I'm the King Of Technology

Chapter 1328 - A Shameful Night

Chapter 1328 – A Shameful Night

Creak~ Creak~

Whoo~ Whoo~

Ribbit. Ribbit~

The finely tuned songs from the night creatures echoed through the dense, luscious forests. The leaves rested ever so slightly as the wind gently flew by.

The night breeze was soft and very infectious, as it could make many who fall to their beds sleep in little to no time.

And as though hypnotized to its wile charms, several beasts were already quick to fall asleep.

But for the many strangers in the woods, tonight was but a bloody one!

Already, the many teams, both air and land, had long been on the move.

12, Midnight.


Landon, Josh and a few others stealthily descended into the palace via the towering walls at the East.

Their faces were smeared and dirtied, and their outer outfits looked like that of ordinary peasants and slaves.

Landon quickly rolled behind the bushes nearby, lifting his head and observing via his goggles.

And soon enough, he gave a sign to others not too far away from him.

[All clear.]


Like so, the men rushed forward in that manner, with a few people always moving ahead to check out the scene before the rest arrived.

And soon enough, they reached the midsection of the peasant/slave quarters.

The houses here were all 1-floor buildings, with very short roofs. However, what the buildings lacked in height, they made up for in width.

The buildings were stretched far and organized as though they were a cramped dormitory.

No… It could be said that within each tiny room in the buildings, at least 5 or more people would squish up on one another. Even the slaves who have married each other and had children here all slept in this one room, with everyone's feet touching one another.

There was little to no privacy. And because of this, most slaves would sneak outside at night to have some intimacy out in the bushes around their resting quarters.

Landon, Josh and everyone else quickly picked out the many weird noises around them.

It was already a little past midnight. And the palace had its official sleeping time at 11 P.M.

This only meant that after 11, no one should be walking about again.

It was only when feasts or palace events were held that one would see people, both guests or staff moving about after the official sleeping hours.

Of course, people could walk around the courtyards or personal spaces. But going too far away would only land one in serious trouble.

Listening to the sounds of people sneaking about, Josh, Landon, and the rest began moving across the scene as fast as they could.

With a quick look, Landon used his binoculars to spot the many air force teams all in place.

It was already past midnight. And in a little while more, Zeus' hellish fires would descend.

So they couldn't afford to dilly dally any more. They had approximately 43 minutes to get as close to the targeted sector as possible!

Like so, the gang hastened their movements, finally separating into different directions after leaving the slave/peasant quarters.


Operation rescue Tilda has now fully commenced!

Landon, Josh and the rest all had various tasks and goals in mind.

Meanwhile, in the innermost sector, Paula was chained and led to Alexander's chambers like a dog.

Steel by step, she had been dragged by the large chain around her neck.

She wore 2 pieces of very airy and see-through fabrics that could rip apart from any subtle movements: one tied around her waist and another holding her bosoms in place.


The wind gently caressed her nipples, making them harden and turn pointy. A mature seductress she looked like. The guards licked their lips, getting many glimpses of her back and front.


The men snickered amidst Paula's discomfort.

And every single step she took only made her legs feel heavier and heavier with fear.

Tonight, that dog man would have her.

And this alone made her spine tingle, as though a thousand spiders crawled up her back.

It's been over 16 years that her old bones had a taste of a man… She had never had a good experience with the whole feat, fearing for her dear life, whoever she had any form of intimacy with her 'dear' husband. When he stopped seeing her ages ago, she was so thankful that she went one on one knee and began fasting for a few days.

The experience was always brutal, bloody, and not at all passionate as some people had made it out to be.

"Move your damn feet! Do I have to drag you all the way? I said move!"

~ Shring!

The leading guards yanked her dog chain, causing Paula to leap forward, almost falling into the ground.

No one pitied her, feeling that she truly deserved her fate.


Blame her for being a seductress. If she hadn't shown off her body to his majesty, would he even desire her?

Women like this pretend that they don't like something, when in fact, what they mean is that they want more.

That's right. When a woman says no… She means yes, instead.


Paula lowered her head, forcing herself to calm down. And the moment she raised her head again, her expression was cold and detached.

Crying would only make that bastard happy. So why would she give him the satisfaction?

For her granddaughter's sake, she had to be strong!

With firm steps, she lifted her chest high and began to wall like a queen. Everyone briefly glanced at her with contempt, not diving to depth about her sudden change.

To them, her fate was already sealed. So what was all this pretentious crap about?

~Tap. Tall. Tap. Tap. Tap~

Step by step, she was led into the main building, seeing no one except several guards at sight.

And the moment they stepped into the entrance hall, they came face to face with a man with a burnt neck and a fierce face.

"Miss Paula, his majesty is waiting. So seeing that tomorrow is your granddaughter's big day, we wouldn't want to keep him up any longer, right?"

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