I'm the King Of Technology

Chapter 384 Court Trials

9:45 A.M

Maggie quickly made towards District C, as she made her way towards the courtroom.

Today, she would be watching a real court case for the very first time.

One should know that within the law academy, her professor had just randomly asked questions one day in class.... And the 5 people who had answered his questions time and time again, were chosen to attend today's court session under his wing.


No one in class had any idea that their professor was going to be representing these suspects.

So imagine her shock when she was told in front of everyone that she would be attending the court trial for those suspects?

And today..... she would see the entire legal process from start to end.

How exciting!!


She quickly made her way into the massive Court building... which was as large and wide, 2 university buildings together.

It was huge, and had 4 high ceiling floors within it.

The first/ground floor, was strictly reserved for the workers within the building.... as it had several offices that processed a lot of legal documents and so on.

This was also the place where one could book or make court arrangements... as well as conference rooms for meetings, A massive food court, and so on.

And in addition to all those, there were also 2 massive courtrooms on the floor as well.


As for the 3 floors above ground level, they primarily focused on court trails alone... with each floor having at least 6 massive courtrooms within it, hence making a total of 18 courtrooms from all 3 floors.

And coupled with those other 2 on ground level, the entire building now had a total of 20 courtrooms to be used whenever necessary... ne it for divorce, settling down smaller disputes, theft, murder and so on.


Maggie hastily rushed towards the second floor, while trying to make her way througjh the crowd of people who were also in a hurry to go there as well.

The court trial was supposed to take place in one of the largest Courtrooms within the entire building..... 'COURTROOM 2-A'

"Excuse me please.... excuse me please... excuse me..."


She hurriedly maneuvered her way through the crowd, got into the courtroom.... and soon spotted one of her classmates waving at her from way ahead.

'Good seat!' She thought.


"Morning everyone!"

"Morning Maggie!"



The rowdy courtroom quickly dimmed the excited voices of Maggie and her crew.

People could be seen making their way in, while excitedly talking about what to expect from today's trial.

The entire room was filled with people wearing their best corporate attires, while taking in the excited atmosphere that oozed out from all angles within the room.

For most people, this was their first court trial.... so they didn't exactly know what these lawyers or judges would do here.

Sure... they had heard of the job titles, but seeing was different from someone telling one what to expect.


As Maggie continued to observe the busy people, her blood seemed to wake up her entire body, as glee soon overtook her whole being.

For some unknown reason, she felt pumped, excited and even more alive than ever before.

It was the ķind of feeling one got when walking into an airport, or even Disney world for the first time.

For her, even though she had been studying for over 5 months now... this was her first court trial experience.

So for her, the excitement came from knowing what her future job would really entail.


Soon, several celebrity guests quickly came into the building.... and everyone soon found themselves taking quick glances at them.

"Ehh?... isn't that news reporter Kelly from BBC Channel 3?

I saw a 'flyer' of her once.... so I'm sure that that's her!"

"Look! Look!.... its overseer Lyore from the food industry."

"Ahh... isn't that the famous Doctor Garson?"


Everyone murmured while observing the incoming guest.

Of course Alec and his own crew came in as well.... but who the hell knew them?

Time seems to pass by quickly, and soon... Landon and the rest of the royals finally came in through a special door instead..... which placed them at high platform seats just above the jury.



'Din! Din! Din! Din! Din! Din! Din!

The noisy room immediately quieted down.... when they saw several police officers bring in the suspects, who were all handcuffed and wore bright orange jumpers.

The culprits all wore serious expressions on their faces, as they had been hit real hard with the fact that indeed..... no one was try going to save them from this whole ordeal.

The entire massive courtroom, made them feel like they were already locked up for good.... as they soon realized that they might not be able to walk about freely the next few years.


Alec looked at the men and sneered.

To him, they were a bunch of good-for-nothings, who couldn't even jump over a fence properly.

Then why had he been spending his money on them previously?

How could he trust a spy or an assassin who didn't even know how to jump over a fence?

Common!.... that was probably taught in spy class 101 or something.

It was like trusting a thief who didn't know how to skillfully open a closed door.

What a waste !


Moments later, several other guards opened a door by the front side of the court.... and in came a tall well-bodied man who was wearing a long black robe.

"All rise for the honorable judge Bowman."

Immediately, even one stood up and only sat down after the judge had taken his own seat on the high table before them.


"Court is in session.... now ease be seated" judge Bowman said, while hitting the 'gravel'(wooden hammer-like stick) on another wooden square on the table.


"At this time, the court calls the people of the empire of Baymard Vs. Mr. Ceres Flinter, Mr....(listed downall names)... and Mr. Tybalt Ovry.... Case number 01EB015.

Will both parties please state their appearances for the record." Judge Bowman said, while reading one of the documents before him.

"Good morning your honor!

I'm Vincent Kilmer, from the Baymardian Law Firm.... representing the people of the empire of Baymard as its lead counsel.

And assisting me today is Zena Ploti also from the Baymardian law firm."

"Good morning your honor.... I'm Allister McLaren from the Baymardian Law Firm representing all the accused.

And assisting me today is Benedict Mohegan as well."


Prosecutor Vincent, you may begin!"


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