I'm the King Of Technology

Chapter 363 Try Again

--The Gracio-Dero 4 star hotel, Baymard--


Within one of the suites in the luxurious hotel, several men had all gathered there for a brief meeting.

Today, 6 out of 8 of their men had actually made it into Baymard from Riverdale city.

Everyday, William had sent Collins and McCain to the bus station to keep a lookout for these people up..... and pick them up when they arrived.


Today, even though 6 of them had finally been granted access into Baymard.... one shouldn't forget that they were initially 8 people who had journeyed towards the Landport, instead of 6.

In short.... the other 2 were tasked with following Alec and his team back, if they got denied access into Baymard.

But of course if Alec had been granted access, then those 2 still needed to go back to Riverdale city and inform the rest of the men there as well.


As for the 6 who had been granted access into Baymard, their mission was to follow Alec and his crew at certain distances.

So, the first 3 went in behind Alec and his group... while the last 3 went in sometime later, so as not to appear too suspicious.

Long story short, they had witnessed the whole fiasco that had taken place within the Landport.

So after narrating everything to William, how could Collins and the rest not breakdown in tears from too much laughter?

Even William couldn't help but smile broadly as well.



They laughed for a whole 4 minutes, before finally wiping their tears from their eyes.

Right now.... What they wanted to focus on, were these strange weapons that the men had described to them.

So that's what those small black things were used for?

All this while, they had truly been curious as to how this Landon fellow would keep Baymard safe from potential enemies..... since he didn't have any knights within his empire.

Instead, he had weird protective forces like soldiers, security guards, marines, coastal guards, Navy officers and police officers instead.


In truth, they didn't know what weapons or combat skills these groups of people had.... as there was almost no information about it anywhere.

Everything was..... as Landon had told them: 'Classified'.

But now, after hearing about these strange weapons that seem to make people faint, tremble and even pee on themselves... they couldn't help but subconsciously shiver instead.

How embarrassing!

If it were them, they were pretty sure that they would definitely wear a mask whenever they came towards this region again.

They had even heard that prince Connor had farted throughout the entire thing as well.

Sigh..... they couldn't help but pity then at this point.


One should know that only those that got tased, thought that they had been shot by a bolt of lightning.....as they didnt know what electricity was.

But for the observers, all they could hear was a loud 'buzz' sound from the guns.

And all they could see, were several grown men rolling, vibrating, wailing, fainting and even peeing and pooping themselves on the spot.

Within the room, everyone had cold sweat just by thinking about it all.

What sort of pain could these burly men have faced, for them to give way just like that?

Indeed.... this Baymard was somewhat scary after all.


"Do you think that all those wrongs do the same thing?" Collins asked curiously.

"It's possible.... but I highly doubt it, since they have different army forces here." McCain replied.

As the men discussed, William on the other hand, could not help but think but Eli's men who had seemingly waged war against Baymard.

How did Landon accomplish victory without leaving any survivor to tell the tale?


Nomatter how good one was with the sword, during battle... sometimes when the enemy had noticed tagged it was cornered, some of them would make their escape.

So with everyone battling at least one person on the field, it was hard to keep people from escaping.... except the enemy was ridiculously outnumbered.

In Baymard's case, apart from outnumbering their enemies.... they could've also had amazing weapons, that led to no survivors after the battle.


In short, after listening to his men's report..... William was more inclined to believe that it was their weapons, that had led them to achieve such results instead.

Afterall, he had searched for any witnesses for a while now.... and so far, he couldn't even find a single one.

It was almost like no battle took place at all!

This was indeed very strange.

But nonetheless..... he didn't want to pry into Baymard's matters, as he truly wanted to maintain a good friendship with this cousin of his.

Right now, what was important.... was to follow Alec's every move.

So he quickly commanded for those 6 who had just come in .... to take turns and wait at the bus station for Alec's arrival.

He wanted to know what tricks these people were up to, as well as what else Baymard had under its sleeves to counterattack them.


--Riverdale City, Arcadina--



Where am I?'



Alec woke up with a splitting headache, and realized that somehow..... he fainted, got carried back to Riverdale city by his men, and now... an entire day had gone by just like that!!

