I'm the King Of Technology

Chapter 619 - A Gloomy Day

Chapter 619 - A Gloomy Day

Several days went by in a flash.

And before anyone knew it, the awaited day had finally come.


The day was dull and gloomy.

The heavy rain washed upon the land like a mother hen covering her chicks.

The air was wet and the roads were filled with several muddy shallow puddles of different sizes.

And the rain droplets fell onto the trees with so much force that they looked as if they wanted to hack their leaves into pieces.


They were now in the heart of Spring!

Anyone who travelled underneath this weather would undoubtedly fall ill.

The rain was so hard that it literally dished out several beatings to all those engulfed within it.

And so for the past 2 days, almost every traveller had put a hold on their journey.

Yes, it rained hard for 2 days straight!

But of course, such bad days couldn't go on for long, could they?

It was now 6:19 A.M.

And within one of the neighbouring towns that was three villages away from Riverdale city, several men had currently claimed the town as theirs for the time being.

Some of them had been watching tge weather nonstop.

Of course the moment the rain started drizzling instead, one of the men hastily made his way towards his lord.

Now, they could continue their journey.

"I am here at your service, your majesty."

"Hmmm..... Have the boys eaten?"

"Yes, your majesty."


40 minutes.

40 minutes before we depart.

Now go!"

"As you wish your majesty."

With that, the man rushed out in a flash.

When the heavy rain had started 2 days back, they had no choice but to stop at this nearby town.

A village wouldn't do, since Alec and his men were many in number.

So, they literally kicked the residences out of their homes and had them sleep in the barns, stables and streets instead.

While they on the other hand, slept inside while having their fun with several women too.

For sure, Alec didn't join in on the fun, as he didn't want any bastard child who would end up tarnishing his reputation even further.

He would be a fool to fall into the same trap twice.

And so his men had their fill of whatever was available in the town.

As for their plans, the town was just about 6~7 hours away from Baymard if one travelled at a steady pace on horseback.

So if they left at 7 A.M, they should be arriving around 2~3 P.M tops.

Not bad.

One should know that battles could carry on for days with the one-party trying to break in or damage the city walls.

Alec had honestly planned that the battle would take at most 16 hours.

Sure, they had impressive walls... And only a fool would waste their time attacking those walls.

So why attack the walls when one could attack the gates instead.

He had never seen all the mechanisms put in place to look the place, so he assumed that it was just an ordinary dungeon-like metal gate.

In his mind, his black powder would destroy any gate before it.

But unfortunately for him, things would never be that simple.


Anyway, he had planned to use up at most16 hours to destroy the gate, infiltrate the place, kill Landon and proclaim himself as ruler.

But looking at his arrival time now, he was afraid that if they hadn't broken into the gate before dark... Then they would have to camp outside Baymard's gates and fight on the next day.

Ugh... What a hassle.

Nonetheless, he wasn't worried about losing at all.


He just wanted it to be done and over with.

The good thing was that his men were well rested within these 2 days.

So even if he arrived there in the afternoon, they could still battle seriously.

That was also why he wanted to travel at a moderate steady pace.

Energy conservation was very important if they were going to perform brilliantly during battle.

Alec chewed on his breakfast silently, while the town leader's wife stood by his side like a little maid.

"I'm finished.

Take it away!"

"Yes, your majesty." The trembling lady said, before hurriedly grabbing the tray of food from the table and dashed out at full speed.

His majesty was really scary!

Even though she was a model, albeit a lower class one... In front of his majesty, she was nothing more than a common maid.

At least she had been permitted to sleep in the kitchen.

Because unlike some other nobles and peasants that had been forced to sleep on the streets and barns during this harsh weather.

The moment she left, Alec calmly wore his armour and calmly went downstairs to meet his men.

"Your majesty, we are ready."


With that, the men all got on the horses and left the town which they had been keeping hostage all this while.

Of course, the town's people waited for a whole 2 hours, before finally breaking out in celebration.

"Hurray! Hurray!

They're gone!"


I thought they would never leave.

Ahhh... I feel like I've just survived a great tribulation."

"My poor son caught a cold because of them.

Finally, they're gone and we can now move back into our homes."

"Those beasts even touched my wife and my daughter!

Damned bastards!"

"At least they didn't kill us.

So we should be happy."


They've gone!"




Some people were crying, while others were hugging each other and jumping around merrily.

For them, even if they had been taken advantage of... At least these men didn't kill any of them.

So they were only happy to have come out luckier than most people would in the world.

And so just so that Alec and his men couldn't hear their loud celebrations from miles away, they waited for 2 whole hours before shouting and crying at the top of their lungs.

As for Alec, even if he would've heard them, why the hell would he turn back now?

His mind was filled with nothing more than thoughts about Baymard.

Hehehhehehe... A few hours from now, the battle will begin!

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