I'm the King Of Technology

Chapter 523 Pictures Say A Thousand Words

Chapter 523 Pictures Say A Thousand Words

"Pose baby... Pose!!!"


The photoshoot session was something that they had never experienced before in their entire lives.

They had done so many poses that would never have been done when painting or sketching one's portrait.

In short, portraits took over 2 hours at times, just for the artist to paint or sketch one's nose or even one's eyes right.

And if people didn't like it, then the artist would have to start all over again from scratch.

That was just like it was done.

But this camera thing didn't seem to take even one-eighth of the time needed to do portraits.

For sure, all they knew was that some sort of light from the camera flashed towards them... ... and after that Mr. Photographer would always tell them to change their poses.

Was it really that fast, or did Mr. Photographer forget how to properly use this camera thing?

This whole thing really confuses them a lot.

But still, they dared not allow it to affect their pictures.

And in truth, they really had a ton of fun doing this photoshoot thing.

It really left them confident in the end, as they felt like they were the most beautiful women in the world.

Of course with the help of Mr. Photographer encouraging them every step of the way, how could they not?

They were really happy that they had requested for a photoshoot, rather than a normal picture-taking session.

And so just like that, their first-ever photoshoot came to an end.

Of course once they were done, they paid and filled out several forms as well.

"Mr. Marvin... thank you so much for today's session."

"Yeah.... thank you, Mr. Marvin."

"Not a problem ladies... it was also fun for me as well."

"Eh... Mr. Marvin, if we want you to take our pictures again next time, do we need to book in advance?"


Including myself, there are currently 70 photographers in this studio.

Both Baymardians and people from all over the Pyno continent might come here to have their photos taken.

So if you need my service in particular, then you'll have to book it through the phone or here in person as well.

Here.... this is my card which had my booking number on it."

"Thank you, Mr. Marvin."

With that, both ladies said goodbye to the rest of the camera crew and headed out.

Now, all that was left.... was for them to wait for their photos to be delivered by mail.

But as they made their way home, they couldn't help but wonder what these pictures would actually look like.

Dammit!.... all this suspense was really killing them.


A few days went by just like that, and as expected.... their photographs arrived right on schedule.

"Quickly!.... Quickly!.... Quickly!

Open it up!" Jane said while jumping up and down animatedly.

Gila calmly opened up the envelope with shaky hands, as she too was also thrilled as well.


She tore the envelope and immediately removed the contents within the envelope.

The first thing that they saw was a welcome message from the photo studio, as well as a pamphlet that showed the prices and so on.... for other services that they offered.

And of course the last thing that they saw, were a series of photos.

Both of them were shocked and made speechless by what they were looking at.

This was a picture?

"Oh, my heavens!

How can it be so clear?

Wow!.....look at my eyes in this picture.

God!... am I really this good looking?"

"This....this can't be us, right?

Why does it look like we are part of the royal family instead?

What the hell?"

"Sure... even though I look great, I could be looked way better if I just dressed up for the shoot like you did.

I never thought that I would say this, but I really envy your look in this picture.

And why didn't I put make-up on as well?"

"See?... I told you so!

Lady Wendy from the BBC radio station 3 is never wrong.

She said that before a photoshoot, one should try to look their best before going out there.

She also spoke about little tips on how to make one look good on camera.

But really, let's forget about all that now.

We have a bigger crisis at hand." Jane said bitterly.

"It's the size isn't it."

"Of course it's that!

Ahhh!!.... just looking at it now, I'm really regretting the fact that we didn't request for frame-sized pictures that we could hang around our apartment.


On their pamphlet, it says here that their 20%-off- deal will end next week."


That's really close.

But nonetheless, we must get it done no matter what."

"I couldn't agree more!!"

Both women looked at each other seriously and shook hands as if they were agreeing to some top-secret mission.


[Gilo: We can do this sister!

Jane: Yes we Can!!" ]


Of course, they weren't the only ones acting like this.

Those in the barracks wanted their girlfriend's pictures, while some of them wanted their fault pictures instead.

Even schools were asking graduates of the previous years, to come in and take group photos as well.

Not to talk of the press, who were now going crazy with the whole thing.

In short, photographs had now become a hit sensation in Baymard.

Some really got emotional, as looking at their family or loved ones like this.... made them feel very blessed to have them in their lives.

It also took them down memory lane as well.

Grandparents looked at their grandchildren, and could somehow remember the days when they had brought in their own children into the world.

And at times, just looking at their children's pictures, made them remember their deceased loved ones as well.

Yup!... his majesty was right.

Pictures did say a thousand words.

But of course in this Hertfilian world..... where there was light, there was also darkness as well.


Far away from Baymard, several people were currently begging for their lives in fear.

They looked at the tyrant before them and shivered.

Of all people to offend, this tyrannical man before them.... was the one that they most feared.


What now?

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