I'm the King Of Technology

Chapter 463 New Resort Alert! 2

Of course after going over both indoor and outdoor resort parks..... All that was left were the buildings around the resort, as well as the sleeping quarters for guests.

Concerning the public buildings around the resort, Landon decided to only make a handful of them.


At the top of the resort, one would find a very wide and tall 5-storey building there.

This building will have:

•locker rooms were guests could change into.

•Equipment renting rooms

•Reception area with lounges.

•A massive Food Court

•A hot tub spa room to keep the customers warm

•A resort medical clinic

•Resort Fire department.

•Rescue team

•Snow levelling and management team

•Resort security offices.

•Staff rooms and other offices

•And indoor parking for those staying within the resort overnight.

All of these would be in the massive building at the top of the resort.

And at the base of the resort, there would also be another 2-storey building there, which will have more security offices, and so on there.

So with all that said, where was the region for visitors to sleep in?

Well... first things first, the resort wasn't in some faraway region in the mountain or woods.

They were in Baymard, specifically district G.

So with all the nearby local hotels all around, wasn't it was utterly useless to make a regular hotel room that everyone was used to?

Knowing this, of course, Landon had decided to step up the resort's game.

Hence he had decided to make 2 types of hotel residences besides the main building at the top of the resort.


The first one was a popular one back on earth.

When one talked about Finland back on earth, the Arctic resort which provided the glass dome-shaped outdoor rooms.... was always going to be a hit.

The rooms looked over the northern lights creating a Mystical sort of feeling.

Granted, there were no Northern lights here, but Landon felt like he dome-shaped room allowing the people to look over the sky would still be a beautiful thing to behold.

The people could just take it as if they were on a hunting trip.

And to make the room more special, of course Landon would add his own special touches to them too

There would only be 40 of these rooms made, and each guest can only stay in these rooms for no more than 2 days.

Sor sure, Landon was sure that these rooms might even be booked all year round.

Yes.. even in summer, these rooms would be used as well, as the themes of the rooms would change as well.

In the summer, the outdoor ski Park could be used for campfires, roasting marshmallows and so on.

Just as he had earlier mentioned, they could treat it as if they were on a camping adventure, looking into the starry night.

And one shouldn't forget that even during the summer, the indoor ski resort would still be functional.

So for sure, the rooms would be booked all year round.


As for the other room type, this one would only be available in the winter.

It would be hotel rooms made completely with ice.

In short, everything in the room would be made from ice..... be it the beds, tables and even chairs.

In fact just beside the main building at the base, a very wide 1-floor igloo building made out of snow.

And inside the building, one would find ice sculptures and designs on the walls, as well as an ice lounge, ice bar and ice restaurant.

Of course, the ice bar and ice restaurant will be open to the public till 10 P.M.... but after that, only those sleeping in the place can stay in the building.

As for the ice rooms, they are just after several long ice hallways within the ice building.

And in total, there will be massive 30 rooms there.

With the ice rooms, a person or family can only stay in them just for a single night.

And during the summer, Landon would erect a treehouse like-hotel there as well.

So for sure, the place will also be booked all year round too.

With these sort of rooms, people stayed for the experience, and nothing more.

So each year and season, a new innovative room type had to pop up, so as to make the place very magical and fun.


Looking at everything, Tim really thought that Landon had gone mad.

Who would pay to stay in an ice room, and how was this supposed to work?

But unbeknownst to him, he would be one of the first persons to book the place.

For now, he just didn't see the vision yet.

"Your majesty don't worry, if we start construction now, we should be able to finish the outdoor resort region by mid-January.... since it's just to place the pole lifts and level the grounds and make them hilly.

Also, we might be done with the first room type around the same time too.

As for the second room type which will be made of ice... It should be done around the last week of February.

With that being said..... the main problem involves the indoor resort and the other buildings on the resort.

These ones will only be finished sometime next Fall.

So if we open the outdoor park and dome-shaped hotel room to the public at the start of February..... what do we do for the reception space in the meantime, since everything else wouldn't be completed until fall next year?"

"Hmm..... good question.

Assign some men to start building a simple 1-floor building there.

The building should have a reception and lounge region, food court, a small clinic, locker room, security office, a place to keep the equipment and tools and indoor parking for those staying within the dome-shaped outdoor hotel rooms."

"Yes, your majesty!

I'll do that right away.

Ahh!.... Your majesty, all eyewear glasses have been completed.

So do you want to inspect them now?"

"Hmmmmmm.... No, I have something to check on after this.

So schedule the inspection 2 days for now at 10 A.M."

"As you wish your majesty!"

"Alright grandpa Tim, let's go.

I'll take you back in the lower region."

With that, the duo entered the car, and we're off.

With Landon back on Baymard, of course there was so much that he had to look into.

But of course, he wants tge only one who has reached their final destination.



Who goes there?"

"Look here you beggar!

This place isn't a place where you could walk into just like that.

So step aside Now!"

"Aren't we talking to you?"


In front of a gate, several guards were currently surrounding a hooded beggar in rags.

They continued to insult the beggar and even throw food, fruits and pebbles towards the beggar.

And then, the guards decided to throw larger rocks instead.


You filthy beggar!


With that, one of the guards threw a massive rock towards the beggar, big surprisingly....The beggar caught it with his left hand.

The beggar who had previously had his head tilted towards the ground, suddenly looked up and smiled coldly.

And it was at this moment, that the guards knew that they had f**ked up.


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