I'm the King Of Technology

Chapter 357 Royal Visitors

No!... seriously, where was that dude?

Immediately after the wedding, Landon began approving several requests for meeting him..... and so far, the system hadn't confirmed if those people were the Ghostly Prince or not.

It had said that once Landon sees the Ghostly prince face to face.... only then it would alert him if his guess was right or wrong.

But none of the people he had seen were the so-called Ghostly Prince.


At this point, Landon was starting to believe that this whole thing was a hoax made up by this sadist system.

Because apart from accepting all these requests.... he had also glued his face onto the system's monitors, as he tried to skim through each street daily.

But sadly, all his efforts had bored no fruits when it concerned this matter.

Ughhhh!!.... why the hell was this dude wasting so much time just to pop up?


He massaged his temples while closing his eyes tightly.

The whole thing was giving him a massive headache.

One had to know that it's been 3 days since Mother Kim and Lucius went for their honeymoon.

So he literally had to complete some of Lucius' workload in both the Army and the police headquarters..... with the help of several others of course.

Hence he was swamped with official affairs, Lucius's affairs and the system's missions as well.


'Knock! Knock! Knock!'

Landon heard gentle knocking sounds coming from his office door, and swiftly opened his eyes and adjusted himself.

"Yes... Come in!"


A 20-something year old man gently opened the door, as if the door was some sort of baby.

The man was one of Landon's secretaries.... who also had his own office just before Landon's own.


With the introduction of secretaries in baynard... Landon had to adjust his office to fit the ordinary office setup back on earth.

So of course the man's office would be just before Landon's own.

"Your majesty.... one of Princess Lucy's secretaries has just informed me that there is a special guest at the Royal Crimson garden.

She specifically said that this person was someone who you knew quite well when your were in Arcadina."


Someone he knew when he was in Arcadina?

For sure.... Alec and the other nobles hadn't arrived yet, so who was this person that he was supposed to know so well?

Landon quickly decided to put a halt in his search for the Ghostly Prince and head on over to the Royal Crimson garden to see this strange visitor.


As Landon approached the garden, he could hear several familiar voices boasting about their numerous heroism tales.... which in his opinion, NEVER happened.

Yup!... the 3 musketeers were at it again.


You little brats!!.... how can you all not believe us?" Old man Hermon asked while animatedly opening his eyes widely, as he brought his face closer to the visitors.

"You little brats really don't know who he is?

When he was 12 years old... he could already stop an arrow with just his pinky finger.

And when he was 13, he could carry more than 3 carriages on his back all at once!" Paitus said, while pointing at old man Willow, who was still doing muscle poses for the guests.


As for the guests, how could they buy into these absurd stories?

Who the hell could carry 3 carriages on their backs?

And how about the story about old man Willow fighting an army of 1,000 all on his own?

Please!!... they weren't 3 year old kids alright?

Heck!... even kids within that age bracket would think twice before believing such ridiculous tales.

How could these men lie so confidently?


"Bahh!... you little brats don't know a real hero when you see one.

You better take his..... ermm.... what did that Landon kid call it again?

Ahh yes!!.... you better take his autograph now before you miss out on this grand opportunity." Paitus said, while rubbing his hands craftily at them.

"Yes, he's right!!

I know you all want hero Willow's autograph..... so we'll give them to you at a discounted rate.

Typically..... a single autograph is 20 BAYs (=20 copper coins).

But since you're princess Lucy's friends.... then I'll give it to you at 10 BAYs per autograph."

"But wait!... there's more!!

Today just so happens to be my birthday, so count yourselves lucky!

We'll give you all one of our special promotions.

Hermon... take it away!!"

"Its' simple and super cheap!

For 15 BAYs, you can get 2 signatures instead.

Isn't that great?!!!"



As everyone listened to these 3 musketeers.... they had all concluded that these men were true Con Artists.

In the end, they ended up buying the autographs due to the pressure from these old men.

At this point, they just paid for them so that the old men would leave them alone in peace.


"Ahh... kid... you're finally here!" Old man Willow yelled out.

Landon shook his head wryly, as he walked towards the group.

It was never a dull moment when these 3 were around.

Soon, everyone seated turned to face Landon.... and when Landon saw William, several beeps went out continuously within his head.

'Host.... congratulations on finally meeting the Ghostly Prince!'



Landon and William looked at each other for a full minute.... before bursting out in laughter.


"Runt!.... I thought you had forgotten me so soon!" William said, while giving Landon a bear hug.

"How can I, elder brother Willy?" Landon replied.

"You better do runt!

Ehh? ... Not bad... not bad at all.

It looks like you've finally succeeded in getting tkrothat cowardly attitude of yours.

Well done!!" Wiliam said while gauging Landon from head to toe.

He had changed so much that even William had to give him a second look just to confirm that it was indeed him.


As for the present Landon, how could he not know who William was?

Based on the former Landon's memory..... William was one of the numerous palace 'fireplace boys, who was in charge of removing the coal, getting the firewood and everything else concerning all Fireplaces within the palace.

They made sure that the fire never went out during cold seasons, as they continuously stocked up the fireplaces hourly.


It was indeed a tedious task... as no matter what time of day or night it was... the fireplace was always supposed to be kept lit.

What if the king wanted to leave his chambers and go to the dinning region or any other room to think in the middle of the night?

The place had to be warm at all times for their masters... no matter what.

And these were just few of the tasks that William had done when he had previously worked within the palace.


Back when Landon was still in the palace, even though Lucius was their head bodyguard at the time..... since he was still a very important figure within Arcadina, he had to leave for official business once in a while.

It should be known that he had previously volunteered to lower his status from Commander to bodyguard..... so as to stay by Mother Kim's side always.


At the time, Lucius had done a great deed for Arcadina... and when he was asked about what he wanted as his reward, of course he requested for that.

But even so... amidst Alec's shock and anger, his request was approved on the spot since a king couldn't go back on his words in public like so.


Anyway, even though his request got approved..... Alec had added 2 conditions attached to it.

Firstly..... he was still to take on missions for Arcadina when the time arose.

And secondly, he was to return 70% of the knights under him back to Alec.

So if he failed to comply with any of them... then the deal would definitely be off!


And just like so... Lucius became their head bodyguard.

But whenever he wasn't around..... the maids and servants who were supposed to do minimal jobs like deliver food to them, wouldn't do so most of the time.

To many, they could bully them since they were unfavoured by Alec.

And coupled with the fact that Mother kim used to be a maid herself... how could the other palace maids not look down on them?


Also, at that time.... Josh, Mark, Gary and Trey were also somewhat young and hadn't earned respect from anyone yet.

So they could only watch everything angrily as well.

Plus during the day time.... most of the young knights had to go to the knighthood Academy.

Hence the family of 3 was typically left alone with just 1 or 2 lower status bodyguards instead.

So In short, they hardly had any protection around them when Lucius was away.


And during these times..... William had saved Landon and Lucy on multiple occasions whenever they ran into bullies.

And from then on, they soon became friends with each other as well.

Of course during these times, William used to sneak into the kitchen and steal food for them as well.

The trio bonded quite well from then on.... and one day, William just vanished into thin air out of the blue.

But now... he was standing before him in the flesh, and as the Ghostly Prince for that matter.

This life was truly an unpredictable one.



It has truly been far too Long.

Come .. let's go into my study."

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