I'm the King Of Technology

Chapter 360 A Great Welcome!

Alec and his team sheepishly followed the welcoming lady into the building, while still being lost in thought.

They looked around the Landport in shock..... as it truly looked out of this world.

The Landport had 3 main floors to it, and once they stepped onto the ground floor.

Unlike the Coastal port that focused on making sure that the ships were properly docked, this one focused on the horses and carriages instead.


One should know that at the side of the Landport, rather than having a massive parking lot..... one could find another massive 3 floor building there as well.

This building acted as a storage unit for keeping the horses and carriages in check.

Typically, the visitors would go here first, before finally stepping into the Landport.

Here, they would stire and register everything that they had... and once they were done, they would get their receipt and a number tab for them to hold on to.

And even if they lost all that..... their names, time of storage, date of today, as well as a made up pin number would be jotted down as well.

Also, if they needed any sort of maintenance done on their carriages, then that would be the best time to pay up and inform the staff members as well.


Essentially, after all that, they were to use the airport trolleys and roll all their cargos into the actual Landport building itself.

Of course someone would show them how it's done, if this was their first time coming here.

The ground floor of the building was for security checks and customer services.

Here, they would also give up their weapons and store them too.... if they had any.


Sure... one could still say that even after giving up their weapons, they could still use a cooking knife to kill whoever they wanted to within Baymard.

Buy so what?

Back on earth, the U.S citizens could still use guns within their country..... but why was it that they weren't allowed to carry them in the airports or bring them into the country?

Not just the U.S... but other places as well.

All Landon was trying to do was minimize the number of attacks and that was it.

Plus... he would like to see who would dare to come into Baymard and kill his people.

Heheheh.... the new maximum security prison was ready for use, so he could only tell those people Goodluck in escaping from his grasp.


Anyway, after these security checks..... these visitors would step onto the escalator, and go to the 2nd floor for Visa processing.

There, they would have to agree to all of Baymard's rules, as well as state the purpose for visitation and so on.

Landon had given out a list of things to check during the procedure.... so this step was quite a thorough one.


And once their Visas were done, they would now pay for their baggage if it exceeded the required weight and number of bags going in.

Unlike the regular 2 bag policy back on earth.... Landon had chosen to create his own 3 bag policy instead, based on what peasants usually carried as luggage.


Anyway, once all that was done and the visitors finally had a grasp to how long they were going to stay..... then they had to pay for their carriage and horse care for that duration of time.

If they were here for a month, of course their horses needed to be fed and medically checked daily.

Heck!... even its poop needs to be cleaned out regularly.

So the money to pay off the workers would come from these charges.


And everything depended on how many horses one had, how much space they were taking up, and how many carriages they had brought in as well.

The prices were very reasonable, as it was done to ensure that even peasants would find it easy to pay up if need be.... as some of the planets rode in on single horses to get here, while others trekked.


And of course after paying for everything, they would pay for their bus tickets if they were ordinary passengers..... as V.I.Ps would have the Limo experience instead.

The limo's here weren't as long as Landon's.... but even so, they still screamed out luxury to all those who saw them.


Once they got their bus tickets.... they would then use the escalator to descend to the ground floor on the opposite side of the building.

That site had a waiting area, as well as several stores and cafeteria options around too.

In short, the ground and second floors were meant for the customers... while the 3rd floor was meant for the staff, managers, and board of directors.

There, one would see locker rooms, conference rooms and so on.

Of course, all floors had security, clinical, and janitor rooms there as well.... irrespective of whether they were for staff or customers.

That in a nutshell was the complete layout of the Landport.


Alec and his team paused very briefly, as they were completely caught unawares at how magnificent the place looked.

It's clear white walls, well polished marble floors and cool temperature, made them feel very relaxed.

How come it was scorching hot outside, but cooler in here?

It was like magic to them.


The entire Landport was a blend of several incoherent noises.

They could hear people yelling out excitedly, while others mumbled about heaven knows what.

The sounds of bags being dragged left and right, and the sounds of the staffers and machines could be heard all around them.


And while they moved, they kept on reading all the signs that were plastered on the walls as well.

Looking at the entire layout of the place, everyone soon began to feel like there was no better building than this one.

And so, their greedy meters began to rise steadily.


As they looked at the lady who was leading them in, they couldn't help but feel some sort of pride in their hearts.

Ahhh.... it looks like these people had finally realized that they were royalty.

That must be the reason why the lady came up to them in such a welcoming manner.

They strutted in arrogantly as if they owned the place, while raising their noses high up into the air majestically.

They thought that everyone would be looking at them.... but when they turned around, they realized that almost no one was.


With an amazing Landport before these people, why would they focus on them instead?

In addition to that, their own attires resembled that of ordinary folk people, when compared to those that the Baymardian workers wore.

The clothing quality was just too contrasting!!

Of course some people saw their crests and immediately knew who they were.

But most couldn't care less about who they were.

Please!!..... their eyes were busy alright?


"I take it that you were sent here to welcome us.... so hurry up will you!" Alec bellowed in annoyance.

He was annoyed by the fact that almost no one one was looking at him.

When had he ever walked into a room and not taken everyone's attention just by his presence alone?

He had never been looked down on so much, as he was right now.

'Hmmp!!!... just you all wait', he thought.


The lady who was leading them found their attitudes very amusing as well.

She used to be a slave from the empire of Yodan..... so she had no idea what the royal crests here looked like.

But even so, the attitudes of these people told her that they were either first or second tear nobles..... or even royalty themselves.

But so what?

Everyone was equal here.... unless they were V.I.Ps.


"I'm sorry esteemed guests.... but I wasn't sent here by anyone.

I'm just doing my job by assisting first time travellers here." She said, while gesturing towards another staffer who was also helping another customer as well.

And to make matters worse, the customer wore old sac-like clothings, and had worn out shoes that looked like they had been shredded with a meat grinder.

So in other words, they weren't all that special when compared to others?


The sizzling sparks of rage that had been buried by Alec, Eli, Cary and Connor..... all grew into mighty flames, as they listened to the lady.

What the hell?

Why were these Baymardians hell bent on testing their patience?

They were royalty for heaven's sake!

And as such, they should be permitted to get all the finer things in life no matter whether it was special treatment or even waving off fees for them.


Why the hell were these people placing then in the same category as these filthy peasants?

Their faces all became distorted, and soon turned as red as a tomato.

They clenched their fists and gritted their teeth in anger, as they thought of all the humiliation that they had faced from Riverdale city right up till here.

These people were definitely doing it on purpose!!

Fine!.... since they wanted to make a fool out of them, then 2 can play that game.

They would be the bigger person and forgive these unruly people for now... but when they took over, they would definitely put them to death!

They quickly calmed down, when they thought of their mission... and followed the harlot of a lady towards security, while glaring at her intensely.




But how would they have known that what they had just witnessed would be the tip of the iceberg for them?

Hehehe.... one could say that their Landport experience made them shiver uncontrollably, whenever they thought about it.

Because in a few more minutes, they would finally witness what pain and humiliation truly felt like.

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