I'm the King Of Technology

Chapter 521 More Military Weapons

Chapter 521 More Military Weapons

Landon was currently in front of overseer Reagan, who was the head of the weapon manufacturing industry.

Today, he just wanted to give Baymard another supportive boost by creating new weapons for the soldiers, navy and so on.

With the way things were going, Landon was pretty sure that he would have to fiercely battle for Baymard both on land and on water.

After all, he had a lot of things that needed to be done before the end of the year mission-wise... like putting William on the throne.

The Pyno continent needed to be united as fast as possible so that he could focus on the other continents too.

Hence today, he decided to make several new weapons for all upcoming battles.


"Your majesty... I think we can do it!!!"

Overseer Reagan looked over the new designs in awe.

These new weapons were really something else.

Up first, his majesty wanted to make something called a tank.... to be particular, he called it the M1 Bay Tank.

And from the looks of it, these tanks were a blend of both weaponry and cars.

So it was clear that he would have to work with some workers within the car manufacturing industries..... if they wanted to make particular weaponized vehicles.

Reagan's hands trembled slightly from excitement, as he looked at the information before him.

This...this.... could they really do this?

He continued looking at the sketches in his hands and was completely taken aback.

What sort of tires did these tanks have?

Was this not some sort of pulley system?

Because he wasn't working with car manufacturing, he didn't know if these sort of things were doable.

Nonetheless, when it came to the firepower that the tanks would provide..... he was fairly confident that he would be able to get it done A.S.A.P.

"Your majesty..... so if these tanks are badly hit and are about to catch on fire... this 'Halon firefighting system' would be able to extinguish the tide and save the lives of those within it?"

"Hmhm..... that's essentially what would happen.

The engine compartment would have this firefighting system that will be engaged by just pulling a handle in the car.

Inert gases like Halon, are very suitable for extinguishing fires.

But even though they are very suitable for the job, they might also be dangerous to the crew as well.

In short, too much of anything is bad..... so most of these gases would have certain toxicity levels that are just toxic to human beings.

But not to worry, the Alchemy industry will produce these gases at the eight levels that are fit for human intake.

And just in case something happens and the Halon firefighting system is faulty or isn't working... the crew members will also have hand-held fire extinguishers as well.

One can never be too sure."


Landon and Reagon spoke about the tanks for a bit more, as they went through all safety measures that would ensure the safety of their own men first.

And when they were done, they looked at timer bombs.

These were the bombs that one would always see in movies, where the hero had to cut the right wires to stop the timer from counting down.

In typical Baymard missions, the men only threw grenades ... and this was sometimes a problem since one couldn't control the time that they wanted the explosives to go off.

But with timer bombs, the men could even go in, place the bombs, and move around freely or a bit, before it detonated.

Some bombs could even be set to explode in 6 hours time... or 24 hours time..... like in the movies where the bad guy wants the good guy to play the guessing game and find where the bomb had been planted.

All in all, it would be nice to not always hold a grenade in one's hands.

This way, they could even blow up their enemy's place in a synchronized manner.

Of course apart from the military, police officers also needed to know how to use these bombs or turn them off.

In future, even though the entire world would be United..... it would be idiotic for Landon to think that some people won't try to stir up conflicts by creating terrorist associations.

So this was where they would use their training for the greater good of the people.

"Your majesty...from the notes, there are 2 types that you want to make:

▪Limpet timer bombs, which would be used by Naval ships.

▪And Hand-held/Carry-On timer bombs that will be used by people on land.

Your majesty, looking at the details on these timer bombs..... I think that they would be manufactured way faster, than the tanks." Reagan said while massaging his chin seemingly deep in thought.

These ones might look small, but just like the grenades, they too were definitely a powerful force to be reckoned with.


Of course the duo didn't stop there, as Landon also talked about 2 new Navy machine gun models.... as well as several 2 new models for both rifles and hand-held guns.

In short, creating new models for these already existing weapon types were extremely good for battle.

But sometimes, what could make one win or lose a battle..... wasn't all about what one could see.

Sometimes, one had to create several distractions to get the job done.

And so, smoke bombs were also necessary too.

He wanted both several coloured smoke bombs as well.... like those that emitted green-coloured smoke, or those that released red coloured ones instead.

Normal smoke bombs just provide a portable smoke-screen that one could deploy to hide troops.

This one is great for camouflage or giving it the proper distraction to one's enemies.

Of course apart from smoke bombs

And in addition to that, apart from smoke bombs.... the duo also talked about Tear gas bombs and laughing gas bombs as well.

"Your majesty... I'll get right to it!"

"Hmhm... if you have any further questions or concerns, just let me know."


The duo talked for a bit more before Landon finally left the scene and quickly made his way towards Tim's office.

Tomorrow, Cathode Cathode would be made known to the public.

So how could he not check up on things?

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