Thinking about it all, his whole demeanor suddenly turned cold once more.

That unfilial bastard probably asked his men to insult him on purpose... or else how would they even have the balls to do so in the first place?


Yesterday, those bastard guards had carried them outside Baymard's gates, and had also sent their carriages and horses out as well.

But what really made Alec faint, was the fact that when they were placed outside.... they were stacked on top of each other, as if they were dead.

And to make matters worse, some of the horses which they had just fed before going in.... got the brilliant idea to poop and pee on them instead.

To be direct... the horse popped directly on Alec's face, as well as the faces of his sons, and some of his guards.


As the peasants walked past them, he had heard strange but insulting comments that had truly infuriated him to the point of him fainting from it all.

The peasants all tried their best to talk in a whispery tone, as they passed by the strange pile of men.

"Eh?..... what is going on here?

Don't these carriages belong to some nobles?"

"Is this some new thing that the nobles are now engaging into?

Do they now like to be shitted on?"

"Who knows..... I mean, some of them have their eyes slightly open.

So why not move away from the poop tats coming their way?"

"Aye... isn't that the Royal Crest?"

"How is that possible?

Do you really think that the Tyrant would ever get shirted on just like that?"

"Yeah... your right!

I'm probably seeing things right now.

But no matter what, these group of people have poop fetishes!!"



And so just like that, Alec and his 3 sons all fainted from extreme anger.

How dare these disgusting peasants say That they liked to be pooped on?

What kind of sick person would like an animal's poop smeared all over them?

In truth, what they didn't know was that Landon was the real culprit behind the matter of these horses pooping and peeing on their faces.

For heaven's sake... Alec could still taste some of it in his mouth even at this moment.

His men had cleaned up his face and tried their best to clean him up properly.

But of course, they couldn't rinse off the tiny particles that managed to force their way into his mouth.

And now... all he tasted down his throat when he woke up, was the distinctive taste and mixture of horse poop and piss.

This humiliation was just too much for him alright?


As for Cary, during that entire ordeal.... she chose to hide herself in her carriage, lest someone truly recognizes her and makes her loose face.

She stayed in the carriage until some of the guards had the strength to get up and move.

They then carried Eli who was smeared with shit into the carriage..... which in turn made her automatically throw up at the sight of him.

Bluuuugh!... what the hell did these horses eat, for their dung to smell so bad?

How wasany of this normal?

In her opinion, these horses seriously needed a spiritual cleanse instead.

Because the odour their dung could even make the dead rise again, and flee from their sight.

And so, she too spent the entire journey back to Riverdale city puking till she had a headache.

This humiliation that these Baymardians had caused, she would definitely remember it even when her brother successfully managed to gain control over Baymard.


9:25 P.M

In one of the rooms within one of the newly established inns.... 4 people were now gathered for a secret meeting.

Their entire bodies trembled from rage, and their eyes all became cold and fierce.... as they recalled the events that had taken place ever since they had gotten there.

They were now having their second Barn family meeting here.


"Father..... that little imp has co.etly thrown our faces today.

If word of this spreads out in the Capital, what face would we have left there?" Cary exclaimed angrily.

As the men listened to her rants, they all remained silent... as they too were lost in thought as well.

Within their minds, they had replayed their own versions of how they would end up killing Landon over and over again in the near future.



Do you think that we don't feel angry as well?

Since they want us to abide to their rules.... them for the time being we shall.

No matter what!.... we have to see what Baymard for ourselves.

So when we all go back tomorrow, do as you all are told!!!"

"Yes father!" All 3 children replied.



Of course at this point, all the men soon had their minds filled with greed.... as they thought of those little black weapons that had managed to trap lightning within them.

Even if they had to join forces with their enemies so as to get Baymard for themselves, they would bloody do it.... as from the Landport itself, one could see that Baymard was a risk worth taking.

And by their ancestors names, they would get it all for themselves God-dammit!


Tomorrow, they would willingly go along with those so-called rules..... until they could finally get their revenge on that Bastard.

And so just like that, the meeting was finally over.

They quickly got into bed and shut their eyes tightly.

Tomorrow morning..... they would head out to Baymard again!

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