I'm the King Of Technology

Chapter 544 Prison Break 4

Chapter 544 Prison Break 4

The men jumped with all their might, from one path to another..... until they had finally reached a corner in the hallway, which led left.

"Leader.... it looks like its finally over.

The floor has stopped opening up." One of the men commented while breathing in and out loudly.

In fact, it wasn't just him.... as many of the men were also breathing rapidly as well.

They felt like they had just completed some utterly unpredictable exercise.

"Everyone, stay close!

And this time, watch out for the floor below you."

"Yes leader!" everyone replied, while cautiously following behind their leader.

And when they had jogged a certain distance, they soon heard something move.



Where was that noise coming from?

Everyone's ears were now perked up, and they quickly scanned through the room to find out where the noise was coming from.

What the hell?

Were they actually seeing things?

"Leader, the wall in front and the wall behind us... are closing in very fast!!!" Tybalt exclaimed frantically.

Oh my heavens!

What do they do now?

This was the first time that he was facing something like this.

Where in the entire Pyno continent, would a wall just move on its own?

As someone who walked in the darkness as an assassin, the walls never moved alright?

It was people who moved.

But now, if the walls moved, how was he supposed to fight it?

Because no matter how tough one was, the speed at which those walls were coming at them... as well as how heavy they looked, one could rightfully assume that they could easily squash human flesh in a heartbeat.

So how could he not panic?

Who in his right frame of mind would like to be sandwiched and squashed like a bug?



The walls were closing in, and everyone was scared out of their wits.... and without even waiting for their leader to issue a command, their 'survival mode settings' were already on.

Right now, they had one thought in mind... and that was to find an exit.

They scanned through the hallway anxiously, while waiting also moving forward as well.

"Look!... I see another hallway up ahead.

But we have to get there before the wall in front of us completely passes that point." Aldwin said.

And just like that, the men sprinted forward as if they were in a marathon.

They ran like the wind and even found themselves pushing each other while running to safety.

Of course once again, more trapped doors opened up while they were running.

Son of a b**ch!

Couldn't they just give them a break for even a second?


Once again, several men fell down into the 'rabbit hole'.... while others pushed forward and tried their best to avoid more traps.


Some of the men had finally jumped into the hallway just in time.

As for the rest, well..... do bad!

One couldn't be a winner all the time right?


From there, the game only got more difficult and threatening for them.

This time, there was a huge boulder running towards them.

And after that, they almost entered a den of wild Hangols... passed through a room of fire, passed through another room that almost electrocuted them dry, another that sharp needles flying out of the walls from left and right .... and finally stopped in the room filled with sleeping gas.

As they all fell into a deep sleep, they all wondered about something very important which had been bugging their minds ever since they left their sleeping quarters.

How come all along their journey, they had never seen the places that they even familiar with?

Where was the cafeteria?

Where was the laundry room?

Where was the pathway that even led to the showers?

They were just utterly confused when it came to this prison.

But of course if they knew the truth about the matter, they would really puke out blood and die in the end.


You see.... it was more like this!

From the moment lockdown began, large doors that looked similar to the walls, wide black off those familiar areas.

In short, one could think of it as camouflage.

And with that in kind, the men would only have to run along all the pathways presented to them.

The funny thing was that they had been going around the same place without even knowing it.

No!... it was more like they just going around a maze.

Because that was how these pathways had been designed.

During night time, within sector A..... there were 200 different blocks or pathways within them.

Some pathways would take you 2 stories straight up using a ladder, while others might make you slide down instead.

But no matter what direction people went, they would never find the real exit.

Because the exit was also camouflaged as well.

And just after one managed to block up the camouflage door with explosives, they would now be met with doors that were as thick and heavy as Vault doors.

And after that, they would come face to face with other deadly security measures instead.

So anyway, this entire time.... out of those 200 visible pathways, Tybalt and the rest had only explored 8 pathways before they failed.

The sensors all around the pathways made it a the more deadly, as there were still some things that they hadn't even triggered in the areas that they had passed through yet.

As for those who fell into the trapped doors.... they were actually sent 3 floors underground into several cages and locked up here.

Of course, they didn't fall straight down since that would kill them.


They actually fell onto a large tube that spiralled all the way down onto the cages.

And just so that prisoners didn't try to hold on to the sides, the tubes were lined with grease during lockdown.

And in the morning, the tubes get cleaned using a self-washing system.

In short, this prison was built to ensure that no one got out!


Tybalt and the rest really struggled to make it through pathway 9, but the sleeping gas there was just too high.

They felt their eyelids grow heavy with every passing second.

And without someone even mentioning it to them, they knew that they had woefully failed tonight's operations.

At this point, they all shuddered when they thought about their futures.

Warden Mitchen will definitely have their heads!

Sigh... They felt like digging up a hole, killing themselves, and diving into the hole while holding a flower in their hands.


But something told that even in death, that beastly warden of theirs wouldn't let them go.

And so just like that, their little prison break adventure had finally come to an end.

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