I'm the King Of Technology

Chapter 1454 Danger All Around

In this world, there we’re all sorts of boggles/whales. 

But the most dangerous of all was the double-tailed boggle!

It was aggressive, far bigger than any shape Landon had ever known and was always ready to pick a fight. 

The school of boggles wasted no time surrounding their ships, as though wanting to take them down to the dark chests below. 

The atmosphere was tense, and many could feel death’s claws.

There were at least 60 boggles surrounding them.


Landon’s eyes grew grim. 

”Everyone, battle stations! Man the death shooters, ready the missiles and prepare to attack!”

Landon’s cold voice echoed out like a heavenly order. 

The alarms sounded within every interior chamber of the ships, and even those previously napping were up and out of their beds. 

”What’s happening? What danger are we about to face?”

Many ran while asking the necessary questions. 

And soon, a public announcement was read similar to Landon’s orders on deck. 

Man the machines! Shoot in all directions! Kill without mercy!

Cold sweat trickled down everyone’s face.

It was either them, or these boggles. 

Get pulled down into the depths of the ocean without a fight? Naive!

Their meeting such boggles might also be because of the oath they choose. 

It’s said that many sailors avoided this particular path. 


To get to the empire they were targeting, the closest way would be to pass through the waters between Veinitta and Omania before heading towards Zohl from its bottom region of the continent. 

It can be said that not all the waters between Veinitta and Omania were dangerous. 

No. In truth, most of those waters were calm and peaceful. 

But when it came to a particular coordinate/route, most sailors, if not all, would avoid it.

The seas in this world were turbulent. And many also found themselves at a disadvantage whether they passed through this particular route. 

Hence, the route was named the Chaos Route.

In the winter, especially, this route was more dangerous than a majority of places on land. 

But why did Landon choose this path? Because it was the shortest point to the Zohl empire he was headed. 

The system gave him a deadline or completed his mission. And any delays could cost him his life!

That’s right. That was the punishment the system would give if he failed in rescuing that Zohl boy In time. 

Imagine if he came late, realizing that an arrow was already pierced into the boy’s head?

The system would definitely tell him before he got to see the corpse, and his punishment would begin. 

Dare to let a chosen son of the heavens die under your watch?

Landon had cold sweats thinking of how bad things would be if he delayed any further. 

That said, going on this route was his best option. Of course, he also factored in a few delay dates just in case.

In the end, even with the delay dates added, this route was still the shortest!

It should be noted that around these parts, the water direction and currents were strange.


On one sailing route, the water had formed a strange thick upper layer similar to clouds. 

And on that route, one could only go towards a single direction, as though being led forward to the edge of a waterfall. 

Sailing in the opposite direction was difficult, that’s to the water direction. 

And in another sailing route, the waters went in the opposite direction instead. 

And the push from the start current made sail time shortened by a few weeks for many rowing their boats. 

So these many directional routes were popular. You hope on one and get to where you need to be. 

It’s just that getting oneself out of the route requires skilled rowing maneuvers and experience. 

Landon had never seen such waters before in his life. 

The more he knew about this world, the more he felt it was a mix of science and fantasy. 

Why was one part as fluffy as clouds? 

This was also dangerous because sea creatures could easily sneak up on ships from below. 

It was almost as though the Goddess that created this world was drunk the day she made this world. 

And for him, an earthling used to the earthy world, many things here didn’t make sense. Maybe you can blame it on the slight differences in gravity, the slight differences in soil properties, weather, the strange creatures, and whatnot.

But when trying to explain it through science,

Of course, just like how earth had its involved mysteries that scientists couldn’t crack, one could also assume that the many blizzard things in this world were also unsolvable mysterious. 

But Landon knew the truth in his heart. 

From the beginning of time, the Goddess had created her world like this. 

End of story. 

With people having strange powers and even the Holy city existing… Wasn’t this all connected?

What she, the other gods and goddesses watching over this universe chose to bless, they blessed.

The world was filled with wanders that Landon knew could never be explained by science. 

How can a waterfall glow against gravity upwards to a blessed towering land in Zalipnia? How can some humans have the powers to do what they did? 

Those in the future will never be able to find the answer by relying only on science. 


Din. Din. Din. Din. Din. Din~

The thunderous boots of many echoed across the ships. 

Some hopped on the open heavy artillery guns on deck, while others paired themselves in teams, holding out missile launchers, ready for action.

Of course, those in the Control rooms also squeezed their joysticks, steadily locking position with the creatures on the radar.


Down below, there were 50 boggles that differed from the 60 or so already above the water surface. 

Sweet mother of Pearls. 

Were they going to get attacked from underneath and from the sides?

”Everyone, secure yourselves! It’s going to be bumpy!!!”

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