I'm the King Of Technology

Chapter 446 Mission Shinjep 2

The doctors and nurses immediately wore their gloves and face masks, as they quickly stepped forward to meet the volunteers.

Before these volunteers could do any work, they too needed to undergo checkups as well.

Hence a few doctors and nurses attended to them first, before sending them later to Landon.... who would then assign them into different groups.

Walking into the massive consultation hall, Minka, her little brother Nibus, as well as all the other volunteers.... were immediately stunned by the weird objects that they had spotted.

"Hello.... may I have your name?"

"Ahh..... it's Minka Rewni" Minka said while looking at the pen and booklet that the doctor was using in fascination.

Is this the legendary paper that she had heard about from her grandma?

Didn't her grandma say that it was very brown in colour?

Why was this one so white and clean?

And how rich were these people that they could waste an entire booklet just to write their names and information in it?

Also, wasn't a pen supposed to be made from feathers?

What the hell was going on here?

And what was that clear white casing on the pen?


Minka's mind was racing back and forth while struggling to answer the doctor's questions.

Of course it wasn't just her, as everyone else was also thinking the same as well.

The checkup proceeded with the doctors taking down all discomforts that they might've had.

Be it chest pain, back pain, and even the rashes on their skins.... everything was noted down to the tee, as well as their body temperatures, blood samples, and pee samples too.

The doctors and nurses did their best, just as they would back in Baymard.

And once everything was done, the volunteers were told to come back 4 days later for their results.... as well as drugs and creams for minimal things, such as rashes, and so on.

But of course while all this was happening, Landon and a few other doctors were also collecting information as well.

Luckily for them, the people in this city were already very familiar with the Shinjep disease.

So when asked about what the common signs of the disease were, many people had a lot to say.


"Your majesty!

83% of people that we have spoken to, say that their deceased ones first felt dizzy and continuously threw-up for the first 3 days.

And on the 4th day, they developed a fever and completely lost their appetite." Said one of the doctors.

"Yes, your majesty!

Many of them say that this continued on for close to 6 months, with the fever only getting worse by the day." Added a Nurse.

"They also said that during this time frame, the patient would be bedridden, and would also have very loose bowels too.

It seemed like they would poop and pee themselves more than usual."

"Your majesty, some also said that the patient's face would also become pale white as well..... and their

Most of them also said that the Patient's tongue also turned a deep shade of purple as well."

Listening to all the reports, Landon immediately filtered out which ones were true from the rest.

He already knew what caused the illness, as well as how to cure it.

But one should know that part of his mission was to teach the doctors and nurses what to do during a pandemic.

So he needed them to filter out the rest for themselves, make their own hypothesis and so on.


"Alright..... so what happened after the 6 month period?"

"Your majesty... some say that the patient will vomit blood.

While others say that the Patient would excrete or urinate out blood instead."

"Your majesty.... some also say that their gums and teeth would feel weak and painful as well."

"Hmhm.... so from all these cases, it's clear that some of these symptoms only happen during extreme cases of Shinjep.

Like every illness, there will always be extreme cases, as well as light or ordinary cases.

Some Shinjep patients survived, while others died at the end of it all.

So we need to find out why those who survived did, as well as why those who died did.

Was it their immune system, their nutrition, their habits, or even exercise?

Your job as researchers is to find the causes, as well as everything else surrounding this disease.

I want to know whether these people got it from a flower, plant or something within the area.

Why is it that the disease would always start out from here?

Is it the environment, or just the combination of numerous diseases, bacteria and dirt?

I want to know whether these people have allergies too.

You also need to collect blood samples from those who survived the Shinjep cases... as well as those who are affected by it."

Right now, more than 40 people have reported that at least 1 person in their family has the Shinjep.

So, you also need to take their blood, place it under the microscope.... and do your analysis.

Of course if any of you stumble upon something that's hard to answer, then you can always seek me out for assistance.

Is that understood?."

"Yes, your majesty!"


With that, Landon left the research group and headed towards the next group.

Right now, it was time to clean up the streets, as well as these people's homes.


Immediately, Landon, some of the soldiers, Mason and his own men..... begin operation clean Ngum city.

They started by sharing some of the garbage bags to the people..... and told everyone to bring out all their garbage and put them in front of their homes.

From there, Landon and his men would pick them up, place to in piles and burn them.

And as they cleaned the streets, the people also cleaned their homes as well.

Of course, once everyone heard that there would be a surprise inspection coming up twice every week... people didn't even try to scheme their way out of cleaning duties.

And as time went by, these people were shocked at how good clean the city had become.

The air wasn't as foul as it was before.

They also started taking baths at least once a day now... using only water that had been boiled and left to cool down.

Weeks went by, and the people here also realized that their pimples and acne had also started reducing as well.

Who would've known that all this was mostly because they were living in such a dirty environment and didn't take care of themselves?

Coupled with the fungi creams that they had received from his majesty Landon.... the acne on their faces had drastically reduced, which completely left them shaking.

In addition to that, those with fever... had also taken things like Advil, and were amazed at its healing effect.

Wasn't this too miraculous?

Everything from these strangers were like treasures to them.


Also, everyone was completely taken by Landon.

He was so kind and very caring for a king, and he would treat them, as well as those who were sick and looked hideous.... with the same care too.

He would also read storybooks to the children as well as do his best to make everyone feel comfortable.

Also, his majesty had shared some great farming techniques with them as well.

Who knew that manure was the way to go?

One should know that they had been cut off from the world for a long time, so they definitely wouldn't have any good way of making money.

So if their crop yield increased with high-quality products, they could sell them to any of the merchants or even those in the neighbouring towns, villages or cities as well.

To help them, Landon would also send a few Caronian merchants their way as well.

Of course city lord Mason would also have to find ways to develop the city too.

Seeing how generous and thoughtful Landon was, the people didn't know a lot about this Baymard place.

But they felt that any place ruled by this young king, would definitely be a paradise on Hertfilia.

So many of them had secretly made up their minds to visit Baymard in the future.

This included Minka and her family as well.


And so the research for the cure continued for weeks.

But while Landon and the rest were on it, Beri and his own crew had finally arrived at the Capital.

It was time to take the prisoners away.

How crazy would they be... well, Beri was about to find out.

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