I'm the King Of Technology

Chapter 1480 Finally Arrived

Chapter 1480 Finally Arrived  [15 minutes post arrival]

The words echoed out within the ships. 

And many within the vehicles all braced themselves, clenching their fists, subconsciously holding onto their seats, and even tightening their grips on their steering wheels. 

Meanwhile, the knights and warriors standing within the leveled plains swallowed hard while staring at the enormous ships sailing their way.

Mr. M stood on top of a bushy hill, staring over the horizon with an unfathomable gaze.

His body quivered uncontrollably with widened eyes. 

Sure enough, the ships didn’t disappoint him. They were majestic, giving off a powerful aura that made all the nearby ships and humans subconsciously give way. 

What was power? This was power!

’These are the highest ships I have ever seen! But how can they be so fast? What sort of slaves are rowing the giant ships? Animals?’

Murdoch’s eyes turned sharp. ‘No matter the cost, I must have one in my possession!’

No other forces are allowed to have such masterpieces. So it was only right for them to confiscate these godly pieces of work.

Soon, they will belong to Morgany.


”Alucard… Cappon… Windock…”

”Yes, master.”

”Ride down low. I want you on their tails like a shadow.”

Murdoch’s voice was low but intimidating. “I want to know why they are here and what connections they have in Titarian.”

All 3 men in black nodded humbly. “As you wish, my lord.” 

With that, they took off. 

And just as baffled as they were, was also the City Lord of this great coastal city. 

Riding his horse amidst the many men at arms standing in formation, the blue-toned burly red-head city lord galloped to the front with all his might, accompanied by some of the nobles he met along the way.

Each one of them was dressed in full battle attire with armor. 

”City Lord, you are here!” exclaimed one of his subordinates at the forefront. 

”Hmmm…” The fiery redhead city Lord pulled his horse reins, steadying himself with his eyes still focused on the incoming fleet of ships. 


A strange quietness filled the air as many subconsciously held their breaths. 

Goosebumps covered their arms the more imaginative their minds became.

Be it the other nobles, the city lord, or the many forces standing in formation; everyone had butterflies in their bellies. 

”City Lord… What do you suppose they came here for?”

”It’s hard to say…” He replied calmly.

So far, he hadn’t spotted any archers or warriors on the decks of these ships. There were indeed a few people passing by, but none pointed held weapons at them.

Of course, it could also be that he didn’t see things well enough.

After all, the ships were so tall that all he could see was a certain fraction of the deck closest to the rails.

One could stack several wooden ships on top of one another to understand how freaking tall these ships were. 

And the closer the ships neared, the more difficult it was for them to see any other things on the decks apart from the metal rails. 

Indeed. It was hard to say whether these people were foes or friends… But it wouldn’t hurt to prepare for the worst. 



Raising his hand and placing a megaphone close to his mouth, he gave out his orders. “A-shield Formation! Prepare to take cover!!” 

Din. Din. Din. Din.~

The many shielded knights at the forefront all surrounded the groups of archers they were assigned to. 

And in no time, they formed blockades of armored walls in all directions, leaving little gaps for the archers to shoot through. 

The city lord was taking no chances. 

The fact that they couldn’t see the decks of these ships anymore was indeed a problem. 

For all he knew, these strangers could have their archers crawling on the deck grounds as they spoke.

And when the ships reached the forefront, the archers could spring up and begin taking them to death.

Make no mistake. 

These tall ships were akin to tall city walls. The arrow range would increase, allowing them to shoot far distances.

And what this spelled out for them was misfortune.

With that, the city lord and several other nobles rode their horses behind the rows of first-line archers and shield knights. 

Now, all they could do was wait. 


[5 minutes post-arrival.]

3… 2… 1…

[All ground units or worse for departure! May the ancestors be with you all.]


The ignition was turned on, and the vehicles were all alive. 

Landon threw a piece of gum in his mouth, looking at the gathering of seated men in his military truck, looking to the ground in utter silence. 

Some crossed their hands against their chests, leaned back, and closed their eyes as though sleeping, while others only took out their daggers, sharpening them against one another. 

Others continued reading their books as though the announcement had nothing to do with them. But that was far from what their inner feelings were.

They were here for the Double-S class mission.


Many took in deep breaths, calling their chaotic hearts. 

Indeed… May the ancestors be with them all. 

Suddenly, a loud metal sound echoed out. 

Many didn’t need to see to know what that sound was. 


Murdock almost had a pleasant heart attack, watching a part of the lower ship walls open up and lower itself to the docks. 

How? How is it doing this all on its own? 

Impossible! Those inside must have somehow lowered it with rope. 

Good… Good… 

Murdock was already smiling like a silly goose. 

But this wasn’t all that made his heart tremble.

After the part was lowered, the railings on the lowered floor began to blink from red to green. 

What was this? 

How did they do it? Were there Phoenix fireflies in there that made it glow so brilliantly during this bright daytime?


I’ll be damned!

The more Murdoch saw, the more he went into a blissful cardiac arrest. 

’I can now die with no regrets?… Impossible! This daddy must get these ships!’

Murdock was already fantasizing about how he would use them. But nothing could’ve prepared him for what was to come next. 

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