I'm the King Of Technology

Chapter 492 Rescue Date

Chapter 492 Rescue Date

Today's weather was really cold.

Yesterday, all day long, it really rained cats and dogs.

The rain was so harsh and hard, that hailstones began to fall.

That's right!

Tiny pebbles of Solid ice fell all day long, and the strong winds blow in a haphazard manner as well.

And in addition to that, the heavy dark clouds that covered the sky all day long.... instantly plunged the entire empire into darkness and made the entire day feel gloomy as well.

Of course, work was automatically cancelled for most..... except the doctors, nurses and armed forces like the soldiers at the city gates and Coastal regions.

In weather conditions such as this, the Bay-Carona transport ships also didn't sail out as well.

So those at the ports didn't work yesterday too.

But nonetheless, both soldiers and marines at the Landport and coastal ports..... had done their best to rescue people who broke down on the roads from the rain, as well as rescue people several shipwrecked wooden ships around Baymard's shores.

These people were then taken to the temporary lodging centers within King's Landing and Coastal region.

These temporary lodging buildings were built for emergency situations like these.

So these people could stay there and recuperate until the weather clears up, before they were given their Visas and checked-in into Baymard.


Bottom line, yesterday's weather was really something else.

But today, the sun's glorious rays had finally shone over Baymard once again.


"Goodbye, teacher Lucy."

"Goodbye, teacher Lucy."



As Landon waited beside Lucy's office door..... he could hear several footsteps of children running about, as well as the voices of these children who were walking about the corridors.

School was still in session, and now was only break time.

But for Lucy, she was done for the day since she had only 2 classes to teach.

"Ahh... brother Landon.

I thought you would be waiting in the car.

What if somebody recognizes you?


Let's go to my office!" Lucy exclaimed in surprise while struggling to open her door as fast as she could.


How long are you going to call me brother?

Shouldn't you be calling me darling by now?" Landon said helplessly.

These people in the Pyno continent were so used to calling everyone brother or sister... even if they weren't related to them by blood.

Generally, if a person grew up around his cousins or his friends.... he could call them brother this, sister this, elder brother, elder sister and so on.

Even their love interests or people that they liked, grew up with or became close to later on.... would also be called like that.

People only called others by their names or with titles if they weren't too familiar with them.

Likewise, if they were familiar with a large age gap, they would also call them uncle, aunty, granny and so on.

Landon was fine with the rest, but calling him brother when he clearly had lustful thoughts on her.... didn't sit right in his mind.


I want you to call me something more intimate from now on alright?"

"Yes, brother Lan.....erm.... yes darling....." Lucy said shyly.

How could she call him that in public?

Wouldn't that be too embarrassing?

The 2 love birds left the building hand-in-hand and finally drove out of the school premises..... followed by Lucy's bodyguards at a safe distance.


"Brother.... erm...darling, where are we going today?"

"Well.... that's..."

'Beep! Beep! Beep!'

Before Landon could even respond to Lucy's question, Landon's car radio began to beep.

Just like the police and military cars in Baymard, Landon too had a way to listen in emergencies or get contacted by any of the armed forces.

"Your majesty..... I just wanted to report that on the shores of District J within the Coastal region, we found 12 massive sea creatures there.

Your majesty.... they are white and very big.

I think they're boggles (whales) that were probably washed in by the heavy storm yesterday.

Your majesty, as per code, we are supposed to help tense creatures back into the ocean.

But they're all injured.

So do we call a medic for them?"

"Of course!

Contact the Zoo and send some of your men to escort at least 30 Zoo medics to the scene.

I will meet you there."

"Yes, your majesty!"

With that, Landon turned off the radio and faced the woman by his side who had been constantly pulling his clothes excitedly ever since she heard that there were creatures in need.

Lucy had never seen a whale before, so she felt like she should take this opportunity to see them.

Plus from the conversation, they were seriously hurt

So how could she go to her date with a piece of mind, knowing that they were probably struggling out there?

In truth, one of her favourite places in Baymard was the Zoo.

She would always volunteer to feed the animals milk from the feeding bottles, and even take care of them at times.

There was even a baby Hangol there, that was extremely close to her.

She had learnt so much while helping out at the zoo, so she naturally had a sense of responsibility towards injured animals.

She had been pulling Landon's clothes as if telling him to go take a look with her.

So how could he not go?


"What about our date then?"

"Darling.... you're really funny.

How can you still be talking about a date, when those poor defenceless creatures are in need?"

Landon looked at Lucius and grinned.

This woman didn't even notice that she was now comfortably calling him 'darling' here and there.


On Christmas day last week, weren't you the same person who said that nothing would stop this date?

Didn't you say that even if the world was coming to an end, that you will be there for the date?

So what happened to your conviction?"

Lucy looked at him and pouted angrily.

"Darling, why are you so petty?

Like I said, as a good woman, how can I turn a blind eye to those creatures?

How about this!

Since the first snow should be sometime next week, then why don't we wait a bit and have our next date after that?

It's going to be like a 'white date' (like white Christmas).

And this time, even if the sky is falling down, I will be there.


Landon pinched her jaws playfully and sighed helplessly.


Since your mind is made up, then let's do as you've said."

"So we're really going there now?"

"Hmhm.... were going to save the boggles."

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