I'm the King Of Technology

Chapter 481 The Execution - 2

Chapter 481 The Execution - 2

Everyone was immersed in their own thoughts as they listened to the full story.

Landon explained why he had the story make up that fake story, as well as the fact that the injured person is the story was actually a fake.

Of course when inspector Morgan brought out the bank statement which proved that they had actually taken money for the deal... many people quickly lost it altogether.

They just couldn't understand the stupidity of these people.

Where in Hertfilia would you find a place where one got paid biweekly and handsomely too?

Okay fine!

These people were also promised mansions and exotic women out of Baymard.... but what was the guarantee that it would actually be given to them?


Landon looked at the men that he had beaten up in disgust, while finally calling Lucius forward.

"As per Baymard's Code of Federal Laws... Title 24, part 420, article 12..... states that whoever owing alliance to Baymard, cannot adhere to war against them, divulge Baymardian technological secrets, or give aid to their enemies within Baymard or elsewhere.

And if this law is broken, it would be considered an act of treason on the empire and its people.

The guilty party or parties shall be put to death on the spot, alongside the enemy.

So.... any last words from the guilty parties?" Lucius asked while looking at the traitors and Mr. Hemrew.

Hearing Lucius, the traitors knew that they would die no matter what.

But nonetheless, they couldn't help but feel that his majesty was too much.

Why did he have to disgrace them this much?

His majesty claimed to love the soldiers and armed forces a lot, so why would he treat them like that?

As the favourite children within the Baymardian population, they felt that this whole thing should've been kept secret..... and they should've only been punished a little.

After all, they had only attempted it once and failed for that matter.

So in the end..... since the information didn't leave the empire, why was his majesty punishing them as if Baymard's enemies had successfully gotten hold of the information?

Also, after listening to what will happen to all their hard-earned money when they died, they couldn't help but puke out blood from rage.

What did his majesty mean by the money would be sent out to less privileged people outside?

They were truly not content with the outcome of today's matter.

As for Mr. Hemrew, ever since he judgment had been passed onto him a few days ago..... he had been in a daze ever since.

After telling them who his master was, these people still dared to kill him?

Something in him was still hoping that all of this was just an attempt to scare him silly.

But bow that he heard Lucius, he couldn't help but shiver a bit from regret.

If he knew that these people were tricky, he wouldn't have even bothered to take the job.

Since all 3 of them knew that they were going to die, they decided to pour all their grievances out in the open.


"Any last words?"


So what if you all rescued us?

Are you saying that we shouldn't try to loom for other benefits outside Baymard while staying here?"

"What's bad in being extremely rich like the nobles and wanting to live with servants and maids?"

"I pity you all because when my master finds that you had killed me, he would definitely seek revenge in my name.

So until then, I will wait for you all in Hell!"

As the men spoke, a priest calmly walked onto the stage and stood in front of them.

He then said a hot prayer for their souls.... before finally leaving them with one for Landon the executioner.

"May the heavens forgive you for your treacherous acts against the good people of Baymard.

If these prayers of forgiveness are answered by the heavens, and they decide to give you a chance in reuniting with our ancestors above..... then I also pray that your greedy thirst things would also be destroyed as well, least you both annoy your ancestors too.

But if the heavens choose not to forgive you and send you to the pits of hell, then I can only pray that your pain and burden should be lessened on your journey towards eternal torture.

With that, I pray and wish you all the best."




Before the men knew it, their heads were sent rolling by Landon the executioner.

His movements were swift and precise, leaving a clean and smooth cut of the necks of his enemies.

He personally took over the role as an executioner, so as to send a message to his enemies and all the spies out there.

No matter what, those caught in the act would be beheaded.

Of course there were several types of spies, like those that only came here so as to inform their merchant masters on what new goods Baymard had... so that they would quickly buy and send to their master's shops.

And there were also spies that only came here to learn cooking techniques and better the food in their own empires.

There were all sorts of spies in Baynard, but not all were harmful.

The ones that Landon was targeting, were those that wanted to harm his people or his empire.

He wanted to tell them that he was watching their every move..... and if they didn't stop now, then they would end up just like these 3.

Landon's eyes zoomed through the crowd and focused on the dangerous spies out there.

They, in turn, felt their backs turn cold when their eyes locked on with his Majesty's.

They felt like Landon had already known about their plans..... and immediately many of them began trembling in fright.

What if his majesty decided to call them out in the crowd and execute them as well?


What should they do?

Some of them had decided to lay low for a while and not do anything else in the meantime, while others had decided to leave Baymard just in case.


After executing the men, got down on one bended knee, while holding his blood-stained sword..... and slightly bowed towards his people.

"Because of my carelessness... I had allowed such undeserving idiots to be called soldiers.

As your ruler, I promise to do better and first come up with a testing phase for anyone who wants to join any armed forces in Baymard.

I apologize for today's incident and promise to deal with all of Baymard's enemies, as well as protect you all with all my might.

So once again, I ask for your forgiveness for my failure as your ruler."

Looking at their king's trembling body and sad disposition, everyone couldn't help but curse those dead morons again.

Just look at what they did?

They made their kind feel guilty!!

The soldiers, navy, and armed forces also went down on bended knees as well.

And just like that, everyone in the crowd flowed suit while reading with his majesty to get up as well.

"Your majesty.... please don't be too hard on yourself.

How is it your fault?"

"Yes, your majesty..... you rescued them out of the kindness of your heart.

But how would you have known that they would be so greedy?"

"Your majesty.... please get up, there's nothing for us to forgive."

Several people pleaded out loud... until Landon finally rose up again.

As for the armed forces.... especially the soldiers, they also felt somewhat bad, as some of them had even been living in the same dormitory as those traitors.

How the hell did they not notice it all?

They swore to be more vigilant in the future, so as not to let history repeat itself again.

If another group of traitors came out from the army again.... then what would that say about them?


They would never let this event repeat itself again.

Over their dead bodies!


And just like that, the execution had come to an end, with the soldiers burning the body and dumping the ashes 4 cities away from Baymard.

The beds where those traitors slept on were also burnt, and their lockers were now seen as something cursed.

A ton of soldiers contributed to have the lockers of those traitors permanently removed.

And now, only a long mirror occupied those locker spaces instead.

In fact, many people didn't even want to mention the names of these traitors.... as they felt doing so would be too good for those idiots.

They just called them Dumb and Dumber.

Of course while all this was happening, far away from Baymard... someone was currently having a heart attack from the news that he had just heard.

"What the hell do you mean by saying that they haven't arrived?"

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