I'm the King Of Technology

Chapter 398 The List 2

Rigoro Mandain!!

Under normal circumstances, such a man would definitely pose a threat to the safety of the prison guards.... as well as the other inmates.

But luckily for them, Landon had designed several high-tech cells.... which were meant to keep such prisoners there permanently.

Lucius was thinking that underground Cell 15 would be a good place for this Rigoro.

At first, Lucius thought that maybe Landon had gone a little overboard with the security there.

But now... he felt relieved that this son of his had somehow predicted the future.

Cell 15.

To put it simply, it was a cell within a cell, within a cell.

The first entryway had a massive barred door, that had been reinforced... the door had a special mechanism on it, that allowed one to open it only from the underground control room.

And if one tried to pry it forcefully, the alarm would go off immediately, and the door would give off big bolts of electricity.


After the first door, the was a second one with the same mechanism as the first... and in addition to that, this one would let out sleeping gas out as well.

As for the last cell, it was made out of high tech glass which wouldn't even break even if it were hit with 100 bullets at once.

Of course, the glass was there so that the prison guards could observe the prisoners at all times... lest they try anything funny.

As for how these prisoners would feed, there was a tiny open slip which enabled guards to pass on food or water to the prisoners.

The rules were simple, no glass, silver of hard materials... was to be used to send food in, not even cardboard boxes or cutlery.

As some experts might use the sharpens of these things to injure the guards or make their escape.

In short, the food was to be bundled up and tied as if it were a Christmas cookie..... and passed on towards the prisoners.

The material used seemed like those cardboard food boxes used for takeout back on earth..... But it was actually very strong plastic wrappings instead.


Thinking of all the security measures that Landon had taken so far, Lucius felt like his men would definitely be able to handle this Rigoro fellow.

Of course when getting Rigoro.... Lucius would personally send some of his men to tranquillize him and tie him up as if he was a psychotic patient who was crazed.

And for the scary of the other prison mates, this guy would definitely have to stay locked down here alone.


"Next up... Walter Green!

We call him 'The Loony Healer'.

His case is more like an obsession really.

You see, the man lost his dear wife 5 years ago during childbirth.... and ever since then, he had suddenly begun experimentation."

"Experimentation?" Lucius and Lucy asked curiously.

"Yes... experimentation.

Prior to the death of his wife, Green had been a famous healer in town.

He would take care of the sick, young and the needy anyway he could.

He was quite reputable, and everyone seemed to have great opinions about him.

But after the death of his wife, he soon closed down his doors and begun drinking daily.

His own children had tried to show him live and take care of him.... but all that seemed for naught.

Then one day, he claimed to have seen his dead wife in his dream.

And the longing of wanting her seemed to overtake his mind from then on.

Later that month, the townsmen were all disappearing one by one... and people had also noticed that they hadn't seen the children of this good healer for a while now.

At first, they thought that the children had been fed up with their father and had decided to leave him instead.

But one day, someone had claimed to hear screams coming from Green's home.

At first, no one believed the man who had made such ridiculous claims.

But when more and more people heard the screams... they had soon rallied more than 100 people with torches and were ready to see what this doctor was up to.

Of course, knowing that he was about to be caught, the doctor sneaked out a secret passageway in his house and fled through the night.

But what those townsfolk found, had made them flee in fright from fear.

Lying within one of the storage rooms.... were no less than a hundred bodies that had their body parts cut off and seen on other body parts.

They also found the bodies and heads of Green's 7-year-old daughter, his 5-year-old son... and his newly born baby daughter, whose head had been sewn onto that of their dead dog.

It was believed that somehow, Green had wanted to create a body that resembled that of his wife.... and somehow give her life.

He had taken different internal organs, as well as body parts just for this task alone."



Hearing his story..... at first, Lucy felt pity for Green.

But after hearing that the man had even killed his own children..... including that poor baby that his wife had died and left behind, all her pity seemed to have flown out the window just like that.

What a monster!

"So how long did it take for you all to catch him?"

"In his case, it took us 2 years to do so.

With him.... the man was always thing about experimenting.... so having him stay with the other inmates might be a bad idea.

He could use basic everyday items just for that... so I would advise that he has to be kept under wraps at all times." Ambassador Victor said.

Of course, hearing the story, that was also what Lucy and Lucius thought as well.


"Up next.... "Whindor Polipher!' .. A.K.A, 'The Meat Eater'.

To put it simply, the man prefers to eat human meat and would stop at nothing to have his meal.

With him, right from the age of 7, he had suddenly picked up this habit out of the blue.... and ever since then, no around him has been safe.

That includes most of the guards, who have had their ears, as well as chunks of meat from their bodies bitten off from this man.

Lastly..... there is innocent-looking Slovic Vlad.... A.K.A the blade."



The meeting went on with them concluding on how to handle these new prisoners.

93 of these prisoners were just slightly above prisoners who could join and mingle with the other 7 prisoners current at the prison.

But as for the last 4.... for sure, they would have their own separate territories away from the rest at all times.

And within the next few days, Lucy and Lucius quickly made plans for a special task team to go and take these prisoners from Carona.

Of course, any cost of transportation, food and other issues would be paid by the Caronain government.

So for sure, they were up for the task.


And while a this was happening within these past few days, Landon on the other hand.... was swiftly making his way towards the empire of Terique.

It took him 5 days by ship to make it here..... and in a few hours from now, he would arrive at his destination.

Landon glanced at his watch calmly while going over his plans with his men.

It was almost showtime!

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