's said that the creature seems to only like darkness since no one has ever seen it out of the cave during the daytime.

Unfortunately, it seems to move out a lot during the night... especially during this period.

It's said that the creature hibernates for close to 10 months within the year, and chooses to wait up only around this time.

So many children, farmers and passerbys have lost their lives during the last few decades.

And just 2 weeks ago, the creature already began making its move." Captain Thomas said hoarsely.

The more he spoke, the more frightened Jamison was.

He was a native, born and bred in this town, so he knew just how terrifying this creature was.

His elder brother who should've been town lord, had died while trying to save this town and take care of the creature.

While he on the other hand, as cowardly as he was, had survived.

This was the most regretful and shameful experience of his life.

He was right there when it all happened, and he couldn't even help his brother who was swallowed up by the beast.

His brother was a hero!

A single teardrop fell from Jamison's eyes when he recalled this buried memory.

Hopefully, he would be able to avenge his brother.

"Your majesty, even though we've heard a lot of stories about the creature, not many people have actually seen the creature's full appearance, as they were either running for their lives in the dark.

Luckily, Baron Jamison had seen the creature clearly and gave us a drawing of what it looked like." Captain Sydal said while passing on some drawings to Landon.

Landon took them from Syndal before thanking Jamison for cooperating as well.

"Your majesty, no need to thank me.

It's what I should be doing.

Plus, I also have a bone to pick with it too." Jamison said sadly.

This brother's death had always been a shadow in his heart.

He knew very well that if his brother hadn't pushed him out of the way, he would've been the one in that beast's belly.

His brother, father and countless knights died that night.

And he survived and became a puppet for the other nobles in town.

There was never a chance for revenge.

But now, things were different.


Landon looked at the sketch silently.

It was 80% similar to the system's own.

To put it simply, this creature wasn't any damn witch's creation or pet.


It was just an animal that was about to go extinct.

These creatures bore the same name as the cave and the witch.

They were also called pangeras for thousands of years.

And way before people noticed them, these creatures used to be abundant.

But just like other species that went extinct over time... ages ago, some sort of disaster happened that made them dwindle in numbers rapidly.

Their numbers decreased from thousands to hundreds to 10... And now, only 3 of them were left in the entire world.

These creatures could live for 170 years before dying which was really scary.

Luckily for everyone else, the last female died decades ago.

So all the surviving ones were males.

And without anyone killing them, their kind would still go extinct.

Anyway, Landon would never save them whether they were precious or not.

It just wasn't worth it if they could do this much damage.

The heavens had decided to end their lives and the system told him that they must all die.

So who was he to against his boss?

Goodbye Pangeras!

That said, the creature was truly terrifying.

It was a mix of a c.o.c.kroach, centipede and a bat.

To put it more simply, it looked like the giant monster in 'Men in Black I'... except that it had the legs of a centipede (but stronger), and had some features of bats, like its ears.

It was as tall and wide as a construction truck.

But because of its strong and many legs, its speed was ridiculous.

Additionally, it could roll itself up in a ball and launch a force attack at its enemies as if it were a bowling ball.

It hated the daylight because it was completely blind then.

That's why fire had saved the lives of some of these locals who lived to tell the tale.

For sure, the creature typically hibernates during cold seasons because most creatures around its vicinity hardly came out then.

So looking for food was always hardest during cold seasons when compared to warm seasons that had both humans and animals travel out further from their comfort zones.

It hibernated for 10 months and stayed up for 2.

And now that these pangeras were awake, they had quickly started causing havoc around these parts.

They had to do something, and fast!

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