I'm the King Of Technology

Chapter 483 New Toys

Chapter 483 New Toys

"Brother... don't worry... I'll do what you've said.

Soon, we'll announce King Micheal's death to the world.

But for now... I think you're forgetting one more important thing brother.

Baymard's weapons!

Based on the rumours going around, they have something that produces lightning from it.

Wouldn't that bring you at a disadvantage?"

"Not at all," Nopline said while stroking his rough chin.

Of course, he had also heard about that particular weapon.

But from what he knew, one had to be somewhat close to these men before they used the weapons on them.

So he had already prepared to make his archers launch numerous arrows first... before sending his swordsmen there too.

And in addition to that, he had also planned to make many shields for his men too.

He didn't believe that such weapons could work against iron shields.


And when it concerned the other weapons that Baymard had, even though he was slight clueless..... he didn't feel bothered at all, because he had sent his best man in.

The man he sent in had been trained in moulding his personality into whatever suited the situation best, and could make even the most heartless people pity him and fall for his tricks.

This same man was the person who usually gathered information about other empires for him.

The guy appealed to all the men, women and even children.... as he stroked their egos, made them feel superior and even gave them some sort of hope.

And when one looked at his baby-like face and smooth... no one would ever rope him in as an assassin, spy or a tough man in the society.

He was usually seen as someone cool to hang out with.

And this demeanour, made his easily blend in with people who were usually hard as a rock, and steak their secrets or plans.

Of course every time he did so, he would pin the blame on someone else easily.

No one had ever gotten a leg up on him, so Nopline knew that no matter what... his man would do this particular mission successfully.


"Brother... I heard that apart from the lightning weapon, there are other weapons as well.

But no one knows what they do, as they have never been used before.

So you have to be careful when launching a full-scale attack on Baymard."

"I know..... that's why I sent Hemrew in."


The guy who had had 35 different surnames identities as of now?"

"Yes... that Hemrew."

Listening to Nopline, Kamara couldn't help but breathe out in relief.

With such a man working for them, she felt like she was worrying over nothing.

She herself had used Hemrew to get information from her enemies.... so she knew how good he was.

Hemrew... the name was one that only a handful of people knew of.

And his expertise we're top-notch.


"Yes... I sent Hemrew to get a list of all weapons that they had there..... as well as a detailed description of how each one is made and how to use them.

Even though I know that we won't loose.... having these things might even make us upgrade our weapons before the big battle.

So with all that said, I don't believe that I won't be able to win against these Baymardians.

To me, even though we lost this opportunity to get so many front line slaves to die first... I'm sure that it would make no difference whether we have them or not.

Because no matter how I look at it, our victory is secured either way.

And don't worry too much about these little things.

As of now, we have 2 spies within the Baymard army.

So everything will definitely work as planned." Nopline said confidently.

For him, it was only a matter of time, before Baymard officially belonged to him.

He would let his sister run Terique, while he ran Baymard as his own empire all to himself.


After Nopline and Kamara finished up with their discussions, Kamara quickly went to relay her plans to her son Lecter.

Also, she had another surprise for her darling son.

With her around, he really didn't have to do much.

The world thought that he was the brains behind some of the changes in Terique..... but in truth, the boy had brains the size of a peanut.

All-day long, he would abuse those within the palace, watch jesters perform and play deadly games as much as he wanted.

She quickly found her son playing his favourite game.... which was 'make me happy: eat a frog or die.'

He would tell the jesters and those who had any talents, even singing or hosting puppet shows on the streets... to showcase their talents and make him happy.

If they could, then they would get to get a live frog in front of him and live.

But if they didn't, then they would die in the most gruesome ways ever.

Kamara walked in when one of the most famous musicians in Terique, was helplessly chewing on a live frog.

The man's face had already turned slightly green, as he truly felt like throwing up any moment from now.

But he knew that if he did, this demonic king Lecter would definitely behead him immediately.

Kamara watched the man swallow everything whole, before finally stopping her son's show.

"Mother.... why did you disturb this son?" Lecter said while pouting angrily.

Kamara looked at her cute chubby son and pinched his jaws playfully.

"Lecter.. do you remember that girl that you said you wanted to marry?

I've taken her from her home and locked her up in the dungeon.

Now... she's yours, son."

Lecter's greasy puffy face immediately lit up with joy after hearing his mother.

True enough....no matter how hard they resisted him.

With his mother around, who would dare say no to him?

He smiled cruelly when he thought about how he would beat her into submission.

It was better for his new wife to be fearful of him and know her place, so as to make their marriage sail smoothly.

"Thank you, mother," Lecter said while kissing his mother's hands.

Now, he had a new toy to play with.


Of course while Lecter was happy with his own toy, far away in Arcadina..... someone else was also happy about meeting his new toy too.

A tall man wearing a dark cloak stood silently in a dark dense forest with a gleeful smile on his face.

'Feuip! Feuip!'

Soon, 2 other men dropped in from the trees and knelt down before him.

"My lord.... the perimeter is secured.... and all men are now in position."

"Good.... we will begin our attack in an hour's time.


Inform the rest."

With that, the men quickly disappeared..... leaving the cloaked man all to himself again.

The man smiled underneath his dark mask as he thought about all the exciting things that he would do today.

Finally, his master had given him a new toy to play with.

The plan chuckled for a bit, before finally disappearing again into the night.

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