I'm the King Of Technology

Chapter 432 Code Name: Free Bird

The autumn sun was cool and refreshing, as it gave ample warmth to those who basked in its glory.

The unsteady breathing of the ocean waters, caused her surface to rise and fall..... as well swish and roll rapidly.

And on these slightly turbulent waters, stood a massive ship that was ahead of its time in terms of design, structure and everything else.


The ship belonged to Baymard's Navy.

In particular, it was one of the ships that had gone out to rescue the slaves who were currently on their way to Terique.

Of course, for this mission.... 3 leaders had been appointed and sent out to different locations around Terique, as that was where the enemy ships would pass by.


Currently, Lieutenant Felix... who was in charge of Squad A, was supposed to intercept all 6 ships that were leaving Arcadina and heading towards Terique.

One should know that the waters were sometimes filled with pirates so most people would choose to travel in packs... so as to have a better fighting chance.

And that was exactly what the enemy had done.

All 7 enemy ships had sailed out at once and travelled together towards Terique.

Which made the job much easier for Lieutenant Felix and his team.


Felix looked at all 7 ships which resembled tiny dots from this distance and immediately ushered for his squad to sail full speed ahead towards them.

They sailed for a few minutes, before stopping a little distance ahead of all 7 enemy ships.

One should know that the height from the ocean floor to the deck of their Navy ship..... was equivalent to stacking 4 enemy ships on top of one another.

Of course, as this was a Navy ship and not a cruise ship, the deck mostly contained a runway ..... for future Navy fighter airplanes.

And of course at the front of this massive runway, were two 4-story buildings, which were essentially used as control towers for all operations.

And one should know that these 4 storey buying were all high ceiling ones.... which gave people the illusion that there were 6 floors in these buildings rather than 4.

So when the enemy looked at the Navy ship from their own ship deck..... it was as if they were looking at an 8 storey tall building altogether.

And if they weren't at deck level, it was quite clear that this Navy ship would look even taller and more monstrous than it was right now.

So how could they not be alert and anxious when they saw the Navy ship sail their way?

Was it an enemy or not?

If it wasn't an enemy, then they didn't want to carelessly provoke someone that they shouldn't.

But if it was....then when it all came down to it, how were they supposed to fight?

Usually, ocean fights needed enemies to swing or jump on board the other person's ship and fight with their swords just like pirates.

But the ship before them was too tall, that one would need to stack 4 enemy ships just to get to its deck.

So how then do they get on board the giant?

Even though they were utterly confused, they still decided to be prepared for anything.

And so, everyone on the enemy ships had quickly pulled out their swords and waited for any sudden movements from the humongous ship before them.


"Captain!.... what do we do now?" One of the men on board asked frantically.

Their Captain in question was also stumped, as he didn't know what was going in as well.

This ship was the widest, and tallest ship that he had ever seen in his life.

First off, how could a ship travel this fast?

Secondly, how could metal float?

The Captain squinted his eyes, as he was trying to look for any way on board the ship.

But sadly, there was none.

And just when these enemies were immersed in their own thoughts, they soon heard a loud voice from the ship.

"We have come for the prisoners!

You all have 2 choices..... Surrender, or die!

If your choice is to Surrender, then drop your weapons, kneel down and place your hands over your heads now.

But if you should choose to fight, then I guarantee that all of you will die miserable deaths!"


Everyone on the enemy ships was taken aback.

How did these strange people know that they were carrying slaves?

Before, they had thought that it was just a coincidence that they had ran into this massive ship.

But now, it seems that this wasn't the case from the start.

They were sure that they weren't followed when leaving Arcadina because they had gone through great means to hire mercenary pirate ships to sail behind them for 2 weeks .... while taking care and attacking any strange looking ships that come their way.

Of course after 2 weeks, the contract had expired, and the pirates all left them on their own.

And within that time frame, there were no reports of anyone following them.

In addition to that, only Nopline and the Captain leading the squad knew of the route they were going to take beforehand.... as many of the crewmen had only been told on what direction they would be heading to when they had boarded the ship leaving Arcadina.

So how did these people know their exact route?

And more importantly, how did they know that they would be passing here on this exact day and time?

Or did they come out here for months and days just to wait for them?

Everyone's mind was filled with so many unanswered questions... especially their Captain, who was more shocked than them all.

He was the only one who knew the exact route before they left, and he sure as hell didn't tell anyone else.

So why did it come to this?

Did his master, Nopline have a spy in his midst who leaked out the information to the enemy?


Looking at the massive ship before him, he quickly clenched his fist and smiled coldly.

Even though the ship before him was bigger than all 7 of his ships put together... it was just one ship.

While he, on the other hand, had 7 under his control.

Looking at the small number of people standing on the deck level of the massive ship, he felt like maybe he had more men than they did.

Hence he chose to fight instead.

He trusted his sword skills, so he was waiting to see how these strange men would leave the massive ship and get on board their own ships.

Because once they created a way to move between both ships... he and his men would then make their way onto the massive ship, kill the enemy and claim it as the ship as their own.

And so with all that said and done, he chose to fight!

He quickly raised his sword in the air and yelled out in Fury.

"We fight!!!!"

Of course, those around him also did the same actions as he did.

"We fight!!!"

And soon, all from the enemy ships were all chanting the same words over and over again.

Meanwhile, those on the Navy ships who saw this.... immediately sighed and shook their heads wryly instead.

As his majesty would always say: 'As you make your bed, so shall you lie on it.'

Since they chose not to let go of their egos, then they should be ready to die instead.

Now, it was time for war!!

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